
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-FNV LR


自2247年征服大峡谷荒凉地区以来,他组建了自己的军团,征服了87个部落,这些部落都是同化自前美国西南部。[2][3][Non-game 1] 凯撒军团的军事力量可以完全平息该军团占领的土地,但是安全的道路只是全面实现永久军团的第一步,这个永久军团可以在他统治后继续下去。下一步是向西扩张,以新維加斯的形式获得一个真正的“罗马”,作为他新帝国的基地。但是,在他们继续西进之前,凯撒和他的追随者必须对付新加州共和国,一个强大的军事力量,凯撒认为是第一个值得的对手。



凯撒于2226年左右出生在晒骨场附近,原名爱德华·萨隆,曾是新加州共和国的公民。在他的父亲于2228年死于掠夺者之手后,他的母亲寻求天啟追随者的保护。 当她为追随者工作,在他们的图书馆做饭和打扫时,年轻的爱德华学会了如何阅读,并开始参加由该组织提供的免费课程。[4] 学会了“把知识的火炬带到废土” ,萨罗是一个素质参差不齐的学生。[Non-game 2] 虽然他非常聪明,但他在科学领域的成功只是与他对所给学科的兴趣成正比,而且由于他的坏脾气,他在同龄人中也不是特别受欢迎。对于萨隆来说,这些追随者从来都不是一个鼓舞人心的榜样,他们对学术的献身精神太令人窒息,他们启蒙的使命太天真。[Non-game 2][5][Non-game 2]2246年,天啟追随者派了一队人去大峡谷研究该地区的部落语言。[1][Non-game 3][6] 这群人包括追随者爱德华·萨隆、卡尔霍恩,一名医生、摩門教传教士约书亚·格雷汉姆,部落方言专家。在去峡谷的路上,他和他的同伴偶然发现了一些历史书籍,包括《罗马帝国衰亡史》和盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·凯撒的《高卢战记》。 萨隆认真地读了两个星期的书,还没有意识到它们对未来的意义。[Non-game 2] 随后,该组织被黑足部落抓获并被勒索赎金。[7]

凯撒看到了该部落的弱点,该部落目前正与该地区的其他7个部落交战,在数量上处于劣势,注定要失败。由于不愿和他们一起沉沦,萨隆决定采取一些措施。卡尔霍恩的反对被置若罔闻。[8] 萨隆教会部落如何正确维护他们的武器,如何正确射击目标,如何重新装弹,之后他开始教他们如何制造炸药,如何在小队战术中训练,所有这些都是基于凯撒最近读过的旧书。[8] 一旦他们准备好了,萨隆带领他们对抗最弱的敌人——起垄犁部落



凯巴布部落立即投降,而不用遭受同样的命运,然后是弗雷多尼亚部落,然后是所有其余的部落。[10] 凯撒敏锐地意识到,所有问题的根源都是部落认同,导致了自相残杀的冲突,并阻止了任何实质性的恢复。他知道该怎么做。[Non-game 4] 他必须消除所有部落身份的痕迹,并用一种单一的整体文化来代替它们。[Non-game 4]在2247年,[Non-game 5] 当他的联盟足够大时,萨隆加冕为凯撒,伟大部落——军团的领袖。[11] 他故意模仿罗马帝国的样式。[12] 他很快开始将自己的话付诸实践。卡尔霍恩被送回西部,警告他不要干涉凯撒,而格雷汉姆留在凯撒身边,成为军团的第一使节[11] 在接下来的几十年里,军团占领了犹他州和科罗拉多州的一小部分领地,同时整个亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的相当一部分都被他们控制。

部落被强行同化为军团,而城市及其居民则作为军团的臣民继续生活。每一个与凯撒反抗和同化的部落,即使以后核世界的标准来看,都是原始的,与西部的情况没有丝毫的可比性。没有城镇,没有道路,没有有意义的工业。他们落入了由萨隆率领的优势部队手中。[Non-game 6][Non-game 7]

在2248年到2274年之间,凯撒征服了其他部落,并建立了一支组织严密、文化孤立的作战部队,在该地区稳步发展。他的军团征服了犹他州东南部、科罗拉多州西南部、新墨西哥州西部边缘和亚利桑那州北部的部落。[13] 到2250年,他宣布自己为玛尔斯之子。 到2255年,他已经在弗拉格斯塔夫(Flagstaff)废墟中建立了首都。[Non-game 8][Non-game 9][14] 凯撒的最终目标是征服新加州共和国,并将其平民文化和基础设施与军团的军事力量融合,创建一个新的极权主义帝国。[14] 这个高度军事化的独裁政权,擅长整合被征服的文化,是一个社会的完美模板,这个社会能够适应后世界末日的挑战,繁荣兴旺,建立繁荣与和平: 一个新的罗马和平。[12] 军团将是一个民族主义,帝国主义,极权主义,完全同质化的文化,将重点放在长期稳定,不惜一切代价。[15]


新加州亚共和国不愿意投降。 2271年,军团的存在成为了游骑兵统一条约的催化剂。金博爾总统回忆说,在那一年,内华达州沙漠游骑兵加入了新加州共和国的军队,以保护该地区免受“凯撒政权的暴政”。[16]

随后,发生了一系列小规模的冲突和战斗(例如摧毁了东部的阿拉德什堡) ,军团被迫进行了对抗。2277年,军团在胡佛大坝与 NCR对峙,这就是著名的第一次胡佛大坝之战。情报人员尤利西斯发现了这个大坝,它是卢比孔河的象征。当时,凯撒的军队在约书亚·格雷汉姆的指挥下,向NCR在胡佛大坝的驻军进军,试图夺取战略资产和过河。然而,格雷汉姆的精锐部队被拉进了新加州共和国游骑兵汉隆首席设下的陷阱。当李·奥利弗将军的士兵坚守阵线时,游骑兵和军队狙击手瞄准了他们的指挥官(主要是百夫长伍长) ,在普通军团中制造混乱。特使无法适应新的战斗策略,命令他的精锐部队猛攻追击游骑兵,大批歼灭游骑兵军官,游骑兵和第1侦察营狙击手,向巨石城进行了一次战术撤退。军队和游骑兵让军团有足够长的时间,使得最有经验的军团进入这座城市。 一旦他们大多数人安全以后(士兵和游骑兵被困在军团后方,不得不被遗弃) ,他们引爆了事先埋在建筑物内的炸药。

