
The Arrival is a side quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Quick walkthrough[]

Far Harbor side quest: The Arrival
Speak with Chase.
Talk to Brooks.
Go to the campground south of Beaver Creek Lanes.
Follow the blood trail.
Investigate the house.
Kill the trappers.
(Speech check) Persuade the trappers to tell you where the synth is.
Bring the synth's head back to Chase.
Reward: 400+ XP
200/250/300/400 caps
Hitman's Institute laser

Detailed walkthrough[]

Upon talking to Chase after arriving in Acadia, she tells of a synth runaway who was supposed to have arrived recently but has not shown up. She asks the Sole Survivor to talk to Brooks, the general store trader in Far Harbor, as he is a synth and the person who first meets incoming runaways. She gives his production code to persuade him to help.

Talking to Brooks, he pretends to not know what the Sole Survivor is talking about until telling him his code, at which point he begins cooperating. He explains that the synth came in frightened and ran off before Brooks could tell him where to go. He says the synth ran off to the south of the town.

Going south, follow the marker to a pool of blood and inspect it. Markers will pop up, leading down the road to a house near the shore. There, one will be confronted by trappers. One can either pass a speech check (medium difficulty) and talk to them peacefully, or kill them. If the player character has the Cannibal perk, they may choose a low difficulty speech check instead. When talking peacefully, they say that the synth came by wounded and, not wanting to pass up a meal, they ate him. They give the Sole Survivor his head. Without the speech check, they will become hostile. Kill them and loot the bodies to find the synth head instead.

Return to Chase and she will offer a reward. Three increasingly hard speech checks can be passed to get more caps.

Quest stages[]

100 Talk to BrooksChase is concerned about a synth who was supposed to arrive at Acadia, but hasn't shown up yet. She sent me to Far Harbor to ask Brooks if he's seen the missing synth.
200 Find the Missing SynthChase asked me to find a synth that went missing on the way to Acadia. Brooks in Far Harbor told me that the synth headed south along the road out of town.
300 Follow the Trail of BloodChase asked me to find a synth that went missing on the way to Acadia. I followed the directions that Brooks gave me and found what looks like the site of a violent struggle, with a trail of blood leading deeper into the Fog.
400 Investigate the HouseChase asked me to find a synth that went missing on the way to Acadia. My search led me to the scene of a violent struggle, with a trail of blood that I followed to a ruined house occupied by Trappers.
500 Return to ChaseChase asked me to find a synth that went missing on the way to Acadia. I discovered that the synth was captured and killed by cannibal Trappers.
600Quest finishedQuest completeChase asked me to look into the disappearance of a synth who was supposed to arrive in Acadia, but never did. I discovered that the synth was ambushed and killed by cannibal Trappers.
700Quest failedQuest failed


Danse likes it if the trapper is convinced peacefully.

