關於勞爾,辐射2中英克雷的机械师,參見劳尔(Fallout 2)


劳尔·阿方索·特哈达(英文名:Raul Alfonso Tejada[1]是一个屍鬼机械师,枪手和可能的同伴,来自墨西哥,被囚禁在2281年的黑山










把他以前生活的方方面面抛诸脑后 - 包括劳尔经常开玩笑说的“他的脸” - 他游荡到墨西哥湾沿岸,住在一个无人认领的彼得-奇科炼油厂。他在这里花了很长一段时间,思考他迄今为止的生活。他找到了一件奇科石油连身衣,并开始穿上它,从服装的缝在名牌中取了"米格尔"的名字。他最终到达了图森市,亚利桑那州,现在被称为双日城。他在那里定居下来,成为了一名机械师和普通杂工,他把枪藏在了不能再造成伤害的地方。在75年的相对和平之后,他遇到了克劳迪亚 - 她是当地一家妓院的妓女,和拉斐拉长得非常像。这提醒着他失去了什么,在这种激励下,他花时间照顾她 – 但是,由于显而易见的原因,他从来没有去看过她。[8]

这种和平并没有持续多久。在凯撒军团崛起之前,亚利桑那州充斥着入侵者和部落,给该地区带来了稳定,把'Dirty Dave'和他的六个兄弟带到镇上寻找子弹。劳尔卖给他们弹药,希望他们得到想要的东西后就会离开 - 相反,他们决定要到妓院。一进妓院,戴夫和他的兄弟们就杀了四个女孩,并把克劳迪亚占为己有。劳尔追了过去,在废土上追了三天之后,劳尔赶上了他们。他找到克劳迪亚的时候,她已经死了。劳尔怒不可遏,冲了进去,在最后的决战中杀死了他们所有人。然而,青春不再站在他这一边,战斗使他受了重伤;他活着纯粹是为了报复肮脏戴夫和他的兄弟们。[9]中了几枪之后,劳尔一直呆在营地里,直到他有力气站起来,走回双日城,恢复了健康。[10]






Perk nociception regulator color
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。状态在硬核模式 开始时过期。
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予定期维护, 充分维护老派牛仔辅助能力。
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: 100


  • 疯狂,疯狂,疯狂: 劳尔可以作为任务的一部分被招募,或者只是去黑山把他救出来。为了释放劳尔,需要打开他的监狱门,通过门旁边的非常困难锁的终端机。可以通过黑客入侵,也可以通过接收它的密码(123456789)来访问,后者可以通过在同一房间的非锁定终端机上读取条目6来找到。
  • 守旧派尸鬼: 当劳尔是一个激活的同伴,与洛亚尔斯特林下士游骑兵安迪对话并用尽所有对话选项。完成最后一次对话后,劳尔将与信使展开新的对话。请注意,杀死任何非玩家角色都会导致任务失败,导致劳尔的新衣服无法获得,除非通过控制台命令。


  • 他是一个非常能干的修理工,但只会在他的棚屋修理,即使那样也不会提供折扣。在修理之前,他必须首先作为同伴被解雇("最好")。将他解雇到幸运38赌场也不能进行修复。
  • 样品价格: (65交易技能)
  • 劳尔会评论并吃他库存中任何甜的东西,比如日落沙士。如果是日落沙士(或其他甜食,如泡泡糖)放进他的库存里,他会说下面的一段话:
    • "你会把我的牙都弄坏的,老板。不管怎样,剩下的是什么。"
    • "你怎么知道我爱吃甜食,老板?"
    • "啊,沙士。这正是我干枯的喉咙所需要的。"
  • 如果玩家让劳尔做一些特定的动作,他就会表现出他的明显状态。
    • 如果让他穿上厚重的盔甲,他会抱怨玩家"破坏[他]膝盖的速度比大自然还快。"
    • 潜行的时候,他会说各种各样的话,说事情不会进展顺利。首先,他会反驳道:“保持安静,除非我吱吱作响的膝盖出卖了我们……” 如果他被说服继续他的持枪方式,他会讽刺地评论一个尸鬼“牛仔”将如何与风景融为一体。
    • 当被要求靠近时,他会说“再近你就需要消輻寧],老板。”只有發光種才能照亮周围的环境,所以这只是他的幽默感。
    • 当他受到足够的伤害时,他会说:“老板!伤口的疼痛开始超过关节炎的疼痛了!”他还会说“老板!”我的下巴还在吗?很好,能帮我保持这种状态吗?”
  • 当信使被不同的派系,如NCR,凯撒军团和钢铁兄弟会诽谤时,劳尔有各种各样的讽刺妙语。
    • 智力的信使最终会把劳尔的讽刺当真。