漢隆首席的计划进行得很顺利。爆炸的建筑物就像巨大的杀伤性炸弹,歼灭了大部分的军团士兵,使其余的军团士兵处于震惊的状态; 有效地削弱了他们的进攻。陆军和突击队跟随爆炸进行了反击,击退并最终击溃了军团部队,迫使Malpais特使从卡姆撤退到科罗拉多河东部。对高尔夫营地和莫哈韦其他营地的侧翼攻击也同样被击退。[17] Malpais特使羞愧地回到了凯撒身边。为了证明失败是不可容忍的,即使是最高层,凯撒下令活活烧死格雷汉姆。前任特使身上覆盖着沥青,点着火,然后被扔进大峡谷。这是军团历史上最惨痛的失败。[18]

接替格雷汉姆的是拉尼厄斯特使,拉尼厄斯开始了一场向东扩张的战役,为军团征服更多的部落,并集结力量与共和国进行另一场对抗。[19] 在接下来的四年凯撒重建了他的军队,14个新被同化的部落[20]创造了最锋利的刀,可以切开整个共和国。军团的力量不断增强,同时凯撒的健康状况明显下降。 一旦健康,他的脸就会变得凹陷和病态,他的天性更加隐逸。 但最糟糕的是头痛,强度和频率增加,影响了他的领导能力。虽然他们保持沉默,但他的军官们看得出他的衰弱,但凯撒否认了这些问题,并对任何质疑进行猛烈抨击。[21][22][23] 可能是什么问题的最初迹象出现在几个月前,伴随着罕见的头痛。头痛不断地复发,在谈话的过程中,脑子一片空白。最近的症状是凯撒的左腿僵硬,只能拖着走。[24] 虽然凯撒没有受过自我诊断的训练,但他认为自己可能患有脑瘤,但对于诊断结果还是听从专业人士的意见。[25]


A case can be made that Caesar should have an evil (or very evil) alignment, but he also exists in a bubble that insulates him from what he's doing. Caesar does what he does because he feels that it is contributing to a better society— Joshua Sawyer on Caesar's alignment

凯撒哲学的基石是:为国家服务不仅是最高的美德,而且是唯一的美德。凯撒对NCR社会持批评态度,因为其领导人不关心“更大的利益”。 这与凯撒的信念相反,他认为“个人除了对国家的效用之外,没有任何价值,无论是作为战争工具还是生产工具。”他认为2077年的大战是人类重新开始的机会,他的目标是将人类统一在一个旗帜下,如果他们拒绝,就消灭他们。通过阅读旧世界的书籍,凯撒了解了罗马帝国的古老荣耀,并利用其追随者的无知来宣称他是凯撒,战神玛尔斯的儿子,而不是天啟追随者爱德华·萨隆。

除了全军覆没,凯撒最大的恐惧就是骗局被揭穿。大多数军团成员,除了一些最受信任的人,都没有注意到军团文化是建立在古罗马书籍的基础上的这一事实——他们认为凯撒所执行的所有习俗都是玛尔斯亲自下达给他的。那些不这么说的人被认为是对神的亵渎,很可能会被处死。虽然一些新被俘的奴隶持怀疑态度,但他们往往不愿公开表达,他们的孩子被从父母身边带走,由凯撒的女祭司抚养。[Non-game 10] 私下里,凯撒仍然觉得自己不像一个真正的罗马皇帝——他的野蛮人组成松散的国家,仍然认为自己只是一个野蛮的高卢国王。[Non-game 10] 凯撒渴望两件事:迦太基和罗马。 通过占领新維加斯,凯撒感到自己终于可以通过摧毁凯撒的“迦太基” NCR来给自己的“罗马”军以将自己的军团提升为一个合法的国家,这使他们从游牧军队变成了一个真正的帝国; 一个军国主义,帝国主义,专制,文化单一的帝国,其统治者拥有无可争议的权力--一个“罗马和平”,它将阻止人类再次分裂。[26]

凯撒认为NCR只是旧世界腐败的延伸,它最终注定要重复同样的错误。他认为这与尤里乌斯·凯撒掌权前的罗马共和国相似;广泛的官僚主义,腐败,元老院内斗充斥着人们的贪婪和个人利益。它是军团的对立面,是变革的催化剂,只有与军团对抗才能带来变革;他认为这种冲突是黑格尔辩证法的必然产物。[27] 这场冲突是至关重要的,不仅对他的军团的未来有战略意义,而且在哲学上也是如此;NCR是他第一个在意识形态上真正反对的敌人,也是第一个可以真正考验他的军团力量和哲学的敌人。

他认为,NCR不能长远解决废土的问题-核弹使人类的进步重获新生,他认为现在是重建为新事物的时候了。[27] 他认为,NCR削弱了其民主,在第二任总统统治时期最为强烈——坦蒂——她的受欢迎程度使她一生中一直担任NCR的领导人,直到她死前参议院都不敢反对她。他从小就被教导要尊敬她,并注意到她最终更像一个女王,而不是民选官员,一个新的文明也需要类似的中央集权。[28]在凯撒的眼中,坦蒂出任总统后NCR充满了贪婪和贪婪的腐败,这是因为政治家和婆罗门贵族的寡头控制导致他们只追求自己的利益,而不是追求更大的利益及其公民。 凯撒只是在加速曾经高尚的NCR的必然消亡,合乎逻辑的结论。[29]

