“…为那些想要更多的人。”— 异尘余生简介
克莱斯拉汽车公司(英文:Chryslus Motors)是战前的汽车制造商。
战前,克莱斯拉是一家利用核聚变能源制造商业上可行的个人交通工具[1]的公司,它甚至赞助了一场在科技博物馆举办的展览,展示交通运输的历史,包括一个两层楼高的现代核聚变引擎复制品。[2] 依靠可充电电池或机载裂变反应堆,它们的主要产品线是可伟佳和拦截者。
第一批汽车在2070年进入市场。[Non-canon 1] 令人欣慰的是,尽管价格不菲,但这些大而美式的产品在几天内就被抢购一空。 由于正在将民用工厂转为军事用途,生产受到了限制。[Non-canon 2][Non-canon 3] 在价格方面,2077年可伟佳的售价为199,999.99美元。[3] 即使是在战后,他们的汽车可靠、制造精良且极少维护的声誉仍然流传。[4][5] 这种战前车辆在废土上随处可见。
主页面: 克莱斯拉可伟佳 (公司)
可伟佳是克莱斯拉汽车公司的旗舰品牌,在资源危机导致内燃机无法销售后,可伟佳成为汽车市场的主导力量之一。2077年,老款可伟佳的价格是199,999.99美元。[3] 然而,尽管他们很受欢迎,2077年制造的双门跑车有泄漏冷却剂的倾向。[5] 这种战前车辆在废土上随处可见。
型号名 | 图片 | 描述 |
可伟佳轿跑车 | 最初的可伟佳轿跑车是一款经典的双门运动跑车,带有超大型前置发动机,其功能强大,融合了模拟控制功能。[3] | |
可伟佳原子 V-8 | 坚固耐用的轿车,是可伟佳系列中最受欢迎的车型之一,遍布美国。原子 V-8有两到四扇门,一扇平顶门和一扇气泡门,[5]有多种颜色可供选择。内饰通常衬有红色皮革,尤其是在大战之前进入市场的第二代车型。[Non-canon 4] | |
轿车 | 全尺寸轿车的另一种变体,是一款真正的公路巡洋舰,具有庞大的车身和核发动机。 | |
Blitz | 一款经济型和家庭友好型双门跑车,Blitz是可伟佳系列的变种,旨在结合良好的性能,低维护要求,卓越的燃油效率,和四个座位。[6] | |
拦截者 | 时尚的设计,坚韧而有弹性的框架。该车与克莱斯拉可伟佳共享技术,该系统具有完全模拟的系统,没有电子元件,功率超过800马力。 | |
樱桃炸弹 | 这是一款单座商用汽车,其设计目标是突破音障。 | |
Fusion Flea Supreme | 战前超小型城市交通,配备三轮和先进的克莱斯拉核动力发动机 |
- 辐射简介中出现了克莱斯拉可伟佳的广告。 这款车的广告价“仅为199,999.99美元”。
- 一辆拦截者残骸出现在诺瓦克附近的莫哈韋廢土,树干中有一些能量电池。
- 藍道·克拉克在他的终端机条目中提到,大战爆发后,他的卡车和另一条车道上的克莱斯拉变得无法使用。[9]
- 克莱斯拉工厂作为一个地点出现在辐射:避难所。
- 在《辐射2》中,克莱斯拉被错误地拼写为“Chrysalis”。
- 辐射2中的获选者可以使用正常运作的拦截者。
- In The Funnies, a Chryslus Rocket 69 is mentioned.[10]
- 这家公司的名字来源于克莱斯勒和通用汽车,这两家美国汽车制造商的总部都在密歇根州。
- 樱桃炸弹出现在《极限竞速6》中,并更名为“ Chryslus Rocket 69”。 它适用于《辐射4》的所有玩家。这辆车的新名称是对康妮·艾伦(Connie Allen)于1954年发行的同名歌曲“ Rocket 69”的引用。 火箭69出现在《辐射4》中,并在钻石城电台播放。
- 概念图展示了几个产品,如原子V2, V6, V8,和VX引擎。[Non-canon 5][Non-canon 6]
- 在宣传材料中,克莱斯拉被描述为在建立一种促进忠诚的企业文化上投入了大量资金,包括庆祝被雇佣里程碑。两年后,员工们收到了一个纪念的硬珐琅别针、明信片和一辆Fusion Flea Supreme的复制品。 [Non-canon 7] 第五年,他们收到了一辆克莱斯拉Pick-R-Up纪念版。[Non-canon 8]
- ↑ Danse: "Corvega vehicles have small fusion engines under the hood, so watch where you shoot"
(Danse's dialogue) - ↑ Museum of Technology terminal entries; Museum Information, Transportation Exhibits
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Fallout intro
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Chosen One: "{244}{}{I was just wondering what you do here?}"
Smitty: "{460}{}{Mostly I just keep watch over all this old junk. Only got one thing worth doodly-squat.}"
The Chosen One: "{461}{}{What's that?}"
Smitty: "{470}{}{Why, it's none other than this Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. They used ta say that "Nothing can stop a Highwayman." They shore built 'em tough, I'll say that for 'em.}"
The Chosen One: "{471}{}{Wow, does it run?}"
Smitty: "{480}{}{If'n it ran, do you think I'd still be in this shithole of a town?}"
