拆分 (原因: 特定游戏的易访问性)
辐射, 辐射2, 和 辐射战略版[]
- T-51b动力装甲增加3点力量。
- 高级动力装甲增加4点力量。
- 鋼鐵兄弟會可以执行一个操作将提高1点力量,前提是能够提供(辐射)或找到合适的模块芯片(辐射2)。
- 壮大灵能暂时增加2点力量。
- 一些辅助能力可以增加力量。当获选者的生命值少于50%时,肾上腺素增加1点力量。 增加辅助能力可以使力量增加1。 当检查修饰词时,一些辅助能力会提高力量。飞刀手!投掷武器时增加2点力量。 为了检查使用武器的最低要求,武器专家将力量提高3。
- 彪形大汉特征使力量增加2,但降低同数值的行动点数。
辅助能力 | 需求 | 等级 | 额外需求 | 游戏 |
近战伤害奖励 | 6 | 3 | 敏捷 6 | 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射战略版 |
石墙 | 6 | 3 | - | 辐射2, 辐射战略版 |
虎背 | 6 | 3 | 耐力 6 | 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射战略版 |
Steady Arm | 6 | 4 | 仅超级变种人 | 辐射战略版 |
肾上腺素 | <10 | 6 | - | Fallout 2, 辐射战略版 |
Cancerous Growth | <7 | 6 | 仅尸鬼 | 辐射战略版 |
飞刀手! | <9 | 6 | - | 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射战略版 |
Stunt Man | 6 | 6 | 耐力 6, 敏捷 6, 不能是死亡爪和狗 | 辐射战略版 |
Bonehead | 7 | 7 | - | 辐射战略版 |
Brutish Hulk | 7 | 8 | 耐力 5,仅死亡爪 | 辐射战略版 |
Talon of Fear | 6 | 12 | 肉搏 60%,仅死亡爪 | 辐射战略版 |
武器专家 | <7 | 12 | 敏捷 5 | 辐射2, 辐射战略版 |
Slayer | 8 | 18, 24 | 敏捷 8 | Fallout, Fallout 2, 辐射战略版 |
力量会稍微增加近战伤害和负重能力。近战伤害每2点力量加1伤害(10点时增加+5伤害),负重能力每点增加10磅(10点力量时增加+100磅)。力量不影响肉搏伤害,即使铁拳需要4力量。 与之前的辐射游戏不同,所有武器都没有最低力量要求,只有1点力量的角色可以使用旋轉機槍而不受惩罚。
值 | 负重 | 伤害加成* | 技能修饰词 |
1 | 160 | +0.5 | 战武器 +2 |
2 | 170 | +1 | 战武器 +4 |
3 | 180 | +1.5 | 战武器 +6 |
4 | 190 | +2 | 战武器 +8 |
5 | 200 | +2.5 | 战武器 +10 |
6 | 210 | +3 | 战武器 +12 |
7 | 220 | +3.5 | 战武器 +14 |
8 | 230 | +4 | 战武器 +16 |
9 | 240 | +4.5 | 战武器 +18 |
10 | 250 | +5 | 战武器 +20 |
注释: 不会以任何方式影响肉搏伤害(参见讨论页)。
辅助能力 | 需求 | 等级 | 额外需求 |
Little Leaguer | 4 | 2 | |
铁拳 | 4 | 4 | |
虎背 | 5 | 8 | 耐力 5 |
- 永久
- 摇头娃娃 - 力量 (+1)
- Ant Might任务辅助能力 (+1)
- 强化训练辅助能力 (+1)
- No Weaknesses辅助能力 (如果低于5基数将提高到5)
- 几乎完美辅助能力 (如果低于9基数将提高到9)
- 临时
- 衣服护甲
- 英克雷动力装甲
- 林登的遗弃者动力装甲 (+1)
- 阿什尔的动力装甲 (+1)
- 部落动力装甲 (+1)
- Laborer outfit (+1)
- 英克雷地狱火装甲 (+1)
- 兄弟会动力装甲 (+2)
- 里昂斯的骄傲动力装甲 (+2)
- 流放者动力装甲 (+2)
- 动力装甲 (+2)
- 消耗品
- 辅助能力
- 愣头之怒! (当生命值低于20%时增加到10)
- 太阳能 (早上6点到下午6点之间+2)
修饰词: 近战武器技能, 肉搏伤害, 负重和信使有足够力量使用的武器。
辅助能力 | 需求 | 等级 | 额外需求 |
飞刀手! | 5 | 2 | 爆破 30 |
虎背 | 5 | 8 | 耐力 5 |
Stonewall | 6 | 8 | 耐力 6 |
