
This is my ancestral home. The Cabots have always lived here, since long before the Great War. If you're asking what we're still doing here, with Boston in its current sad state, well... that's a story for another time, perhaps.Jack Cabot

The Cabot House is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Possibly one of the cleanest locations in the entire Commonwealth—barring the Institute—the Cabot House's fresh, clean look resonates with its occupants. Inside there are four floors. In the basement is the kitchen along with Edward Deegan's bedroom. On the ground floor is a large living-room with the dining room in the back. On the second floor is Cabot's laboratory, from the laboratory one can continue to the third floor which consist of various bedrooms.[1]



  • 麻州外科期刊第9期 - 楼上靠右侧的房间内,任务凯伯宅邸的秘密会解锁该区域。
  • 罗伦佐·凯伯的日记 - 同上房间内。
  • Emogene Cabot's password - 在爱默琴·凯伯身上,用来解锁她房间的终端。
  • Z波枪 - 在凯伯的实验室桌上。
  • 胖子发射器 - 地下室的卧房内。
  • 迷你核弹 - 同上,在衣柜上。
  • 完好的美国国旗 - 楼上卧房区走道旁的书架上。
  • Bottle of Bourbon - On the side table in the dining room.


  • All the loot in the house respawns relatively quickly. This includes the Fat Man and the mini nuke in the basement, the Zeta gun upstairs and both the crates located in the basement and on the third floor.
  • Depending on the actions taken in The Secret of Cabot House ownership of the house may fall under the ownership of Lorenzo - with most of the family killed. The only one who can be spared is Edward Deegan, though this is optional.


The Cabot House appears only in Fallout 4.


  • 楼上展示的文物都是现实存在的,包括 an Elamite roundel、西台墙碑以及Indus Valley cow votive.
  • Given the Cabot House quest line's similarity to the works of H.P. Lovecraft, the name may be derived from a story written by Lovecraft and his contemporary Hazel Heald known as Out of the Aeons, which is about events surrounding a mummy in the fictional Cabot Museum of Archaeology in Boston. Like Cabot House, the museum is located in the Beacon Hill neighborhood, used to be a "former private mansion with an added wing in the rear," and is located in roughly the same area.
  • It may also be based off of the Nichols House Museum, which preserves the lifestyle of the Victorian elite, much like how the Cabots are unaging, and have lived since the 1800s.
  • 现实的凯伯家族在18世纪来到麻州的贝弗利,并成为波士顿世家开端的家族之一。许多政商名人都来自他们家族,例如约翰·摩尔斯·凯伯大使。一首关于波士顿的打油诗这样说道:这可是亲爱的老波士顿,鳕鱼豆子满地滚。罗威尔家只跟凯伯家扯,而凯伯家只倾诉于神。 (And this is good old Boston,/ The home of the bean and the cod,/ Where the Lowells talk only to Cabots,/ And the Cabots talk only to God./)



  1. , which preserves the lifestyle of the Victorian