凯撒也认为自我牺牲是重建文明的必要组成部分,他拒绝使用藏在他营地地下地堡里的保安機器人的想法就是证明。凯撒拒绝让他的军团在技术上进步,他认为为了加强人类,生活必须保持艰苦和充满牺牲。[30] 同样,他使人们对人类以前的医学知识一无所知,允许他的军团继续使用原始的治疗药,而他本人则将自动医生放在自己的帐篷中,供个人使用以及对任何凯撒的青睐的人的“礼物” 。[31] 同样,军团士兵完全禁止使用毒品和酒精,[32] 因此,大多数军团士兵必须用前面提到的治疗粉、苦澀的飲料或新制剂,如九头蛇药剂,但所有这些都要注意疼痛仍然存在。



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  • 献给凯撒: 从现在开始,玩家角色可以选择为凯撒工作,也就是为军团工作。
  • 还有你,布鲁图?:凯撒患有致命的脑瘤,急需治疗。
  • 亚利桑那杀手: 凯撒会命令信使在金博爾总统访问胡佛水坝时刺杀他。
  • 我来,我见,我征服: 凯撒将命令信使向特使拉尼厄斯报到开始胡佛大坝作战。
  • 豪斯总是赢家万能牌:你和哪一路的人马?: 当玩家角色来到要塞时,凯撒相信他还有另外一个棋子可以使用。他命令信使前往地下气象监测站,摧毁电子防护避难所。当豪斯先生好好先生从要塞内联系信使并让信使激活所有的安保系统时,玩家角色就能做到。地面晃动的结果让凯撒以为玩家角色破坏了避难所里所有东西。
  • 返回发件人: 如果凯撒被杀,玩家角色可以完成任务通过说服漢隆首席停止对NCR的阴谋,从而导致由首席和由李·奥利弗领导的游骑兵因在胡佛水坝的胜利而受到表彰(如果信使加入共和国),让漢隆退休(如果信使加入了好好先生/豪斯),或者剩下的游骑兵被军团杀死(如果加入军团)。
  • 我忘了记住去忘记: 如果凯撒被杀,将获得2个同伴点数,这将帮助玩家进入克雷格·布恩的个人任务。


  • 如果玩家角色完成了重建希望,或者我对你施咒(在NCR方面),凯撒会提到他们是如何给军团带来这么多麻烦。这也可以通过完成物以类聚,杀死死海(完不完成重建希望皆可),在我的爸爸中的打破与可汗帮的联盟,作为王翼弃兵的一部分促成貓王与NCR之间的和平 ,站卡奇诺一方完成知之甚少,完成任务以眼还眼或杀死Vulpes Inculta来实现。
  • 如果没有采取上述行动,如果玩家角色在完成与凯撒会面之前完成任务或某些不利于NCR的任务或完成了对军团的任务,例如完成冷,冷的心,在幸运的太阳为他们解锁阿基米德II,在对待西拉斯中杀死或释放西拉斯,并完成了我们是凯撒军团,凯撒会给予称赞。
  • 如果在第一次见到凯撒之后,发生了任何对军团的罪行,比如在尼尔森杀死死海,站NCR一方完成我对你施咒,打破与可汗帮的联盟,或者站卡奇诺一方完成知之甚少。凯撒会提及相关罪行,并询问他们是否犯了其他任何罪行。然后,他将原谅信使这一次,并警告说,如果再犯下其他罪行,他就要被杀死。 如果在凯撒警告他们后又犯下另一项罪行,他会提及这一点,然后命令他的禁卫军将他们屠杀。
  • 告诉恺撒他们不再为他工作了,他就会警告说,如果他们再违抗他的话,他就会命令他的禁卫军杀死他们,让他消遣消遣。如果玩家角色第二次拒绝为他工作,他就会变成敌人,派遣他的禁卫军发动攻击。
    • 如果亚利桑那杀手任务失败了,凯撒问他们为什么没有袭击金博爾总统,信使回答说他们改变主意了,他也会做出同样的回答。


  • 信使注意到凯撒头疼之后,如果具有40的医疗技能可以询问他的病情。他们可以跟他谈谈,问问他一瘸一拐有多久了。如果成功了,他会提到他已经患了两周的病,之后他会躺下,警告他们不要再打扰他,否则他会杀了他们。
    • 如果检查不通过,他会让信使“滚开”。
    • 忽视他的警告并尝试再次与他交谈将导致凯撒大怒,并呼叫他的禁卫军发动进攻。
  • 为了获得冠军的肉辅助能力,凯撒是玩家角色必须吃的角色之一。