超级大满贯! | 6 | 8 | 近战武器 45 |
Heavyweight | 7 | 12 | — |
Unstoppable Force | 7 | 12 | 近战武器 90 |
武器专家 | <10 | 16 | — |
负重者 | 6 | 30 | 耐力 6 |
- 6 力量 恐吓No-bark Noonan谈论诺瓦克当地发生的事情。
- 7 力量 "说服"泰龙在别把我当作乞丐期间免费交出drug chemicals。
- 7 力量 在超越牛肉期间将卡莱尔·圣克莱尔三世置于休眠状态(非致命地使他失去知觉)。
- 7 力量 吓唬二等兵爱德华兹,在We Will All Go Together期间让他放弃他的NCR狗牌给上士阿斯特。
- 7 力量 强迫流浪汉告诉你在哪里可以找到Max和他的"奇怪的枪"在我可以让你在乎期间。
- 8 力量 威胁蛾摩拉接待员交出卡西诺房间钥匙在知之甚少期间。
- 9 力量 成功恐吓黑手党暴徒在再见吾爱期间后退(8力量导致只有暴徒领头攻击)。
- 永久
- 可在新维加斯诊所力量植入 (+1)
- 强化训练 辅助能力 (+1)
- The Apocalypse或剧终将使任何一个主要属性提高1。 完成任务
- 可以在完成旧世界蓝调任务后切换这两个辅助能力:
- Spineless辅助能力 (+1)
- Reinforced Spine辅助能力 (+2)
- 加成不会被添加到基础力量中,所以当升级时它不会被计入获得辅助能力的资格。
- 临时
- 衣服护甲
- Brotherhood T-51b power armor (+1)
- Remnants power armor (+1)
- T-51b动力装甲 (+1)
- Lobotomite jumpsuit (+1)
- Courier duster (+1, 凯撒军团)
- Marked tribal armor (+1)
- Scorched Sierra power armor (+1)
- Brotherhood T-45d power armor (+2)
- T-45d 动力装甲 (+2)
- 消耗品
- 食物
- Bighorner steak (+1 - +3 取决于生存技能)
- 婆罗门牛排 (+1 - +3 取决于生存技能)
- Cook-Cook's Fiend stew (+1 - +3 取决于生存技能)
- Mole rat stew (+1 - +3 取决于生存技能)
- 酒 (效果不叠加)
- 啤酒 (根据生存技能+1 - +3 )
- Dixon's whiskey (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Jake Juice (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Rum & Nuka (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Scotch (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- 伏特加 (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- 威士忌 (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Wine (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Irradiated beer (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Irradiated scotch (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Irradiated whiskey (根据生存技能+1 - +3)
- Moonshine (+2)
- 马德雷赌场马丁尼 (+2)
- Wasteland tequila (根据生存技能+2 - +6)
- 战斗啤酒 (+2持续20秒,然后+1)
- Large wasteland tequila (根据生存技能+3 - +9)
- 药物
- 霸力丸 (+2)
- 蚁露 (+4)
- 食物
- 辅助能力
- Meat of Champions (吃尸体后+1,持续60秒)
- Nerd Rage! (当生命值低于20%时增加到10)
- 太阳能 (早上6点到下午6点在户外时+2)
- Atomic! (受到辐射伤害时+2)
- 特征
值 | 名称 | 负重 | 近战伤害加成 | 技能修饰词 |