The Chosen One: "{481}{}{Uh, yes.}"
Smitty: "{490}{}{Well, you're probably right. I got kinda settled in here.}"
The Chosen One: "{491}{}{I see.}"
(DcSmitty.msg) - ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Red Rocket truck stop terminal entries; Red Rocket Terminal, Monday, October 18
- ↑ Curie: "I read that the Corvega Blitz is quite economical and family friendly. But, not so much any more."
(Curie's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken at the entrance of the assembly line room in the Corvega assembly plant. - ↑ The Chosen One: "{246}{}{Hey Smitty, I was wondering about that car you had for sale.}"
Smitty: "{330}{}{Well, you see, I've got this car, a Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. She's a beaut, too. They used to say "Nothing can stop a Highwayman." Built tough, that's what they were.}"
The Chosen One: "{331}{}{Yeah, so what's that got to do with me?}"
Smitty: "{340}{}{Well, you see, I thought I needed a battery for the thing but all I really need is a fuel cell controller. Them things was always going bad on 'em.}"
The Chosen One: "{341}{}{Well, I've got one of those}"
Smitty: "{350}{}{That right? Here's the deal. You give me $2,000 and I'll sell you the car. Heck I'll even install the fuel cell controller for you. Should run good as new. I'll even charge it up with some extra micro fusion power cells I got.}"
The Chosen One: "{351}{}{That sounds good to me. Here's the money and the part.}"
(DcSmitty.msg) - ↑ Fallout 4 Cherry Bomb billboard
- ↑ Year: 2077
- ↑ The Funnies: "Money can't buy happiness.
But it can buy a Chryslus Rocket 69..."
- Non-canon
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2070 The first of the Chryslus motors fusion-driven cars are developed. Reassuringly big and American, the limited models carry a hefty price tag but are sold out within days. Many Chryslus plants have long since been converted into making military ordinance."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2070 The first of the Chryslus motors fusion-driven cars are developed. Reassuringly big and American, the limited models carry a hefty price tag but are sold out within days. Many Chryslus plants have long since been converted into making military ordinance."
- ↑ Bethblog Friday, September 19th, 2008 "The Real World meets Fallout: Power Armor and Nuclear Cars"
- ↑ The Art of Fallout 4 p.257
- ↑ Chryslus Showroom interior 1
- ↑ Chryslus Showroom interior 2
- ↑ Fusion Flea Die Cast Replica
- ↑ Pick-R-Up Fallout Pickup Truck Replica