  • 如果玩家角色设法杀死凯撒,则对游戏的影响将发生变化,因为他将不再直接参与事件。
  • 如果信使在攻击凯撒之前和他说话,他们可以说”暴君去死吧! ”这是拉丁短语“ Sic semper tyrannis”的常见误译这个短语的实际翻译是”暴君总是这样”,据信这是真正刺杀凯撒大帝的刺客说的。后者也是暗杀NCR总统的挑战的名字
    • 如果信使有凶神恶煞的辅助能力,而且在见到凯撒之前军团里的名声为负,他会问他们第一次见到他时在想什么,然后告诉他”我会用你的内脏来装饰这个帐篷”可以用来吓唬他,然后再攻击。
  • 如果凯撒死于生病以外的其他原因,或者使用自动医生解剖大脑,然后在还有你,布鲁图?中通过了口才检测,即使玩家角色没有杀死他,军团的声望也会自动变为诋毁。
  • 朱莉·法卡斯惊呼“所以,伟大的凯撒已经死了……”,并继续说,她怀疑这将对即将来临的袭击产生很大影响。
  • 如果玩家角色与豪斯先生谈论在凯撒死前杀死他,豪斯先生会回答“他不希望你碰那个人的一根头发,假设你能找到一根的话。”他说,凯撒为分散NCR注意力提供了很好的机会。
    • 如果玩家角色在与豪斯先生进行“豪斯总是赢家”任务时杀死了凯撒,他们可以回到豪斯先生那里告诉他凯撒已经死了。 豪斯先生只是指出,这对胡佛大坝之战的影响“微乎其微”,而且没有对这一行动给予任何奖励或惩罚。[33]
  • 如果玩家角色杀死了凯撒,新維加斯先生就会说“刺客是如何逃脱安保的还是未知之数”,即使他们是在正面攻击要塞时杀死了凯撒(也就是没有逃脱安保)。
  • 如果凯撒在布恩的陪伴下被杀,布恩会得意洋洋地说:“太差劲了,你这个狗娘养的!”-指的是古罗马时期一个失败的角斗士被处以死刑的手势,尽管拳头里的拇指意味着“仁慈”或“放下武器”。当选择“对话”选项时,他随后会有进一步的对话选项。他还将谈到凯撒之死对胡佛水坝的袭击影响不大,但在信使的提示下,他承认自己仍然非常享受。 他们也将获得2点用于完成布恩的任务我忘了记住去忘记
  • 如果玩家角色和莉莉说话,她会说利奥认为会有更多的人被肢解,玩家角色应该小心。I
  • 在游戏的最后有一个与特使的对话:“所以,凯撒从坟墓里发出命令?”- 这表明豪斯先生是对的,凯撒的死仅是一次小小的挫败。然而,豪斯也指出,与凯撒相比,拉尼厄斯是一个糟糕的领袖,并预测在他死后的一年内,军团将因内讧而四分五裂。
  • 迦勒·麦卡菲向信使致意:“所有人为凯撒的杀手致敬!”
  • 大多数NCR士兵会说,“真希望我能亲眼看着凯撒死亡。这个混蛋。”
  • 上好佳赌场会长帮说:“这就是杀死凯撒的家伙/女孩!”
  • 弗朗辛·加勒特说:“这是免费的,因为你扳倒了凯撒,他像对待牲畜一样对待女人,”然后免费给你一瓶酒。
  • 詹姆斯·加勒特也会像他妹妹一样免费给你一瓶酒。
  • 拉斯维加斯大道上的一些旅行者会说:“现在你已经杀死了凯撒混蛋,拉斯维加斯大道真的要开花了。”
  • 無上奢華賭場白手套说”我听说你杀了凯撒,他戴假发是真的吗? ”
  • 高尔夫营地麦克雷迪中士将替代信使完成出色的工作,玛格斯会说:“我听到凯撒的死,我们要感谢你……做得很好。”
  • 在“返回发件人”快要结束时,玩家角色可以说服漢隆首席恢复理智,并通过告知凯撒已死来停止伪造报告。
  • 赤誠之心中,玩家角色能够告诉约书亚·格雷汉姆他们见证了凯撒的死亡。他不会对这个消息做出太多反应,但他会承认,他认为自己会比凯撒先死。他还说,凯撒的死对莫哈韦人来说是个好消息,并表示没有凯撒的领导,军团终将解体。然而,信使不能做相反的事情,因为杀死凯撒的前得力助手(甚至让他活着)并没有带来与他对话的选择。
  • 如果玩家角色在孤独之路结束后与尤利西斯交谈,便可以告诉尤利西斯他们已经杀死了凯撒。尽管他曾经效忠于军团,但他并没有生气,并表示东部可能会随着时间的推移而分崩离析,但现在下结论还为时过早;他接着说,除非他们对拉尼厄斯做同样的事,否则得不到他的感谢。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Caesar's armor Displacer glove Platinum chip
(If Benny survives the confrontation at The Tops)
Legion ear


  • 军团的成员读凯撒的名字:ˈkaizar/,这是一种后古典拉丁发音,强调双元音。军团早期历史上就认识他的军团士兵,以及大多数其他的废土居民,都会把它读成英语化的/ˈsiːzər/。
  • 除了偶尔使用拉丁语和相关的学术概念和主题,他说话时用的是一种随意的“现代”方言。
  • 凯撒对亞倫·金博爾有一定程度的尊重,称他为“一个有潜力的人”。 他认为,如果金博尔夺取政权而不是依靠选举,会更强大,对NCR有更多的控制权。
  • 如果玩家角色在扒窃凯撒时被发现,他将自动转为敌对,他的库存将无法打开。
  • 如果凯撒死了,他的尸体将永远不会消失。
  • 在凯撒死后,用拳打或用枪射他的尸体会使军团变成敌对。
  • 烤面包机提到了凯撒。[34]
  • 如果凯撒变成敌对,他看起来没有“攻击的表情”,他攻击时脸上的表情就像他没有生气一样。
  • 赤誠之心中,仍然有一个未被使用的模型,虽然可能用于赤誠之心简介,名为NVDLC02CaesarYounger。辐射: 新维加斯和这个模型的唯一区别是,没用过的模型有一个梳子。



凯撒只出现在《辐射:新维加斯》中,但在擴展包赤誠之心》、《旧世界蓝调》和《孤独之路》中都有提及。他本将出现在范布倫黑岛工作室已经取消的《辐射3》中。[Non-game 11]


  • John Gonzalez写了凯撒,Joshua Sawyer要求凯撒在他对黑格尔辩证法的解释框架中提出他的理论基础。[Non-game 12]
  • 凯撒基于尤利乌斯·凯撒的真实世界历史人物,并且与这些历史对应具有许多相似之处。例如,历史上的凯撒,实际上遭受了一种类似于游戏中描述的健康状况。他有头痛,昏厥,有时甚至癫痫发作。 就外表而言,凯撒秃顶,鹰钩鼻,这是古罗马贵族的标志。值得一提的是,2281年凯撒55岁,历史上56岁的尤利乌斯·凯撒在公元前44年3月15日遇刺身亡
  • 麦塔则, 是《辐射2》中丹恩城的奴隶行会领袖,最初的名字是凯撒。