1 | 湿面条 | 160 | 0.5 | 近战武器 +2 |
2 | Beached Jellyfish | 170 | 1.0 | 近战武器 +4 |
3 | Doughy Baby | 180 | 1.5 | 近战武器 +6 |
4 | Lightweight | 190 | 2.0 | 近战武器 +8 |
5 | Average Joe | 200 | 2.5 | 近战武器 +10 |
6 | Barrel Chested | 210 | 3.0 | 近战武器 +12 |
7 | Beach Bully | 220 | 3.5 | 近战武器 +14 |
8 | Circus Strongman | 230 | 4.0 | 近战武器 +16 |
9 | Doomsday Pecs | 240 | 4.5 | 近战武器 +18 |
10 | Hercules' Bigger Cousin | 250 | 5.0 | 近战武器 +20 |
- 如果信使的力量是最极端的(最高或最低),米歇爾博士要么会惊讶“任何人都想和你纠缠。见鬼,你用鞭子就可以去捕猎死亡爪了。” (最高) 或 这是“一种严重的萎缩,即使对那些已经躺了一段时间的人来说也是如此。”你还能动,真是个奇迹。”(最低)。
- 如果超重,可以丢弃一个物品,或一个“堆叠”的物品,使重量低于超重状态,并使移动恢复正常。拿起物品(或堆叠的物品,例如20个罐子= 1个堆叠的物品),并在视图前携带它,在指定地点拿起它并将其添加到库存中。把它放在那里,然后正常地继续。快速旅行会掉落物品,并且无法搬运通过门口。 如果打算快速旅行然后回来,则需要将物品存放起来。
辐射 4[]
力量的机制与以前的称号略有不同。 就游戏机制而言,它仅直接影响近战/肉搏伤害和负重。
级别 | 描述 | Form ID | ||||||
1 | ||||||||
1 | 1 | 引导你的气释放毁灭性的愤怒! 拳击对你的对手造成20%以上的伤害。 | 1.2 | .00 | .00 | 0001DAFE | ||
9 | 2 | 拳击现在造成40%的额外伤害并且可以解除你的对手的武装。 | 1.4 | .10 | .00 | 0001DAFF | ||
18 | 3 | 拳击现在造成60%的额外伤害。徒手强力攻击有一定几率废掉对手的一条四肢。 | 1.6 | .10 | .10 | 0001DB00 | ||
31 | 4 | 拳击现在造成80%的额外伤害。徒手强力攻击有更大的几率废掉对手的一条四肢。 | 1.8 | .10 | .15 | 00065E42 | ||
46 | 5 | 拳击现在造成双倍伤害,V.A.T.S.中的致命一击会使你的对手瘫痪。 | 2.0 | .10 | .15 | 00065E43 |
级别5是误导; 超频会让你尝试在VATS之外麻痹,效果就像一个栓锁注射器,持续时间未知。
Big Leagues (Fallout 4)
- 等级 03: 装甲商
- 保护自己免受废土的危险。如果你喜欢在盔甲工作台上修修补补,想为自己或你的同伴制作一些令人印象深刻的防护装备,选择这个辅助能力。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 3 | 获得使用基础级和1级装甲模组。 |
2 | 13 | 3 | 获得使用2级装甲模组。 |
3 | 25 | 3 | 获得使用3级装甲模组。 |
4 | 39 | 3 | 获得使用4级装甲模组。 |
- 等级 04: 铁匠
- 把铁匠铺烧起来!如果你喜欢用近战武器攻击敌人的头骨,那么在武器工作台制作修改过的变体是值得的。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 4 | 获得基础级和1级近战武器模组。 |
2 | 16 | 4 | 获得使用2级近战武器模组。 |
3 | 29 | 4 | 获得使用3级近战武器模组。 |
- 等级 05: 重枪手
- 多亏了练习和训练,你能够以更高的精度使用最重型的武器。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 5 | 重武器造成的伤害增加20%。 |
2 | 11 | 5 | 重武器造成40%以上的伤害,并提高了腰部射击的精度。 |
3 | 21 | 5 | 重武器的伤害提高60%,髋部射击精度提高更多。 |
4 | 35 | 5 | 重武器造成80%以上的伤害,并有机会使你的对手踉跄。 |
5 | 47 | 5 | 重武器现在造成双倍伤害。 |
- 等级 06: 虎背
