關於an overview of laser rifle models in the Fallout series of games,參見laser rifle。 |
The recharger rifle is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.
The recharger rifle can fire approximately 370 times from full condition before breaking.
- Can be purchased (or stolen) from the Silver Rush.
- Can be purchased from Chet in Goodsprings.
- Can be purchased from Blake at the Crimson Caravan Company.
- Can be purchased from Cliff Briscoe at the Dino Bite gift shop.
- Can be found sometimes on a dead member of the Bright Brotherhood in the Coyote Mines.
- Can be found at the El Dorado Gas & Service.
- Deceased Bright Brotherhood followers may carry the weapon when the player is at level 4 or below.
- May be found on a dead member of the Bright Brotherhood in the Coyote den.
- Despite its low damage, the gun can be fired very rapidly outside of V.A.T.S.
- The recharger rifle is unaffected by the Laser Commander perk.
- While much heavier and noticeably weaker per shot than the laser rifle, it doesn't require any ammunition to be carried. Because of this, it can be one option for consideration in hardcore mode.
- With the Perk Jury Rigging, this weapon becomes more useful as spare parts, due to its low cost.