Can you explain the similarities between Mr. Kurtz, and Caesar?
Both are men of intelligence and education who traveled from a life of relative comfort, technological wizardry, and "civilization" into a wilderness full of warring people with relatively low education and a relatively "primitive" lifestyle. Both rose to power and were essentially deified for their intelligence, knowledge and leadership capabilities. Both cut off communication with the outside world and lived in their (until now) remote, savage kingdoms, using the most brutal means possible to deal with rare instances of dissent. Both have an "unusual" way of looking at the world due to their cultural isolation.
Unlike Mr. Kurtz, Caesar's reign continues for a long, long time.
— J.E. Sawyer
On a related note, at least one source of real-world inspiration for Caesar was Charles Taylor of Liberia. Charles Taylor is a real dude. For real. Go read some of the trial transcripts where his war crimes are detailed. The shit that went down in Liberia (and Sierra Leone) on his command makes F:NV's Caesar's Legion look moderately cruel.
I've never thought of Caesar's or the Legion's activities as "edgy". For their own purposes, they engage in a variety of horrible practices that others have engaged in throughout history. I'm sure individual players might want to engage in ranking atrocities -- something I've never really found was productive in discussions about history -- but Caesar and his crew in the same league as other brutal warlords. He was inspired (on our end) by people like Charles Taylor, Timur, and Simon de Montfort (the crusader). "Caesar" is a persona he adopted, but he effectively operates as a warlord with no regard for individual human lives outside of how he can use them.
RE: Caesar’s Karma being neutral: I believe at the time my rationale for that Karma setting is that Caesar is in a Mr. Kurtz-like state of unmoored morality. Whatever moral framework he had as Edward Sallow among the Followers has disintegrated after years of being Caesar. I.e., it’s not so much that his Karma is neutral as much as it is alien. That said, I don’t feel strongly about that designation and largely feel that the Karma system was vestigial in New Vegas. If we’re trying to encourage players to form their own opinions about factions and individuals, having a design layer that assigns (essentially) alignment is weird.src