- 你是什么?部分包装骡子?虽然那些喜欢重型武器和护甲的人可能会在一般原则上接受这个辅助能力,但它也对拾荒者非常有益;花更多的时间在荒野中收集战利品来出售或交易,或者携带更多的杀戮装备。
- 等级1和等级2的这个辅助能力相当于2.5点力量,但只能用于修改玩家的负重能力。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 6 | 负重+25。 |
2 | 10 | 6 | 负重+50。 |
3 | 20 | 6 | 当超重时,可以使用行动点来跑步。 |
4 | 30 | 6 | 当超重时,你可以快速旅行。 |
- 等级 07: 稳定瞄准
- 瞄准目标!如果你享受枪支游戏的好处,而不进入V.A.T.S来完成你的暴力目标,那么增加任何投射武器的准确性。这让你在手动射击敌人时有了更多的回旋余地,而且不需要瞄准铁瞄准镜或瞄准镜。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 7 | 髋部射击精度提高时,当发射任何枪。 |
2 | 28 | 7 | 髋部射击精度提高甚至更多,当发射任何枪。 |
- 等级 08: 破坏者
- 近距离接触!你近距离用枪托造成鼻血(或更糟)的次数反映了你对这项辅助能力的重视程度。但它确实增加了更复杂战斗情况的灵活性,在这种情况下,你可能不希望在喜欢的枪支和不同的武器类型之间切换。
- 这个辅助能力的每个等级相当于2.5点力量,但只能用于修改玩家使用远程武器的近战伤害,除此之外,还有其他在更高等级积累的效果。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 8 | 枪托攻击造成的伤害增加25%。 |
2 | 5 | 8 | 枪托攻击造成50%以上的伤害,并可能致残你的对手。 |
3 | 14 | 8 | 枪托攻击造成75%以上的伤害,并有更多的机会削弱你的敌人。 |
4 | 26 | 8 | 枪托攻击造成双倍伤害,并增加致残对手和造成暴击的几率。 |
- 等级 09: 扎根
- 你有一半是树!虽然表面上是在你站在那里与一个倒霉的白痴进行近距离打击时使用,但这也可以用于你偷偷躲在敌人后面,停下来,给敌人致命一击的时候。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 9 | 当你静止不动时,你获得25点伤害抗性,你的近战和徒手攻击造成的伤害提高25%。(与描述相反,玩家还会获得25点能量抗性。) |
2 | 22 | 9 | 当你静止不动时,你获得50点伤害抗性,你的近战和徒手攻击造成的伤害提高50%。(与描述相反,玩家还会获得50点能量抗性。) |
3 | 43 | 9 | 当你站着不动时,你可以(+25%的几率)自动解除对你使用近战武器的敌人的武装。(与描述相反,这确实适用于用于近战攻击的远程武器(即枪击);根据描述,它不适用于非武装武器。) |
- 等级 10: 天堂路
- 啾啾!全体上车!将动力装甲变成进攻性武器!多好的主意啊!只要你在切换到你最喜欢的武器之前有足够的行动点数来完成冲刺,并且你把动力装甲作为主要的保护来源,这在战斗中的任何时候都可以证明是一个很好的威慑。
行列 | 等级 | 力量等级 | 描述 |
1 | / | 10 | 当穿着动力装甲时,冲进敌人会伤害并绊倒他们。(机器人和大型敌人对摇晃免疫。) |
2 | 24 | 10 | 穿着动力甲冲向敌人现在造成严重伤害和更强的踉跄。(机器人和大型敌人对摇晃免疫。) |
3 | 50 | 10 | 穿着动力甲冲冲向敌人现在会造成大量伤害并击倒敌人。撞击降落在敌人附近会造成更多伤害。 |
- 永久
- 临时
- 盔甲和衣服
- 冠军左臂 (+1)
- Black Ops chest piece (+1)
- Army fatigues (+1)
- Baseball uniform (+1)
- Dirty army fatigues (+1)
- Furry undergarments (+1)
- Patchwork sweater & furry pants (+1)
- Mason's outfit (+1)
- Grognak costume (+2)
- Wildman rags (+2)
- Power armor frame Strength set to 11. Note that this can exceed the normal S.P.E.C.I.A.L. limit of 10 to potentially going as high as 14 with Military paint job (+1) and motion-assist servos (+2).
