
不要犯错误; 你的 父亲会为你所做的感到自豪。

克羅絲星光聖騎士(英文名:Star Paladin Cross)是一名可招募同伴。在2277年,她生活在首都废土大本營


克羅絲星光聖騎士是第二高阶的士兵(莎拉·里昂斯铁卫之后)驻扎在大本營。虽然她不再活跃在该领域,但她是歐文·里昂斯长老的保镖和顾问。虽然所有成员都像新兵一样接受各种形式的战斗训练,[3][4]她更喜欢近战武器。[5]众所周知,克羅絲实际上是一个生化人,不再需要吃或睡。她在废土中保护老里昂斯时受了重伤,雷金纳德·罗斯柴尔德学士为了救她的命,做了一个把她变成生化人的手术。[Non-game 1]

兄弟会抵达首都废土后,他们开始协助净水计划;在2257年间,克羅絲尤其帮助保护了计划的初期成果。然而,当项目的主要科学家之一,凯瑟琳,死于分娩时,进度停顿下来。随着超级变种人攻击的增加,[6] 詹姆斯带着他的新生儿去了101号避难所。克羅絲护送他们一路来到核彈鎮[Non-game 1][7]





Paving the Way
Icon severed ear color



  • 如果她或詹姆斯受到玩家的侮辱,她將拒绝跟随独行者。
  • 如果安裝了断钢扩展包,独行者在完成夺回!后可以再次请求她加入他们的队伍,即使他们之前侮辱了詹姆斯(但积极的业报检定仍然适用)。


  • 因為她屬於鋼鐵兄弟會陣營,她在解除跟隨時將會與周边的兄弟會遗弃者敵對。在Xbox 360的香草版中,克羅絲并没有对兄弟會遗弃者产生敌意。
  • 如果独行者在断钢任务勇敢者胜中摧毁了城堡,而克罗斯在身边,她将和钢铁兄弟会的其他成员一起变得敌对。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
克羅絲的动力装甲 Cross's laser pistol
Cross's super sledge
FoS Star Paladin Cross套装
T-51f power armor (Fallout Shelter)


  • 克羅絲穿了一种独特的动力装甲,editor ID FollowersOutfitCross, form ID 00066c73,虽然它没有比其他任何动力装甲更好的属性,只是简单地称为动力装甲。
  • 即使独行者已经有一个(或多个)追随者,当第一次和她说话时,也可以招募克羅絲(有善良的业报&不侮辱她或他们的父亲)她会问独行者她能不能问一个困难的问题,如果独行者的回答是: "我想我阻止不了你。"不管他们有多少追随者,她还是会加入。(最近对主机的更新[需要澄清]修复了这个问题)
  • 像大本营的许多人一样,当夺回!开始后,克羅絲星光聖騎士只会说出"为了里昂斯长老!"和"祝你好运!"
  • 虽然克羅絲携带超級大錘,但近战武器不是她的标签技能之一。
  • 克羅絲是辐射3中仅有的两个会背诵法典节选的角色之一;另一个是亞瑟·麥克森





