The South Mountain lookout is a location in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia in 2102.
A man named Dave took refuge in the tower at some point after his dog, Rufus, was taken, swearing revenge upon those who took him.[1]
This ranger lookout is situated on a cliff and has a good view of the surrounding area. At its base is a small shed with some junk items on a couple of shelves. The stairs leading up to the top of the tower are booby-trapped.
A map in the top of the tower has a knife placed in it near where the Lucky Hole mine is located.
- 給入侵者的提醒 - 瞭望塔內床上。
- 憤怒的筆記 - 瞭望塔的東南方,在其南方的裂隙地點東北方,湖泊的岸邊懸岩邊有個鐵皮屋,屋內床邊桌上。
- 失敗的筆記 - 同上,屋子外面木製看台右邊的骷髏旁。
- Random magazine - To the southeast of the lookout, behind a Radiation King TV monitor to the right of the archery target.
The South Mountain lookout appears only in Fallout 76.
- ↑ Note to trespassers