- Legendary armor effects
- Fortifying (+1)
- Rad Powered (Up to +7)
- 消耗品
- 食物
- Grilled hermit crab (+2)
- 酒 (效果不叠加)
- 啤酒 (+1)
- Bobrov's Best moonshine (+1)
- 波本威士忌 (+1)
- Gwinnett ale (+1)
- Gwinnett brew (+1)
- Gwinnett lager (+1)
- Gwinnett pale (+1)
- Gwinnett pilsner (+1)
- Gwinnett stout (+1)
- Ice cold beer (+1)
- Ice cold Gwinnett ale (+1)
- Ice cold Gwinnett brew (+1)
- Ice cold Gwinnett lager (+1)
- Ice cold Gwinnett pale (+1)
- Ice cold Gwinnett pilsner (+1)
- Ice cold Gwinnett stout (+1)
- Ice cold Nuka-Bombdrop (+1)
- Ice cold Nuka-Cola Dark (+1)
- Nuka-Bombdrop (+1)
- Nuka-Cola Dark (+1)
- Poisoned wine (+1)
- 朗姆酒 (+1)
- 伏特加 (+1)
- 葡萄酒 (+1)
- 威士忌 (+2)
- Dirty Wastelander (+3)
- 藥物
- 食物
- 辅助能力
- 太阳能 (级别1) (+2 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.之间)
- SCAV! - Motivationally Moneyless (+1 - +3 根据所拥有的瓶盖)
- 聚落对象
- 杠铃凳 (+1) (给予力量训练辅助能力,可以替换,如果其他属性提升对象使用)
不含任何力量的负重容量为150。每点力量增加5点负重,并允许使用额外的力量辅助能力点。游戏开始时,力量= 1,负重= 155。力量= 12时,无增益的负重为150 +(12*5)= 210。穿着动力装甲底盘以205的负重覆盖基于力量的重量,直到基于负重的重量在力量= 12时超过205。
1H / 2H:
名称 | 等级 | 级别 | 描述 |
子弹带 | 22 | 1 | Ballistic weapon ammo weighs 45% less. |
2 | Ballistic weapon ammo weighs 90% less. | ||
Barbarian | 14 | 1 | Every point of Strength adds +2 Damage Resist (Max 40). (No Power Armor) |
2 | Every point of Strength adds +3 Damage Resist (Max 60). (No Power Armor) | ||
3 | Every point of Strength adds +4 Damage Resist (Max 80). (No Power Armor) | ||
Basher | 11 | 1 | Gun bashing does +25% damage with a 5% chance to cripple your opponent |
2 | Gun bashing does +50% damage with a 10% chance to cripple your opponent | ||
Bear Arms | 35 | 1 | Heavy Guns weigh 30% less. |
2 | Heavy Guns weigh 60% less. | ||
3 | Heavy Guns weigh 90% less. | ||
Blocker | 21 | 1 | Take 15% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks. |
2 | Take 30% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks. | ||
3 | Take 45% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks. | ||
Bullet Shield | 39 | 1 | Gain 20 damage resistance while firing a heavy gun. |
2 | Gain 40 damage resistance while firing a heavy gun. | ||
3 | Gain 60 damage resistance while firing a heavy gun. | ||
Expert Gladiator | 20 | 1 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. | ||
Expert Heavy Gunner | 40 | 1 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +20% damage. | ||
Expert Shotgunner | 23 | 1 | Your shotguns now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your shotguns now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your shotguns now do +20% damage. | ||
Expert Slugger | 24 | 1 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. | ||
Full Charge | 33 | 1 | Sprinting in Power Armor consumes half as much Fusion Core energy. |
2 | Sprinting in Power Armor consumes no extra Fusion Core energy. | ||
Gladiator | 2 | 1 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. | ||
Heavy Gunner | 30 | 1 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +20% damage. | ||
Incisor | 34 | 1 | Your melee attacks ignore 25% of your target's armor. (only for pointed weapons) |