  • 如果玩家在对付塔比瑟之前得到了勞爾作为同伴,她就会通过广播电台表达她的不满,说“不!我不会让你带走我的劳尔!”之后,电台将不再播放音乐。然后她会出现在监狱大楼外,与其他几个夜行者一起攻击。
    • 如果信使处理了塔比瑟,释放了劳尔,但没有招募他,他会注意到黑山的无线电静默,并询问他是否可以离开。


  • 他在莫哈韋周围的位置有独特的空闲对话:
地点 评论
敢死队营地 呃。这些士兵看起来和我的感觉一样,老板。
夕阳沙士公司总部, 費斯圖斯 就像看着镜子一样。一面俗气的、饰有牛仔花饰的镜子。
胡佛大坝 真不敢相信我要这么做了,老板。如果我把它买下来,我的葬礼上要有12支墨西哥流浪乐队。奖牌也不错。
雅各布斯镇 我说出来吧,老板如果这些超级变种人绑架我们逼我们给他们修烤面包机,都怪你。
瑞普康试验场 嘿,我是你们中的一员!别吃我,吃光滑的皮!哦,抱歉,老板。
探照灯营地 我想像追捕野生动物一样追捕尸鬼是可以的。我是说,反正他们也会死的,对吧,老板?


  • 大多数废土人经常会消极地评论他的尸鬼状态,说诸如“你的朋友闻起来像一袋腐烂的肉”或“你的朋友是个丑陋的混蛋!”
  • 3号避难所中的惡魔幫在与他们战斗时经常会说“你的朋友闻起来像屁股”和“把你的宠物尸鬼从我身边带走!”
  • 蛾摩拉楼层经理会像对待其他赌徒一样对待劳尔,向他保证,即使他是一个尸鬼,他也能“玩得开心”。
  • 蛾摩拉前跳舞的妓女们偶尔会说:“嗯,我以前从来没有遇见过尸鬼。”我能保留小费吗?”这是一个黄色笑话,一个患有麻风病的男人雇了一个妓女,说他“让她留着小费”,指的是他身体的一个特定部分。
  • 赌徒会评论劳尔出现在拉斯维加斯大道上,说“我以为他们不允许尸鬼出现在拉斯维加斯大道上。”
  • 大炮族会说:“我从未近距离见过尸鬼。我不确定我是否想这么做。”
  • 鋼鐵兄弟會成员们会说:“哦,太好了,现在我也不得不忍受腐烂的尸鬼的恶臭了。我希望空气过滤器还能用。”
  • 当劳尔被带到特定地点时,将会有独特的对话:
    • 当被带到新維加斯賭城NCR大使馆时,MP将随机接近玩家,只是为了评论劳尔(更确切地说,是指大道上出现的尸鬼)。


# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Raul end slide 01
在经历了漫长而多事的一生后,劳尔的好运气终于在他和信使在一起的时候用完了。 劳尔死亡。 (将覆盖所有其他结局)
Raul end slide 01
面对晚年,劳尔仍然在自我怀疑中挣扎,他一直无法平静下来。最终,他离开了莫哈韦,换了个新名字,就像他以前做过很多次那样。 释放劳尔或把他作为同伴,不要完成他的个人任务守旧派尸鬼
Raul end slide 01
与信使一起旅行使劳尔精神振奋,他再次拿起枪来纪念他失去的拉斐拉。不久之后,莫哈韦就充满了尸鬼牛仔的传说,猎杀那些捕猎弱者的人。 让劳尔成为同伴,并通过说服他再次成为一名牛仔来完成他的个人任务——守旧派尸鬼。
Raul end slide 01
劳尔相信他的枪手时代已经过去,他接受了变老的想法。在跟随信使旅行了一段时间后,他退休了,定居在维加斯外围,在那里他每天修理古老的机器。 让劳尔成为同伴,并通过同意他作为枪手的时代已经过去来完成他的个人任务,守旧派尸鬼。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Petró-Chico outfit Raul's .44 Magnum revolver