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "Were you always with the New Canaanites?"
    Joshua Graham: "I was born in Ogden, what people came to call New Canaan. Things were more peaceful when I was growing up. When I was a young man, I went out into the world to do missionary work as all New Canaanites do. I traveled along the Long 15 and followed 89 south into Arizona. Along the way, I met two men from a group called the Followers of the Apocalypse. Edward Sallow and Bill Calhoun. They came to teach the tribes. Calhoun was a good man. Edward was the one who got us into trouble down the road."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  2. Armor of the 87th Tribe
  3. Courier: "What'll happen at the Fort?"
    Cursor Lucullus: "You'll be meeting face-to-face with the mighty Caesar himself, founder of the Legion, conquerer of 86 tribes."
    (Cursor Lucullus)
  4. The Courier: "How did you rise to power?"
    Caesar: "Ironically, I was born a Profligate myself, a citizen of the NCR. My family lived not far from the great Boneyard. After Raiders killed my father, my mother sought the Followers' protection. I was two years old. She found work at their Library, cooking and cleaning. I learned how to read and soon I was taking courses, free of charge."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "You were a Follower of the Apocalypse?"
    Caesar: "Oh yes, raised in that tradition. And the teaching stuck. I was taught it was my responsibility to bring the torch of knowledge to the wastes. I may have taken the torch part more literally than they intended."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "What changed you from a Follower to dictator?"
    Caesar: "When I was 20, the Followers sent me East to Grand Canyon. It was my first expedition, just me and a physician named Calhoun. As an anthropologist and linguist, my assignment was to learn the dialects of the Grand Canyon tribes. What a fucking waste of time!"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Why would learning dialects be a waste of time?"
    Caesar: "If you think it's worthwhile to make smart people learn how to talk like backward savages, you're a Follower of the Apocalypse... or an idiot. Anyway, we met up with a Mormon missionary who already knew a bunch of dialects - Joshua Graham. He was supposed to teach me. But before that went too far, the Blackfoot tribe captured us, to hold us for ransom. They were a backward bunch. But the real problem was, they didn't know how to fight."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Courier: "What was wrong with the Blackfoot?"
    Caesar: "The Blackfoot were at war with seven other tribes, each just as pissant as they were. But outnumbered like that, they weren't going to last long. It's one thing to be taken hostage, another to be lashed to a sinking ship. So over Calhoun's objections, I decided to take certain steps."
    The Courier: "What steps did you take?"
    Caesar: "I taught them how to use the guns they already had - how to strip and clean them, how to breathe when pulling a trigger, how to reload ammunition. They looked at me like I was some kind of a sorcerer. So I taught them how to make explosives, and started drilling them on small unit tactics. If there's anything I learned as a Follower of the Apocalypse, it's that there's a lot of good information in old books."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "What happened after you trained the Blackfoot?"
    Caesar: "Divide et impera - divide and conquer. I led the Blackfoot against the Ridgers, their weakest enemy. When they refused to surrender, I ordered every man, woman, and child killed. When next we surrounded the Kaibabs and they likewise refused... I took one of their envoys to the Ridgers' village and showed him the corpse piles. This was new for the tribes, you see. They played at war, raiding each other, a little rape and pillage here, a little ransoming there. I showed them total warfare. Like I said, there's a lot you can learn from old books."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "What happened to the tribes?"
    Caesar: "The Kaibabs joined me, and the Fredonians after that - all the pissant tribes, with names that should be forgotten. I knew from the start I'd need to eradicate this plague of tribal identities, replacing them with a monolithic culture, a uniform identity. So that's what I did, once my confederation of tribes was large enough. I crowned myself Caesar and created a single Great Tribe - my Legion. I sent Calhoun, the Follower captured with me, back West with a message that I should not be interfered with. Joshua Graham, the Mormon interpreter, stayed with me and served as my first Legatus."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Courier: "What happened to the tribes?"
    Caesar: "The Kaibabs joined me, and the Fredonians after that - all the pissant tribes, with names that should be forgotten. I knew from the start I'd need to eradicate this plague of tribal identities, replacing them with a monolithic culture, a uniform identity. So that's what I did, once my confederation of tribes was large enough. I crowned myself Caesar and created a single Great Tribe - my Legion. I sent Calhoun, the Follower captured with me, back West with a message that I should not be interfered with. Joshua Graham, the Mormon interpreter, stayed with me and served as my first Legatus."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Courier: "Why is Caesar's Legion so... strange?"
    Caesar: "I used imperial Rome as the model for my Legion precisely because it was so foreign, so alien. I'd seen what had become of the NCR's attempts to emulate the culture of Pre-War America - the in-fighting, the corruption. Rome was a highly militarized autocracy that effectively integrated the foreign cultures it conquered. It dedicated its citizens to something higher than themselves - to the idea of Rome itself. In Rome I found a template for a society equal to the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world - a society that could and would survive. A society that could prevent mankind from fracturing and destroying itself in this new world, by establishing a new Pax Romana."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  13. The Courier:"I haven't been through Utah recently - what's the situation like?"
    Jed Masterson: "Well, it ain't good, I'll tell you that. It's not like the Mojave or the NCR - hell, even Arizona under Caesar is safer. You got raiders all over the damn place, tribes of degenerates that'll eat you as soon as look at you, regional warlords... the works. Not too many decent places to stop and trade. New Canaan's one of the only ones left I know about."
    (Jed Masterson's dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Courier: "And since forming the Legion, all you've done is conquer other tribes?"
    Caesar: "That's right. Decades of warfare, absorbing lesser tribes, gathering power. Forging the dross into a vast, razor-sharp scythe. My Legion's expansion has never ceased. Much of the Utah and Colorado, and all of Arizona and New Mexico, are mine. We have cities of our own, but nothing compared to Vegas. Finally, my Legion will have its Rome."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  15. The Courier: "What does "Pax Romana" mean?"
    Caesar: "It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  16. Aaron Kimball: "Ten years ago, Chief Elise met with representatives of the Desert Rangers to discuss terms of what would become the Ranger Unification Treaty. The treaty was more than a resolution to welcome the Desert Rangers into the republic. It was a covenant to protect southern Nevada against Caesar's Legion and the tyranny of his regime."
    (Kimball's speech)
  17. See First Battle of Hoover Dam for details and sources
  18. The Courier: "What happened to Graham after Hoover Dam?"
    Hanlon: "Losing the dam was the worst defeat the Legion ever suffered. Graham had been with Caesar since the beginning, but he had to set an example. The praetorians covered Graham in pitch, lit him on fire, and down into the Grand Canyon he went."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "Are you the Legion's second-in-command?"
    Lucius: "No, Legate Lanius is Caesar's second. The Legate replaced the Burned Man after the Legion's defeat at the Dam several years ago."
    (Lucius' dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "Who is this Legatus you mention?"
    Vulpes Inculta: "Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East! Quite a man, if man he be. Caesar prides himself on selecting the right tool to overcome each new obstacle. In Lanius, he found his hammer. He's never been defeated in battle. 14 tribes have laid down arms at his boots. Another five, rendered extinct. His latest campaign in the wilds of the Utah has concluded, and he is en route. When he arrives, your doom arrives with him."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  21. The Courier: "Are you all right?"
    Caesar: "Fuck this, I'm going to lie down! Come back later - tomorrow!"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  22. The Courier: "I'll be the judge of that. Let's hear what you've got to say."
    Silus: "Something is wrong with Caesar. Something he is attempting to hide from his men. But it was obvious before we set out on this last mission. For three days, we awaited his order to dispatch us. Three days. But he hid in his tent, refusing to give orders. Complaining of headaches. He looks different now than he used to. His face is sunken, sickly. But any questioning of his health enrages him."