2 | Your melee attacks ignore 50% of your target's armor. (only for pointed weapons) | ||
3 | Your melee attacks ignore 75% of your target's armor. (only for pointed weapons) | ||
Iron Fist | 5 | 1 | Your punching attacks now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your punching attacks now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your punching attacks now do +20% damage. | ||
Lock and Load | 37 | 1 | Heavy guns reload +10% faster. |
2 | Heavy guns reload +20% faster. | ||
3 | Heavy guns reload +30% faster. | ||
Martial Artist | 16 | 1 | Your melee weapons weigh 20% less, and you can swing them 10% faster. |
2 | Your melee weapons weigh 40% less, and you can swing them 20% faster. | ||
3 | Your melee weapons weigh 60% less, and you can swing them 30% faster. | ||
Master Gladiator | 43 | 1 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your one-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. | ||
Master Heavy Gunner | 50 | 1 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +20% damage. | ||
Master Shotgunner | 45 | 1 | Your shotguns now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your shotguns now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your shotguns now do +20% damage. | ||
Master Slugger | 48 | 1 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. | ||
Ordnance Express | 31 | 1 | Explosives weigh 30% less. |
2 | Explosives weigh 60% less. | ||
3 | Explosives weigh 90% less. | ||
Pack Rat | 7 | 1 | The weight of all junk items is reduced by 25%. |
2 | The weight of all junk items is reduced by 50%. | ||
3 | The weight of all junk items is reduced by 75%. | ||
Pain Train | 41 | 1 | Damage and stagger enemies by sprinting into them with Power Armor. |
2 | Smash and stagger enemies by sprinting into them with Power Armor. | ||
3 | Devastate and stagger enemies by sprinting into them with Power Armor. | ||
Scattershot | 18 | 1 | Shotguns now weigh 30% less and you reload them 10% faster. |
2 | Shotguns now weigh 60% less and you reload them 20% faster. | ||
3 | Shotguns now weigh 90% less and you reload them 30% faster. | ||
Shotgunner | 10 | 1 | Your shotguns now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your shotguns now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your shotguns now do +20% damage. | ||
Slugger | 6 | 1 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. |
2 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +15% damage. | ||
3 | Your two-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. | ||
Strong Back | 26 | 1 | Gain +10 to carry weight. |
2 | Gain +20 to carry weight. | ||
3 | Gain +30 to carry weight. | ||
4 | Gain +40 to carry weight. | ||
Sturdy Frame | 13 | 1 | Armor weighs 25% less than normal. |
2 | Armor weighs 50% less than normal. | ||
Traveling Pharmacy | 3 | 1 | Weights of all Chems (including Stimpaks) are reduced by 30%. |
2 | Weights of all Chems (including Stimpaks) are reduced by 60%. | ||
3 | Weights of all Chems (including Stimpaks) are reduced by 90%. |
Ways to increase Strength[]
All stat boosts in Fallout 76 are temporary.