  • 就像Desmond Lockheart, 勞爾有著倖免於殭屍化的小鬍子。
  • 杰森·布莱特迪恩·多米诺, the Chinese remnants, 和(可能的) 莫伊拉‧布朗一样,劳尔的声音听着不那么刺耳和沙哑,这在屍鬼中很少见。
  • 极难从勞爾处偷窃,即使使用了隱形小子
  • 勞爾是基础游戏里唯一一个不属于任何派别且能100%修复物品的非玩家角色。
  • 在招募他为同伴之前,劳尔将在他的监狱房间里收费修理物品。在招募他并请他修理后,劳尔会说俏皮话,并建议他去他的小屋。只要作为同伴的他被解雇到窝棚,他就能修理。当玩家重新要求其跟随时,所有瓶盖将从他的库存中消失。
  • 当被问及他能提供什么技能时,劳尔声称他的主要价值是成为“行走的百科全书”,但他很少有什么有见地的话要说。他的大部分玩笑都是通过讽刺的赞美和不真诚的热情来嘲笑信使的选择。
  • 如果玩家角色在第一次之后一直问他是谁,他最终会问信使是否被击中头部,因为你忘记得太快了。
  • 如果被问到为什么他的连身衣上写着米格尔,他会简单地说:“我不知道;可能是因为它曾经是米格尔的。”
  • 他类似于辐射2中的伊克,因为他们都是被奴役的,都是修理工,并将玩家角色称为“boss”。
  • 尽管劳尔带有讽刺意味,但从他被解雇时的反应来看,他似乎很享受信使的陪伴。
  • 尽管游戏的英语版本除了能正确发音西班牙语单词和名字外,并没有对他的口音做太多处理,但西班牙语、法语、德语和意大利语版本却给了劳尔一种非常刻板的墨西哥牛仔口音。
  • 此外,在意大利版本中,劳尔说话嘶哑,就像几乎所有其他尸鬼一样。
  • 劳尔是唯一一个对军团持无所谓态度的人形同伴。
  • 尽管拥有科学技能,劳尔从未表现出任何显著的电脑能力。这在疯狂,疯狂,疯狂中尤其明显,当被问及朗达时,劳尔表示他很容易地修复了机械问题,但无法纠正编程问题。





  • 勞爾·特哈達由Travis Stout撰写。
  • 劳尔在2010年9月的PlayStation博客"辐射:新维加斯PS3版:PlayStation博客遇见同伴"预览中被推荐。他被描述为混血儿。他的年龄是230岁,这与他234岁的年龄相矛盾。
  • 他所说的超级变种人让他修理烤面包机是指在'废土'的"烤面包机修理"技能。
  • Cut content 全息磁盘陷入困境的尸鬼,表明劳尔被囚禁在黑山,是在听了广播后给玩家角色的。


  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When asked to go to the Lucky 38, a notification will pop up saying he has gone there. When looking for him in the Lucky 38 later, he will not be there, and will stay at the last location the player asked him to leave. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Unlike other companions, Raul won't walk around while in the Lucky 38, but will stand in the main room to the right of the door until spoken to. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 After fast-traveling to a location, Raul will occasionally start running away as quickly as he can for no reason, and cannot be interacted with. Loading to a new area or simply waiting for him to turn around will correct this. This also happens with Cass as a companion. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When Raul awakens after being knocked unconscious, he will sometimes claim to have had a nightmare of Petro Chico Boy "stealing his chicharrones (Spanish for pork rinds)", but the subtitles will incorrectly use the word "chitlins" instead of "chicharrones". [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes if the player speaks to him in the Lucky 38 presidential suite, a generic Great Khan will spawn. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 By pressing "Take All" when pickpocketing Raul, the caps will still appear in the player's inventory despite being caught. To repeat this again, take him outside of his shack and dismiss him as a companion. This allows the player to get free repairs infinitely. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When leaving a casino, if Raul is given a weapon, the weapon's weight will be present, but no item can be seen. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 His voice will change if given a stimpak. [已验证]



