2059年,安克雷奇前线在阿拉斯加建立,以保护其自然资源免受中华人民共和国的侵害。[Non-canon 1] 当阿拉斯加输油管道的一部分穿过加拿大领土时,美国试图向加拿大施压,要求其允许美国军队保护该资源。[Non-canon 1] 这种存在反过来又引起了紧张局势和骚乱,美国以此为借口于2072年6月3日吞并了该国。[1][Non-canon 2]
- 阿拉斯加输油管道
- Edmonton
- 当Danielle Faye被盗车辆被追回时,里面包括一面加拿大国旗。[2]
- 当与卡斯谈论Jean-Baptiste Cut时,她取笑他的名字,说这听起来像是“加拿大人”。
- 心怀不满的士兵杰基在终点站上提到了加拿大。[3]
- 在先鋒童子軍營地的考试中,加拿大被列为“哪个国家最先建立主要铁路系统?”这个问题的错误答案 。
- 日落沙士的销售数据可以在公司总部的信息图表海报上找到。 海报包括加拿大的销售数据。[4]
- 一些人,如玛吉·勒巴吉和Dave Handy,在战前从加拿大前往美国。[5][6]
- 在辐射3中,所有邮箱都有5%的机会将邮件发送给无法在当地避难所中找到位置的居民。信中列出了其他地点,包括“新吞并的加拿大”作为可能的选择。[7]
- 辐射战略版中有一个特殊遭遇事件,称为“Canadian Invasion Recreationists”。在这次遭遇中,Clarisse会指示一群人聚集在地面上绘制的线的美国一侧旁边。[8] 然后,她将指导小组走到队伍的加拿大一侧,一旦完成,小组就会喝醉庆祝。[9] 她提到有强有力的证据表明加拿大军队穿着粉红色。[10]
- 辐射战略版中的另一个随机遭遇称事件为加拿大入侵,其中一个团体对任何接近的人都怀有敌意,称他们为“加拿大人渣”和“狡猾的人”,并进一步评论说加拿大发动了大战。[11] 在战斗中,他们说他们“入侵过你的国家一次,我们还会再来一次!”[12][13]
- 加拿大西北地区将在已取消的辐射:极限中探索,在蒙托克保护区和大集会等地点,因纽特人和蒙托克美洲原住民是相关派系。
- 在辐射:新维加斯,独特的导弹发射器安娜貝爾的正面有一片枫叶,可能参考了加拿大国旗上的枫叶。
- Quebec Claw是Yukon Five的次要对手,它参考了加拿大的位置,魁北克。 虚构的故事发生在育空地区。
Survivalist's rifle detailing
Canada to the east of Alaska
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- June 3, 2072, U.S. to Annex Canada!
- ↑ Germantown police HQ terminal entries; Police station terminal, Impound Information, Case 43027
- ↑ Wastewater treatment plant terminal entries; Jackie's computer, Earthquakes
- ↑ Sales figures
- ↑ The Chosen One: "{119}{}{What brought you down?}"
Dave Handy: "{129}{}{The Hub recruiter, Vikki Goldman. I saw one of her movies up in Canada, and I just knew that she'd fall in love with me. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm working on it.}"
(Dave Handy's dialogue) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{130}{}{Are you a Redding native?}"
Marge LeBarge: "{144}{}{Heck no. I was born way up north. Right on the edge of a lake. Lake LeBarge, it was.}"
(Marge LeBarge's dialogue) - ↑ Letter from Vault-Tec
- ↑ Clarisse: "MZ05_Clarisse_A00_W = { Alright ladies and gents. The Invasion is about to start. If we can all get to the American side of the line... that's lovely. }"
(Clarisse's dialogue) - ↑ Clarisse: "MZ05_Clarisse_B00_W = { Now if you'll all just step over to the Canadian side of the line... }"
(Clarisse's dialogue) - ↑ Clarisse: "MZ05_Clarisse_D03 = { There is a strong argument for showing that the Canadian Army wore pink... }"
(Clarisse's dialogue) - ↑ MIS Z04 Speech.txt: "MZ04_Morons_A02 = { They're devious, these Canadians. }"
- ↑ MIS Z04 Speech.txt: "MZ04_Morons_A03 = { I heard that Canadia started the great war. }"
- ↑ MIS Z04 Speech.txt: "MZ04_Moron_C00_W = { We don't speak with your kind, Canadian scum! We invaded your country once, and we'll do it again! }"
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2059 The Anchorage Front Line is established, as the United States increases its military presence in Alaska to protect its oil interests. The Anchorage Front Line causes tensions in the United States and Canada, as the United States attempts to pressure Canada into allowing American military units to guard the Alaskan pipeline."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2072 The United States' increasing demand for Canadian resources causes protests and riots in several Canadian cities. An attempted sabotage attempt of the Alaskan pipeline is all the military needs as an excuse to begin its annexation of Canada... which in fact, had already begun in 2067."