- Bobblehead: Strength (+2 for 1 hour or 2 hours with Curator)
- Armor and apparel:
- Power armor chassis Increases Strength to 11 if below.
- "Brotherhood of Steel," "Enclave" or "Marine" underarmor with a treated lining mod (+1)
- "Secret Service" underarmor with a treated lining mod (+2)
- "Brotherhood of Steel" or "Marine" underarmor with a resistant lining mod (+1)
- "Enclave" underarmor with a resistant lining mod (+2)
- "Marine" or "Vault suit" underarmor with a protective lining mod (+1)
- "Brotherhood of Steel," "Enclave" or "Secret Service" underarmor with a protective lining mod (+2)
- "Vault suit" underarmor with a shielded lining mod (+1)
- "Brotherhood of Steel" or "Marine" underarmor with a shielded lining mod (+2)
- "Enclave" underarmor with a shielded lining mod (+3)
- "Secret Service" underarmor with a shielded lining mod (+4)
- Legendary effects:
- Strength (+1)
- Unyielding (+3)
- Magazines
- Grognak & the Ruby Ruins (+1)
- Mutations:
- Herd Mentality (+2 if grouped, -2 if solo)
- Perks:
- Solar Powered (+1 to +3 during the day)
- Radicool (up to +5)
- Legendary Strength (up to +5)
- Consumables:
- Food:
- Deathclaw steak (+2)
- Deathclaw Wellington (+3)
- Mole rat chunks (+1)
- Stingwing filet (+2)
- Drinks:
- Beer (+1)
- Blackwater Brew (+1)
- Bourbon (+1)
- Chally's milk (+1)
- Cranberry moonshine (+1)
- Mountain honey (+1)
- New River Red Ale (+1)
- Nuka-Cola Dark (+1)
- Oak Holler Lager (+1)
- Old Possum (+1)
- Pickaxe Pilsner (+1)
- Simple fern flower tea (+1)
- Steeped fern flower tea (+2)
- Rodgers' Reserve beer (+2)
- Rum (+1)
- Vodka (Fallout 76) (+1)
- Whiskey (+2)
- Wine (+1)
- Chems:
- Buffout (+2)
- Bufftats (+3)
- Psychobuff (+3)
- X-cell (+2)
- Food:
Fallout Shelter[]
Strength affects how efficient a dweller is while working in the power generator and nuclear reactor facilities. It can be increased on different dwellers by assigning them to the weight room.
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game[]
Agility defines a character's Melee Damage as well as the character's max Carry Weight. Strength is also used as the default for skill tests involving Athletics, Melee Weapons and Unarmed Damage.
Strength-based perks[]
- Adrenaline Rush
- Armorer
- Barbarian
- Basher
- Big Leagues
- Black Widow/Lady Killer
- Blacksmith
- Heave Ho!
- Iron Fist
- Paralyzing Palm
- Piercing Strike
- Shotgun Surgeon
- Slayer
- Steady Aim
- Terrifying Presence
Fallout: The Board Game[]
Unlike other games, Strength is not treated as a variable ranging from 1 to 10, but instead as a token that can be obtained at the start or when leveling up. A player character with the Strength token gets free rerolls during certain tests, as well as during fights if equipped with a Strength-based weapon.
The super mutant player character always begins the game with Strength and any player character wearing T-60e power armor is treated as having Strength. During any Strength test or fight, Buffout can be used to gain one free hit.
Strength-based perks[]
- Armorer
- Pain Train
Strength-based weapons[]
- Minigun
- Pipe wrench
- Ripper
- Shishkebab
- Super sledge (x2)
- Tire iron