  1. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Raul Tejada: "Always happy to repeat myself for you, boss. Raul Alfonso Tejada, aka Old Miguel, former gunslinger, sole survivor of Hidalgo Ranch, and ghost of Mexico City at your service."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "How old are you?"
    Raul Tejada: "I was born in 2047, boss. If you do the math on that, I'm sure you'll get within a decade or so."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  3. Raul Tejada: "I grew up in a place called Hidalgo Ranch just outside Mexico City. It wasn't much, just a bit of farm with a house for three generations of Tejadas. I wasn't the best-behaved kid. I was quick with my hands, with a pistol or a wrench, and I wasn't afraid to get into fights over it. I never killed anybody, but I had my share of run-ins with the police. Mostly my family kept me in line. This was before the war. We were far enough away from Mexico City when the bombs fell that we missed the worst of it - but things got bad quick."
    The Courier: "Go on."
    Raul Tejada: "Just a few days after Mexico City was vaporized, refugees started pouring down the road to our ranch. We helped who we could, but there were so many. Eventually, my father started turning people away before we ran out of food. Things got violent. My father and I got our guns, and we drove them off."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "What happened then?"
    Raul Tejada: "About two dozen men came back in the night, after we'd gone to sleep. They set fire to the ranch house and barred the doors from the outside. My whole family was trapped inside. I smelled the smoke and got myself and my little sister, Rafaela, out though a window, but everyone else.... My parents, my grandmother, my two brothers and two of my sisters all died."
    The Courier: "What happened then?"
    Raul Tejada: " Rafaela and I ran. We were pursued by some of the men who attacked our home, but I was always a good shot. The ones who came after us, I killed. The rest, I left be. I had to take care of Rafaela, not throw my life away on revenge."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  5. Raul Tejada: "After the fire, I knew my sister and I couldn't stay at Hidalgo Ranch anymore. The refugees still wanted me dead - they even put a bounty on me. I remember how scared Rafaela was. I told her if she came with me, we'd see the vaqueros - she used to love the rodeo, especially the trick riders. We figured maybe we could find help in Mexico City - we were young, we didn't know what had happened, really. We didn't understand about the bombs."
    The Courier: "Wasn't Mexico City basically annihilated in the Great War?"
    Raul Tejada: "I don't think it was as hard hit as DC or Bakersfield, but it was bad enough. By the time we got there, the city was a radioactive ruin. Still, the city was full of looters, already forming into the beginnings of raider tribes. Crime was bad before the War, but now it was a nightmare. We were living like scavengers, scraping by on what little food we could find, always looking for medicine for my burns. And then, of course, the radiation started to kick in, turning me into this handsome devil you see before you."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Sounds pretty bad."
    Raul Tejada: "You're a poet of understatement, boss. But there were moments it was almost worth it. I still remember finding that novelty costume shop. I was just looking for something I could slice up to wrap my burns when I saw the vaquero outfit hanging on the rack, like it hadn't been touched. I took it - not like anybody else needed it, you know? - and wore it back to our camp. Rafaela laughed for the first time since the bombs had fallen."
    The Courier: "Wasn't it dangerous to be dressed so... noticably?"
    Raul Tejada: "It was. I started to build up a legend. Sometimes it headed off trouble, but most of the time it just started more. Young punks looking to prove themselves would come looking for me, but my eyes were sharp and my guns were quick. For a while it seemed like we might even survive there, until... until Rafaela."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Go on. What happened to Rafaela?"
    Raul Tejada: "She went out to find some food one day. I was sick, so I stayed at our camp. I guess it must have been the beginnings of radiation poisoning. Anyway, it was supposed to be safe, but some raiders happened to pass through where she was scavenging. I won't speak of what they did to her. When I found her body, the only way to recognize her was this funny little scar on her knee from when she was a little girl."
    The Courier: "That's terrible, Raul."
    Raul Tejada: "Terrible doesn't begin to cover it, boss. I'd let my whole family down - first the ranch, now Rafaela. I was the last Tejada. I guess maybe I went a little crazy then. I took my guns, and I went back to that market. I didn't have many bullets, but I had enough. After the raiders were dead, I salvaged what I could from the store. I was tired... I just wanted to be alone forever."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "So what did you do?"
    Raul Tejada: "I left Mexico City behind. I made my way out to the Gulf Coast, eventually I found an old Petro-Chico refinery nobody had claimed. I stayed there for a little while, and I thought a lot about my life. I thought about the guns I'd lived by and what they'd gotten me. I decided my guns hadn't gotten me anything, and it was time to give it up. I took off that old vaquero outfit, and put on a Petro-Chico jumpsuit. The name tag said 'Miguel,' so I started using the name myself. Eventually I made it to Arizona... but that's another story, boss."
