關於角色页面,參見Regulator (Fallout 3)。 關於在辐射中控制内城区的派系,參見管理者 (辐射)。 關於与Regulators一词有关的其他文章,參見Regulators。 |
修正者寻求在他们活跃的地区伸张正义,维持表面上的和平。由于首都废土是一个残酷的地方,他们主要通过杀死不公正的个人来实现这些目标。[1]这个组织是在2277年之前大约十年由一群不知名的人建立的。这些个人为该组织的运作提供资金,而索諾拉‧克魯茲则自己领导该组织,尽管没有解释她是否在该组织存在期间一直担任领导。[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]
卢卡斯·西姆斯,核彈鎮的治安官是该组织的成员,但没有向其他人透露他的成员身份。[Non-game 3]
- 索諾拉‧克魯茲,是首都废土修正者的负责人。
- 卢卡斯·西姆斯,核彈鎮的治安官是一位修正者。[Non-game 3]
- 獨行者 (仅在拥有执法者辅助能力时)。
- 死去的修正者,在追捕扬德斯·普朗克特时牺牲的成员。
- 小号角和搭档和修正者是敌对派系,并且与职业杀手辅助能力相关。
- 有了执法者輔助能力,手指可以从邪恶人类和尸鬼的尸体上取下,可以交换善良业报和5到10瓶盖,具体取决于业报等级。另一方面,如果他们犯下了严重的罪行,如摧毁核彈鎮或奴役人民,或者只是谋杀人民,修正者也会试图索取獨行者头上的赏金。
- 辐射3的修正者是一个独立的实体,与在首个辐射游戏中晒骨场的管理者无关。[Non-game 1]
- Regulator是对公共利益领域保持控制和监督的官员的实际术语。[16]因此,在美国历史上,许多武装组织,无论是民间的还是官方的,都被称为"Regulators"。美国历史上最著名的团体之一是美国独立战争时期卡罗来纳州的管理者。
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do?"
Sonora Cruz: "We're the Regulators. We've dedicated our lives to bringing the evil to justice. And out in the Wasteland, there's only one brand of justice: the gun."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Is this all of the Regulators?"
Sonora Cruz: "Oh, no. We're spread all around. The few here just assist me in organizing things here at the headquarters. There are Regulators everywhere. The thing is, if you see them, then they're likely the last thing that you'll see."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do with these fingers?"
Sonora Cruz: "Nothing. Nothing at all. They only serve to mark the fact that justice has been done. While we trust our members not to take innocent lives for profit, having a record of the deed is sometimes necessary. While we don't have liars in our midst, occasionally we all.. embellish a bit."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I'm in."
Sonora Cruz: "Fantastic. Well, take this coat. We all wear them. The unrighteous fear the sight of the Regulators. Now, as for the rest, here's the only thing we want from you: hunt down the evil, the wicked, and the villainous. Bring them to justice. Bring us their fingers as proof of the deed. We'll pay you a bounty for each one. Simple, right? Questions?"
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ Sonora Cruz: "I'm guessing that you've come about the notice. You know, I've heard about you. You're not bad people, from what I understand. And the Regulators can always use good folks. So, what do you say? You read the notice, and you're here, so I'm guessing that you want to ride with us. Am I right?"
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I have fingers to collect the bounty on."
Sonora Cruz: "Then you've been busy. Good. Show me what you have."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I have fingers to collect the bounty on."
Sonora Cruz: "The unrighteous will fall. Let me see how many you've brought to justice."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Here. Take all of them."
Sonora Cruz: "So many of the unjust have been dispatched, but so many remain. Here is your reward. Spend it well."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Here. Take all of them."
Sonora Cruz: "Your work is impressive. Here is your reward. Don't retire just yet, there is far more to be done."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ Sonora Cruz: "You live the life of a Regulator. You're an example to all. Word reaches across the Wastes of your deeds. I am honored to have you among us. It's always good to see one of our number here. Have you brought tales and trophies of justice?"
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Here. Take all of them."
Sonora Cruz: "So many of the unjust have been dispatched, but so many remain. But ever still, word reaches me that you have gone far beyond what we've asked. Good deeds should not go unrewarded, and so I will add on a bonus to your normal bounty."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Here. Take all of them."
Sonora Cruz: "You've done good work. Not only that, but the other Regulators have told me of your other actions in your travels. Good deeds should not go unrewarded, and so I will add on a bonus to your normal bounty."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I killed Junders Plunkett."
Sonora Cruz: "Well, it's about time someone put that bastard out of his misery. And here's the reward for it. Spend it well, Lawbringer."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Actually, I don't have any right now."
Sonora Cruz: "If this is a joke, I am not amused. Justice is serious business."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Actually, I don't have any right now."
Sonora Cruz: "Make your jokes when the Wastes are rid of the filth that feed off of it."
(Sonora Cruz’s dialogue) - ↑ Regulator definition
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Regulators
The regulators are a relatively new group in the Capital Wasteland, having appeared only in the last 10 years or so. They take it upon themselves to punish troublemakers and do their best to keep a semblance of peace wherever they are."
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles) - ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.97: "Sonora Cruz:
Leader of a hidden organization known as the Regulators (who are recognized by their long overcoats known as "dusters"), Sonora Cruz is a woman with a mission: to rid the Wasteland of troublemakers and ne'e-do-wells. Her unknown benefactors, who set up this clandestine operation around a decade ago, are willing to pay for scalps, or in the Regulators' case, fingers."" - ↑ 3.0 3.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Collector's Edition, p. 360: "Lucas Simms
He grew up in Megaton and understand better than anyone what it takes to survive and thrive in the Wasteland. Big and imposing yet warm and friendly, Lucas won his position by an unanimous vote of the people of Megaton (most of whom genuinely love the guy). He serves as a mayor, sheriff, judge, and just about any other position that's needed. It is also no secret around Megaton that Lucas Simms is fulfilling some weird childhood cowboy fantasy. He named his son Harden after the Old West outlaw John Wesley Harden. Simms is also a member of a secret society known only as 'the Regulators'."