The Legion crafts their suits of armor in the style of the Romans, with stylized Roman blades. The pieces of their armor are a combination of American football gear and various pieces of equipment found in the wasteland, such as those of vault jumpsuits, super mutant armor, T-45d power armor, and NCR Ranger combat armor.[1]
Legion explorer armor[]
主页面: Legion explorer armor
Legion explorer armor has a Damage Threshold of 4 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. It can be looted from Legion explorers, along with their corresponding headwear.
Legion recruit armor[]
主页面: Legion recruit armor
Legion recruit armor provides a Damage Threshold of 6 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. It can be looted from recruit legionaries, along with their corresponding headwear.
Legion prime armor[]
主页面: Legion prime armor
Legion prime armor has a Damage Threshold of 8 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. It can be found in Cottonwood Cove or looted from Prime legionaries along with their corresponding headwear.
Legion veteran armor[]
主页面: Legion veteran armor
Legion veteran armor has a Damage Threshold of 10 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. It can be found in most legion camps across the wasteland or looted from Veteran Legionaries along with their corresponding headwear.
Legion vexillarius armor[]
主页面: Legion vexillarius armor
Legion Vexillarius armor provides a Damage Threshold of 14 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. It can be found in the Caesar's Legion safehouse, the Vexillarius at The Fort, and on Legion assassins.
Legion praetorian armor[]
主页面: Legion praetorian armor
Legion praetorian armor has a Damage Threshold of 12 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. The armor can be looted from Caesar's honor guards, the Praetorian guards' corpse. It can also be found in the Caesar's Legion Safehouse.
Legion centurion armor[]
主页面: Legion centurion armor
Legion centurion armor has a Damage Threshold of 18 and can be repaired with any Legion armor. The armor can be looted from Aurelius of Phoenix at Cottonwood Cove, or Silus at Camp McCarran. It can also be found in the Caesar's Legion safehouse, and on Legion assassins.
Caesar's Legion recruit armor can be found on the south side of Nipton in the trailer park on an ash pile next to a dead wastelander with a laser rifle.
Veteran armor can be found at Fortification Hill looted from footlockers.
There is also a Legion camp southwest of Ranger station Charlie, and south of Novac. The Legionaries will level with the player, so they will have different armor depending on your level.
There are dead legionaries in a house in Nipton, they have Legion armor on them.
In Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City, pieces of the Legion armor are depicted as being a combination of others found in the wasteland.
Behind the scenes[]
In the Fallout: New Vegas 10th anniversary charity stream, Joshua Sawyer stated the football equipment was found by the Legion at the University of Arizona.[2]
Seen as part of Caesar's Legion armor in Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City
Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City