
catgen!!Infobox achievement!!Uses footer

It's commonly referred to as the "Molecular Relay." I don't understand all the science behind it, but it works. De-materializes you in one place, re-materializes you in another. I'm sure it sounds crazy, but it's a reality.Brian Virgil

The Molecular Level is a main story quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4.


  1. 想辦法破解追獵者晶片。
  2. 找鐵路組織幫忙。
  3. 回報維吉爾
  4. 找人幫忙打造訊號攔截器
  5. 英格蘭姆督學鋼鐵兄弟會)、司特吉義勇兵)或工匠湯姆鐵路組織)交談。
  6. 建造反射平台
  7. 完成訊號攔截器的建造。
  8. (可選)如果是找鐵路幫忙,可以與PAM談談梅瑟站
  9. 使用訊號攔截器。












  • 足夠的平坦區域,不能有任何障礙物(發射器需要建在平台底部,因此這種組合會佔用大量空間)。
  • 足夠的建造空間 (轉送器很大)。
  • 27點的電力供應。
  • 這些部件要在同一條電網下(串連)。
Control console Molecular beam emitter Reflector platform Relay dish
  • Biometric scanner: 1
  • Copper: 3
  • Rubber: 2
  • Steel: 5
  • Circuitry: 3
  • Copper: 5
  • Military-grade circuit board: 1
  • Rubber: 2
  • Steel: 10
  • Aluminum: 10
  • Circuitry: 3
  • Steel: 5
  • Cloth: 6
  • Copper: 3
  • Gold: 3
  • Steel: 3

In order to craft all the items at once (not including the required power sources) the total quantity of each component is as follows:

  • Aluminum: 10
  • Biometric scanner: 1
  • Circuitry: 6
  • Cloth: 6
  • Copper: 11
  • Gold: 3
  • Military-grade circuit board: 1
  • Rubber: 4
  • Steel: 23


Quest stages

10 Talk to Doctor Amari/The Railroad about the chipI have the Courser Chip, but I don't know how to decode it. Doctor Amari knows a lot about Synth technology. I should ask her for help. OR
I have the Courser Chip, but I don't know how to decode it. The Railroad knows a lot about Synth technology. I should ask them for help.
20 Find the RailroadI have to find the Railroad. I was told to "Follow the Freedom Trail." The best place to start looking is the Boston Common.
30 Talk to DesdemonaThe Railroad might be the only people who can help me decode the Courser Chip. I need to take it to them.
60 Tinker Tom decodes the chip
65 Search the Railroad HQThe Railroad might be the only people with a way to decode the Courser Chip, but we're enemies. Maybe there's something in their headquarters I can use.
100 Talk to VirgilI have all the information I need from the Courser Chip. Now to go back to Virgil and figure out the next step in breaking into the Institute.
200 Get help to build the Signal Interceptor
(Optional) Talk to the Brotherhood
(Optional) Talk to the Minutemen
(Optional) Talk to the Railroad
The Signal Interceptor should get me inside the Institute, but I'll need help building it.
300 Build the Signal Interceptor
400 Signal Interceptor completed
500 Step on the Platform
600 Obtain holotape
700 Signal Interceptor activates
1000 Signal Interceptor teleports the Sole Survivor into the Institute
1200Quest finishedCompletedThe Signal Interceptor worked. I'm inside the Institute. Now to find Shaun.