    The Courier: "Why aren't you still there, then?"
    Raul Tejada: "Getting there, boss. I'd been in Tuscon - the locals can call it Two-Sun all they want, but it's Tuscon, dammit - about 75 years when she showed up. Prettiest thing you ever saw, boss. Maybe it was just a trick of my senile brain, but I swear she looked just like my Rafaela. Her name was Claudia. She ended up taking work at one of the brothels in town. I never went to her, of course - how could I? But I looked after her in my own way."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "What happened with her?"
    Raul Tejada: "This was a long time ago. Before Caesar's Legion pacified Arizona and brought the raider tribes to heel. A tribe came into Tuscon one day - more a gang, really. Dirty Dave and his six brothers. They were looking for bullets, and I sold some to them. I figured if I did that, they'd leave town before they tore it up too much."
    The Courier: "But they didn't, did they?"
    Raul Tejada: "No, boss. No they didn't. As I was saying, I hoped they'd leave the town in peace. Instead, they decided to stop at Claudia's brothel to take the edge off. I don't know which one of them got rowdy first, but by the time I heard the screams and got my guns, it was too late. They'd shot up the brothel, killed four girls, and taken Claudia for their sport."
    The Courier: "Did you rescue her?"
    Raul Tejada: "I went after Dave and his brothers. They had a head start, but they slept nights. I didn't. Took me three days to catch up to them. Claudia was dead when I got there. They'd put a bullet in each of her eyes. I couldn't do anything except avenge her, just like Rafaela. I charged into the middle of their camp and started firing - two of them were dead before they knew I was there. The other five, though.... They shot the shit out of me. I would have died, I think, if I wasn't so full of rage."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "How did you survive?"
    Raul Tejada: "By being a meaner old cuss than the rest of them, boss. I wanted to keep living until they weren't, so I just kept shooting until they were all dead. I was in pretty bad shape in the end, though. I don't know how long I laid there with the sun baking me and the buzzards chomping at me. Eventually I got the strength to start moving. Some long time after that, I managed to drag my carcass back to town."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "What happened then?"
    Raul Tejada: "When I recovered - more or less, anyways - I left Tuscon and headed west. I ran into Tabitha at Black Mountain and, well, the rest you know. I swore I was done with the gunslinging life - I was too old, too slow, and too beat up to protect anyone anymore. I thought I was done forever... but after traveling with you, I realize I've always had my doubts."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "How do you feel about Caesar's Legion?"
    Raul Tejada: "I don't really have a problem with them. People around here tend to see them as invading marauders planning to burn and pillage the countryside. But I've been to Arizona, boss. Before the Legion, it was a nasty place, so thick with raiders you couldn't trade with a town two miles up the road. Caesar's laws aren't nice, and their actions aren't always pretty. But then, neither am I, but you keep me around."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "What's your take on the NCR?"
    Raul Tejada: "They're all right, I suppose. Had a bit of tough going there at the beginning - you know their first town was nearly wiped out by raiders? Anyway, they've got their good points and their bad, just like a lot of the old governments from before the War."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "Can you tell me anything about Mr. House?"
    Raul Tejada: "Just how old do you think I am, boss? Because I can pretty much guarantee I'm older than that. Let me tell you a story from before the Great War: Everybody knew Robert House. He was a genius. A superstar. Founded RobCo at 22, dated Hollywood starlets, the works. They say he saved Las Vegas. I was in Mexico City when the bombs dropped. Even from there, we could see House's defensive rockets shooting down the incoming missiles. Everybody assumed he died in the War. Maybe he did. But his robots are still out there, roaming the Wastes. And now, a Mr. House rules New Vegas."
    The Courier: "Maybe there's a connection. Can you remember anything else about Robert House?"
    Raul Tejada: "I remember there were some weird stories about him, especially near the end. There was a tell-all in El Periodico de las Aburridas by a starlet House dated. She said they never, um... don't make me spell it out, boss. Anyway, she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits."
    The Courier: "That's sickening."
    Raul Tejada: "It was quite the scandal, at least in the Latin-American tabloid journalism market."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  15. The Courier: "You can't seriously think they're the same Mr. House."
    Raul Tejada: "Maybe not. Maybe the new guy is just a clever raider chief with a knowledge of history. Maybe he just left instructions for his robots to carry out in his name. Or maybe Robert House uploaded his brain pattern into a computer and rules to this day, a godless, soulless machine-god! Or maybe the whole thing's a crazy coincidence. Who knows?"
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