    (Silus' dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "And if you can't go through with it, you look even weaker."
    Silus: "[SUCCEEDED] You think I'm going to slit my throat for some megalomaniacal self-appointed dictator? I didn't work my way up to have it all be taken from me out of some irrational paranoia. Caesar's losing it. I believe that. He's been shutting himself in his tent. Privately, he complains of headaches. Whatever it is, it's affecting his ability to lead."
    (Silus' dialogue)
  24. Caesar: "All right, let's state the obvious. There's something wrong with me. The headaches started a couple months ago. They weren't too bad at first... but now they come frequently and they're... debilitating. For the past two weeks, my left leg has been dragging. It's stiffer, hard to move. And you've seen me blank out. Lucius says I stare into space, blink a few times, then keep talking like nothing happened. So what's the diagnosis?"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "I'm afraid your symptoms are consistent with a brain lesion, most likely a tumor."
    Caesar: "[SUCCEEDED] I figured as much. Congratulations, you just became my personal physician. Do you have what you need to treat my condition?"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  26. The Courier: "What does "Pax Romana" mean?"
    Caesar: "It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Courier: "So what's "dialectic" about you and the NCR?"
    Caesar: "The NCR has all of the problems of the ancient Roman Republic - extreme bureaucracy, corruption, extensive senatorial infighting. Just as with the ancient Republic, it is natural that a military force should conquer and transform the NCR into a military dictatorship. Thesis and antithesis. The Colorado River is my Rubicon. The NCR council will be eradicated, but the new synthesis will change the Legion as well... ...from a basically nomadic army to a standing military force that protects its citizens, and the power of its dictator."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  28. The Courier: "President Tandi was voted into office each time."
    Caesar: "Because the council didn't dare oppose her. She was too popular. She had the people's love. So things ran smoothly, more or less. And as soon as she was gone, as soon as there really could be "democracy" - what happened then? Ever since losing its queen, the NCR has been weaker, more diffuse. Democracy has been its weakness, not its strength."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  29. The Courier: "How is the NCR weak?"
    Caesar: "Greed runs rampant. The government is corrupt, accepting bribes from Brahmin barons and landowners, to the detriment of citizens. The NCR is a loose conglomerate of individuals looking out for themselves. It's lost virtue. No one cares about the collective, the greater good. It's not built to last. I'm just hastening the inevitable."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  30. The Courier: "You should use Mr. House's technology to attack the dam."
    Caesar: "You don't get it, do you? The weapons I wield are forged from blood, flesh, sinew, bone - mortal stuff. Fragile, even. And yet my Legion obeys me, even unto death. Why? Because they live to serve the greater good, and they know of no alternatives. House's machines, his technologies - what do they propose? The possibility of victory without sacrifice. No blood spilled, just... rivets. That's not an idea to be put in circulation. If mankind's going to survive this moment in history, it needs warriors, not gadgets."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  31. The Courier: "What is that machine in your tent?"
    Caesar: "It's called an Auto-Doc. As the name suggests, it's an automated physician - more or less. It can treat broken bones, cuts, punctures, scrapes. Sometimes I bestow its use upon someone I favor. Makes for a powerful gift, in a culture that forbids painkillers and is largely ignorant of medical science. "
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  32. The Courier: "Is it dangerous to trade with the Legion?"
    Dale Barton: "Not at all - they're my best customers. As long as you don't try to sell 'em chems or alcohol, they treat you fair. Hell, I don't even need to travel with guards most of the time in Legion territory. All the bandits are dead or run off."(Dale Barton's dialogue)
  33. The Courier: "You do know Caesar is dead, don't you?"
    Robert House: "By my calculations, his death will affect the shape of the battle for Hoover Dam minimally, if at all. The Legion's aggression will outlive Caesar. Indeed, they'll try to take the dam as a tribute to his memory. Given a year, they'd have him deified - but by then the Legion will be breaking down, riven by internal conflicts, a monster consuming itself. It's irrelevant. In the short term, the Legion is still monster enough that defeating it will make me look powerful indeed."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  34. Toaster: "While you were away, my plans have marched steadily forward. Beware, Caesar! Beware, NCR! Soon will dawn the Age of the Toaster!"
    (Toaster's dialogue)
  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 461: "Important Dates"
    "2247 He declares himself Caesar. Within a week, he is leading the tribe on ever more ambitious raids against neighboring bands of raiders and tribals, growing his forces by taking slaves."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 459: "Rebirth of the Son of Mars
    The adolescence and young adulthood of the man who calls himself Caesar were spent as a scribe of the Followers of the Apocalypse. While this boy had a quick mind, he made for a scribe of uneven ability, for his success in academics was equal to his interest in the subject assigned. Nor was he a favorite among his fellows. Though athletic, handsome, and petulance held him back. He never felt that he belonged among the Followers, and blamed them for it. Their rigorous devotion to scholarship was stifling, their mission to ensure that humanity would never repeat the mistakes of the Great War was ridiculously naive. The boy longed for something more.
    When the time came for the boy to leave the Boneyard and trek the wastes as part of a nine-person expedition, wanderlust soon curdled into disappointment. The primitive conditions of the tribes the expedition encountered disgusted him. Inferior people all, wretched in their squalor. Still, he seemed to discern, amid the chaos of their petty struggles and everyday atrocities, the true order of the wastes-and it was one of anonymous, amoral liberty. The wastes called to the boy as a blank slate upon which a man of will could write his own destiny.
    During the same period of the time that the boy was coming to these insights, the expedition uncovered a cache of well-preserved historical texts. Among with adventure fiction and comic books, history had always been his favorite subject, and so the task of cataloguing游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 and studying the texts fell to him. Though the boy had long been aware of basic facts concerning many ancient empires, these new texts filled in many previously obscure details. Reading The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire rendered him a veritable hermit for two weeks. But even that could not have prepared him for the Commentarii, the account of the military campaigns of Gaius Julius Caesar, written by the man himself. Reading Commentarii changed the boy's life. Unfortunately, it was destined to change the lives of thousands more, and for the worse.
    In Gaius Julius Caesar the boy found a man who seamed游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 to have fulfilled the full measure of potential greatness allotted to him by fate, a man whose career spanned political accomplishment and military achievement in equal measure. Such adventure! And intrigue! And cool uniforms! The boy's frustrations with his lot in life gained sharp focus. In reading about Caesar, he was like an ant scurrying about the feet of a regal statue. He resolved that he would go to any lengths necessary to change the course of his life. The Commentarii would be his blueprint. In an illiterate, benighted world, who would ever know that Caesar was not his original creation?
    That night, Caesar offered a different sort of assistance to a tribe his expedition had contacted recently: weapons, medical supplies, and tactical expertise. He led several tribal accomplices back to the expedition's camp and through its defenses, and there oversaw the murder of his eight fellows. Within a week he was leading the tribe on ever more ambitious raids against neighboring bands of raiders and tribals."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 461:
    "The boy, now a young man, sets out to explore the wastes as part of a nine-person expedition. He unearths a cache of literature about the ancient Roman Empire and encounters the historical figure of Caesar."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 461: "Important Dates"
    "2247 He declares himself Caesar. Within a week, he is leading the tribe on ever more ambitious raids against neighboring bands of raiders and tribals, growing his forces by taking slaves."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  5. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.461: "Important Dates"