  • 在解碼追獵者晶片時,如果僅存者已經滅了鐵路,那麼就得在鐵路組織總部搜索解密芯片及進入學院的方法。為此,使用工匠湯姆的終端會得知如何解密晶片。
  • 如果玩家已經要求一個勢力幫助構建訊號攔截器,還是可以重置此任務的分支點。例如:如果找鐵路組織幫忙,回去找工匠湯姆進行交易,會發現可以免費購買訊號攔截器設計圖。在此之後殺死工匠湯姆,這將會搞壞鐵路的關係。然而,現在玩家可以與其他勢力交談以獲得建造訊號攔截器的幫助。
  • 庇護山丘的破房子如果清光是有足夠的平坦空間打造的。
  • The teleporter can be placed on a concrete foundation: create a large concrete foundation that is level, place a floorboard on top of the foundation. The emitter component will now snap to the floor on top of the foundation, now remove the floorboard and the base can snap to the emitter.
  • 雖然任務劇情先打造了穩定反射平台,但如果分子束發射器可能無法蓋在其上面,可以先把發射器移到別處,再把反射平台崁進去。
  • 如果選在波士頓機場蓋,可能需要移除地上的地毯以將反射平台崁進發射器。
  • Although the quest simply requires all parts linked together in the same power grid, it is better to at least arrange the console close to the platform, within dialogue distance. If the two are too far apart, when the player character stands on the platform, the operator may not be able to start the teleportation sequence. Also, the operator may start to 'work' on one of the parts that one has already built, making them unable to move the part, nor can one command them to move away. One can try to power off/on other parts (by attaching/detaching wire) to lure them off the part one wants to move.
  • 義勇兵和鐵路組織建造的訊號攔截器會導致分子束發射器其中一個光束在發射期間爆裂。雖然這對結果沒有任何影響,但鋼鐵兄弟會的不會有這個問題。
  • 如果進去學院前沒有與鐵路組織建立關係的話,他們將不信任唯一僅存者,導致其無法加入鐵路陣營。除了故事的影響,同時代表玩家永遠無法為服裝改造防彈纖維
  • 如果請鋼鐵兄弟會幫忙,其任務進度要完成毫不留情才能找英格蘭姆督學幫忙。
  • 如果請義勇兵幫忙,還沒解完第一步普雷斯頓·加維會要求玩家先去找司特吉完成任務庇護山丘
    • 如果玩家在完成自由鐘聲響起前成為核口世界的老大,普雷斯頓·加維不會幫忙玩家,除非他們清掉核口世界的掠奪者,會開啟任務Open Season(如果沒從其他人手中接到), the quest that involves the destruction of the Nuka-World Raiders and freeing Nuka-Town's traders from slavery.
  • 如果請鐵路組織會幫忙,其任務進度要完成間諜技術並正式加入組織。
  • Building the components at a different settlement than suggested may cause the quest giving NPC to spawn there.
  • 在任務完成後回到訊號攔截器會發現已經燒毀。然而,關閉供電的發電機,然後重新激活它們通常會使發射器頂部重新出現光芒。雖然攔截器已經無法運作,但仍可作為聚落的裝飾且不占用任何資源。
  • If the faction leaders keep saying that "it all needs to be connected to the same grid" even if all the pieces are correctly placed and lined up, removing and replacing them will often allow the quest to continue.
  • 如果在鐵路組織的幫助下建造轉送器,構建組件所需的物品(除了兩個指定的生物識別掃描器軍用電路板)都會存放在梅瑟安全屋的工作台。Tinker Tom mentions that he will sort runners to get the components there ready. This happens twice, once for the reflector platform stage and then again for the signal interceptor stage. It includes sufficient materials to build six medium generators, enough to power the device.
  • 如果找鐵路幫助可能需要花時間等工匠湯姆和戴瑟蒙娜前往梅瑟安全屋,應對方式同上述的兄弟會。
  • 儘管在任務日誌中被標記為[可選],但實際上真的需要生物識別掃描器和軍用級電路板以完成建造,但裡面的感應器模組就真的不需要了。如果在選定的聚落(或身上)已經有該材料,任務日誌上就不會出現。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One If the Commonwealth Minutemen faction was chosen to assist, upon returning from the Institute, it will no longer be possible to assign a task to Sturges, nor relocate him, via the workshop menu. He will no longer require, or use, a bed, nor will he count towards the population of Sanctuary Hills. It is still possible to trade items with him, however. [已验证]
    • To fix this glitch, scrap every part of the burnt signal interceptor.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Despite the inclusion of a sensor module on the signal interceptor - items needed list, one is not actually required to build any part of the teleporter. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If assisting the Railroad and the player character chose to create the teleporter at Jamaica Plain when talking to Desdemona about "Patriot," if she is too far away from Tinker Tom it will cancel the dialogue when switching to Tinker Tom.[已验证]
    • To fix this with the console command, enable it and type in prid 000508ed then move close to Tinker Tom and type in moveto player.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One The quest will occasionally not start after fully completing Hunter/Hunted.[已验证]
    • To fix this with the console command, enable it and type in StartQuest MQ206 then SetStage MQ206 10. In addition, if Tinker Tom freezes and doesn't analyse the chip use SetStage MQ206 100.
    • If the console command does not work, check if Sturges is dead. If he is dead, try console commands to revive or spawn him, then try the command StartQuest MQ 206 and SetStage MQ 206 10.[1]
    • Console users will have to uninstall quest related mods, reload to before Hunter/Hunted was finished and repeat the quest until it triggers.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One If the Brotherhood of Steel faction was chosen to assist, Elder Maxson will occasionally teleport inside the hangar where the remnants of Liberty Prime are. This can occur if one is building at Boston Airport, making it impossible to reach him through conventional means. [已验证]
    • To fix this, simply build a bed as close to the back wall as possible, then sleep for 2 hours. If it does not work the first time, simply retry and he should reappear.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 The quest can become bugged when wiring everything. It will keep telling you that the reflector platform is not connected to the circuit, even though it actually is. Storing and rebuilding and than again wiring everything should do the trick (or building 3 connecting generators (10 power each) and connecting these to the console. Then connect the beam emitter and the relay dish with the console). [已验证]
    • Allow time after storing and rebuilding for the quest to update. If you still have a quest open to build one of the items (even if it's already built,) the quest may not progress even if you set up the power correctly.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes the stabilized reflector platform won't snap in place with molecular beam emmiter. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 If one managed to build multiple signal interceptor parts (possibly due to the quest not properly updating when they're built), you cannot scrap the unused extras upon your return. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One In-progress quests cannot be completed or advanced by communicating with Preston, Desdemona, or Maxson until you choose a faction in The Molecular Level. Only faction choice dialogs are available. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Sometimes upon placing a part down the game will not react to it and the quest will become stuck, this can also occur when told to connect all pieces to the same power grid. Storing the part and replacing it does not seem to solve this issue. [已验证]


  1. Mr. Lnzu - The Nexus Forums.