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Fallout 3 locations project
这个页面被包含在Fallout 3 locations project的范围内. 该计划的目的是dedicated to cleaning up Fallout 3 location articles. 如果你想参与, 请先阅读计划页面.
“All I know is that it's west of someplace called Evergreen Mills, and it's well-hidden in some sort of garage, but I'll find it. I have to.”— 詹姆斯
凯西史密斯车库 is seven squares west of Megaton. An unnamed location marker is added to the Pip-Boy 3000 map during the quest Scientific Pursuits. The Garage can be located before this. But again, entering Vault 112 prematurely is not recommended.
- A Gun Cabinet containing .44 Magnum Rounds and a Scoped .44 Magnum or 10mm Rounds and a 10mm Pistol. Also, another Gun Cabinet containing .32 Caliber Rounds and a .32 Pistol.
- 一瓶量子可樂藏在存儲箱後面。還包括很多變形的鐵罐和空的汽水瓶
- 一本《今天為生存打滾的人》在櫃檯後面打開了的保險箱內。
- Many weapon Components are found inside the garage.
- 凯西史密斯车库 的西方有一個隱藏地點岩石城,位置隱密不容易發現,詳情請見該條目。
Signal Papa November[]
To the North-North East is the Broadcast Tower for Signal Papa November. Just go past the Checkpoint and follow the road making it really easy to find.
- 有報告說從避難所101出來後直接到凱西史密斯車庫你會找到爸爸,實際上玩家應該再一次閱讀關於避難所112的故事和任務。
- 在這裡經常會遇上一群土匪。他們武裝有手榴彈(還有噴火器),他們相當危險因為他們有意圖去破壞車庫周圍的汽車。
- 這個地方似乎不會刷新(在PS3和PC確認)。所以這裡可以當作家的家或者物品的隱藏點。如果你打算攻擊常春寨這裡是個做準備的好地方。但因為周圍充滿不友善的敵人最好躲藏好。附近沒有商人和事故發生。
- By the military encampment two deathclaws may attack the lone wanderer
凯西史密斯车库 only appears in Fallout 3.