  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时候,如果克羅絲在战斗中死亡,玩家角色会在几周后收到一条消息"克羅絲星光聖騎士已经回到了城堡。" [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果玩家让克羅絲等待,然后再与她重新开始对话,她就会表现得好像玩家角色没有让她等待一样,并拥有正常的对话,但她仍然会无限期地留在那个位置上。解雇她,重新雇用她可以解决这个问题。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 另一种"等待错误"解决方法,是打开控制台输入set "62735".Waiting to 0,然后,在控制台上选择她 - disable,然后enable。然后控制台应该显示她选择的包follow()。
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果玩家角色让克羅絲对他们怀有敌意(在她成为同伴之后)和她说话时,她不会有一个独特的路线,而是像一个追随者一样说话。如果玩家角色告诉她换一种新武器,她就会在退出对话时用它攻击他们。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 如果玩家角色给了克羅絲星光聖騎士道具,那么她将无法移动。让她再次移动的唯一方法是把物品拿回来,解雇她,然后让她再次成为一个追随者。当她被要求等待时,这种情况就会发生;解决方法是相同的,但每当她被要求等待时,问题就会再次出现。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时当进入像87号避难所这样的区域时,克羅絲星光聖騎士的手会变得非常长,类似于死亡爪,但她仍然可以使用她的武器,等待或进入和离开一个区域似乎可以解决这个问题。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时,如果玩家角色在有同伴(通常是福克斯)的情况下杀死狗肉,并雇佣克羅絲星光聖騎士,通过一系列行动,她可能会导致整个核彈鎮随机对他们产生敌意。首先,得带她去那里。把她带到你在核彈鎮的房子,告诉她等待。如果故障发生了,她表现得好像她从来没有等待,但无论如何还是等待,狗肉的小狗不会在101号避难所等待(或者福克斯没有被解雇)玩家角色仍然可以解雇并重新雇用她。然而,带她出去,导致整个城镇的敌意。要注意这一点,因为如果玩家在重新雇佣她之前没有一个最近的存档,玩家角色可能不得不返回很多地方,或者简单地杀死所有的核彈鎮人。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时,如果在母舰泽塔的传送矩阵被使用,只要进入新的区域和自动存档完成克羅絲将死亡。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 在带着克羅絲星光聖騎士进入历史博物馆后,她将不会跟随玩家角色,尽管他们仍然可以与她进行普通的对话。即使让她在外面等,这种情况也会发生。解决这个问题的唯一方法就是解散她,在克羅絲星光聖騎士的归途上找到她,或者在城堡与她会合。[已验证]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Cross: "Hail to you. By the traction of hospitality and on the word of Elder Lyons, I welcome you to the Citadel. I am Star Paladin Cross, Keeper of the ARM, and Seneschal to Elder Lyons. And, I am honored to say, I was acquainted with your father. Now, what may I do to help you?"
    (Cross' dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Who are the members of the Brotherhood?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "Elder Lyons leads us. Star Paladin Cross is his seneschal. Sentinel Lyons', the Elder's daughter, commands the Lyons' Pride, our elite combat squad. The Paladins lead the Knights. The Knights are the core of the Brotherhood they scour the Wastes to eliminate evil and recover technology. Scribe Rothchild oversees the Scribes in their duties to seek knowledge and restore the technology the Brotherhood has acquired."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "I want you to change your combat style."
    Cross: "A member of the Brotherhood is trained in all weapons as an Initiate. What do you wish?"
    (Cross' dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "You're not bad with a ranged weapon. Keep it up."
    Cross: "The same can be said of any Brother. We are trained well and tempered in the fires of battle."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "I like what you're doing. Stick with the melee."
    Cross: "I appreciate the compliment. It is where I am most comfortable."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  6. Project Purity Journal: Entry 8
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Lone Wanderer: "You knew my father?"
    Cross: "I did. And you as well! Long ago, I helped guard the water purifier against the Super Mutant horde. When your father left, I escorted the two of you to Megaton. He was... a noble man. I was saddened to hear of his passing. But from what I've heard, he died with honor. He died for you. I only pray that my own death has such meaning."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Why does it matter how a man dies? Death is death."
    Cross: "True. And in the end, death claims us all. But how we die can say just as much about our lives as how we lived. Your father died for what he knew to be right, and he died protecting those closest to him. This is a good man's death. But, I must ask you a difficult question, if I have your leave to do so."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "What about the Enclave?"
    Cross: "As a Star Paladin, I answer only to Elder Lyons. He has given me leave to pursue the restoration of Project Purity as I see fit. By aiding you in your travels, I shall fulfill that mission as best I am capable."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Lone Wanderer: "I would be honored, Star Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "Then I shall follow your leave and submit to your command. As James' child, I know I don't need to explain, but I am not your servant. If I do not like the path your actions take, I will return here. Now, let us go forward, crush the Enclave, and fulfill your father's mission."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 The Lone Wanderer: "I don't suppose I could stop you."
    Cross: "Wry. Much like James was. I escorted your father across the Wastes. It was the best I could contribute to his efforts to restore fresh water to the people. I would like the honor of escorting you in your journey to complete his work."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "I just wanted to make sure you were still here. Goodbye."
    Cross: "As I am a "man of my word", there is nowhere else that I could possibly be."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "I would like your assistance once again, Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "And it is my duty to offer it, as I have sworn. I shall follow and protect you."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "I would like your assistance once again, Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "It is regrettable, but I cannot follow one such as you. Restore your good name, and perhaps I shall reconsider."
    (Cross' dialogue)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "I would like your assistance once again, Paladin Cross."
    Cross: "It is my sincere wish to join you, but so long as you travel with one who is not of the Brotherhood, I simply cannot risk myself."
    (Cross' dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.98: "Star Paladin Cross
    Star Paladin Cross is the highest ranking Brotherhood of Steel soldier in the Citadel, but she no longer works in the field. Instead, she now serves Elder Lyons's trusted bodyguard and advisor. It is well known that Star Paladin Cross has been technologically enhanced so that she no longer needs to eat or sleep. She is, in fact, a cyborg. The change occurred several years ago, after Cross was critically injured defending Elder Lyons while out in the field; Scribe Rothchild preformed the enhancement operation that saved Cross's life. But there's something even more important about Star Paladin Cross-she's none other than the Brotherhood of Steel soldier who helped save the player's life as a baby. Cross helped Dad get through the Super Mutants and escorted them all the way to Megaton."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)