    "2247 Inspired by his reading and the freedom offered by the wastes to write his own future, the young man conspires with a tribe to murder the other eight members of the expedition. He declares himself Caesar. Within a week, he is leading the tribe on ever more ambitious raids against neighboring bands of raiders and tribals, growing his forces by taking slaves."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  6. J.E. Sawyer: "Edward Sallow created Caesar's Legion as an imitation of the Roman Legion, but without any of the Roman society that supported the Roman Legion. I've written this before, but there are no optimates, no populares, no plebes, no equestrians, no patricians, no senate, no Rome. There's no right to private property (within the Legion itself). There's no civil law. There aren't even the ceremonial trappings of Roman society. Legates don't receive triumphs following a victory. No one in the Legion retires to a villa in Sedona.
    It's essentially a Roman legion with only the very top commander having any connection to the "source" culture, the rest being indoctrinated conscripts from cultures that were honestly less well-developed than anything in Gaul. Gauls are pretty sophisticated compared to the 80+ tribes. Gauls could read the Latin or Greek alphabets (Gallic language, obviously), had extensive permanent settlements, roads, calendars, mines, and a whole load of poo poo that groups like the Blackfoots never had.
    What Caesar gave to those tribes was order, discipline, an end to internecine tribal violence (eventually), common language, and a common culture that was not rooted in any of their parent cultures. The price was extreme brutality, an enormous loss of life and individual culture, the complete dissolution of anything resembling a traditional family, and the indoctrination of fascist values.
    Caesar's Legion isn't the Roman Empire or the Roman Republic. It isn't even the Roman Legion. It's a slave army with trappings of foreign-conscripted Roman legionaries during the late empire. All military, no civilian, and with none of the supporting civilian culture."
  7. J.E. Sawyer's Formspring:
    "The additional Legion locations would have had more traveling non-Legion residents of Legion territories. The Fort and Cottonwood Cove made sense as heavy military outposts where the vast majority of the population consisted of soldiers and slaves. The other locations would have had more "civilians". It's not accurate to think of them as citizens of the Legion (the Legion is purely military), but as non-tribal people who live in areas under Legion control. While Caesar intentionally enslaves NCR and Mojave residents in the war zone, most of the enslavement that happens in the east happens to tribals. As Raul indicates, there are non-tribal communities that came under Legion control a long time ago. The additional locations would have shown what life is like for those people. The general tone would have been what you would expect from life under a stable military dictatorship facing no internal resistance: the majority of people enjoy safe and productive lives (more than they had prior to the Legion's arrival) but have no freedoms, rights, or say in what happens in their communities. Water and power flow consistently, food is adequate, travel is safe, and occasionally someone steps afoul of a legionary and gets his or her head cut off. If the Legion tells someone to do something, they only ask once -- even if that means an entire community has to pick up and move fifty miles away. Corruption within the Legion is rare and Caesar deals with it harshly (even by Legion standards). In short, residents of Legion territories aren't really citizens and they aren't slaves, but they're also not free. People who keep their mouths shut, go about their business, and nod at the rare requests the Legion makes of them -- they can live very well. Many of them don't care at all that they don't have a say in what happens around them (mostly because they felt they never had a say in it before the Legion came, anyway)."
  8. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 461:
    "Caesar conquers the tribes of southeastern Utah, southwestern Colorado, the western edge of New Mexico, and the northern half of Arizona. By 2250 he has declared himself the Son of Mars. By 2255, he has established a capital of sorts amid the ruins of Flagstaff.."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  9. Joshua Sawyer on Formspring May 12, 2012: Even in ancient Rome's slave-based economy the majority of people weren't slaves. Is that the case with the Legion and is that what you wanted to show with additional Legion locations?
    The additional Legion locations would have had more traveling non-Legion residents of Legion territories. The Fort and Cottonwood Cove made sense as heavy military outposts where the vast majority of the population consisted of soldiers and slaves. The other locations would have had more "civilians". It's not accurate to think of them as citizens of the Legion (the Legion is purely military), but as non-tribal people who live in areas under Legion control.
    While Caesar intentionally enslaves NCR and Mojave residents in the war zone, most of the enslavement that happens in the east happens to tribals. As Raul indicates, there are non-tribal communities that came under Legion control a long time ago. The additional locations would have shown what life is like for those people.
    The general tone would have been what you would expect from life under a stable military dictatorship facing no internal resistance: the majority of people enjoy safe and productive lives (more than they had prior to the Legion's arrival) but have no freedoms, rights, or say in what happens in their communities. Water and power flow consistently, food is adequate, travel is safe, and occasionally someone steps afoul of a legionary and gets his or her head cut off. If the Legion tells someone to do something, they only ask once -- even if that means an entire community has to pick up and move fifty miles away. Corruption within the Legion is rare and Caesar deals with it harshly (even by Legion standards).
    In short, residents of Legion territories aren't really citizens and they aren't slaves, but they're also not free. People who keep their mouths shut, go about their business, and nod at the rare requests the Legion makes of them -- they can live very well. Many of them don't care at all that they don't have a say in what happens around them (mostly because they felt they never had a say in it before the Legion came, anyway)."
  10. 10.0 10.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 41: "Caesar's Legion"
    "This horde of cruel, yet highly disciplined slavers has spread across the southwest like an all-consuming flame. Founded by a fallen member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion is effectively an enormous, conscripted slave army. As Caesar conquers the peoples of the wasteland, he strips them of their tribal identities and turns their young men into ruthless legionaries and women into breeding stock. Unlike the rag-tag Raiders back east, Caesar's "Legionaries" neither look nor act like haphazard, irregular troops. They are well organized, moving and attacking in large packs, and deliberately commit atrocities to terrorize those who might dare oppose them.
    True, Caesar is the perfect man. But he is not just a man: he is the Son of Mars, ordained by the god of war to conquer all Earth. To prepare the way, Mars razed the Earth, cleansed it with fire, and brought the weak and the wicked low; and now his son has come to deliver the wasteland from chaos and barbarism. To follow Caesar is to obey the will of Mars; to disobey is to condemn oneself to death. As the Son of Mars, Caesar has the divine right to demand servitude from all he encounters. Not everyone believes that Caesar is the product of a god's loins, of course. The most recently captured slaves tend to be pretty skeptical. But they aren't very vocal in their criticisms, and their children are raised not by skeptical parents but by priestesses appointed to that task by virtue of their knowledge of an adherence to the state religion.
    Nearly all physically capable, compliant males are compelled to serve in its armed forces. The primary value of pre-menopausal females is to serve as breeding stock (with Caesar or a legate governing how they are assigned to males), though they, like older females and less physically-capable men, are also used to perform a variety of other tasks. The largest unit of organization in Caesar's Legion is the Cohort, numbering about 480 infantrymen. Cohorts are further divided into Centuriae, which contrary to their name numbers about 80 men, and each Centuriae is divided into ten "tent groups" (Contubernia), making this the squad level of organization. Raiding parties are of this size (about eight men) and will be led by a Decanus (a squad leader, basically).
    Caesar desires two things: a Carthage, and a Rome. In the NCR he has at last found a grand adversary, against which he can wage a military campaign worthy of history books. And in Vegas, powered and watered by its great dam, he has found a capital worthy of, well, a Caesar. Contrary to the old saw, Rome will be built in a day. All it takes is plentiful slave labor, and Caesar has that in spades."
  11. Denver design documents, page 44
  12. so who did the writing for Caesar in New Vegas, and who decided he should give an overview of Hegelian dialectics? Formspring