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Fallout 3 locations project
这个页面被包含在Fallout 3 locations project的范围内. 该计划的目的是dedicated to cleaning up Fallout 3 location articles. 如果你想参与, 请先阅读计划页面.
- 一份槍械與子彈技能書在索諾拉床旁邊
- 一瓶量子型核子可樂在一間有桶的房子的儲物櫃里
- 擁有惡道德卻加入賞金獵人組織的玩家,將會在每個賞金獵人的屍體上發現一張自己的通緝令,但是在總部外的賞金獵人不會去攻擊你。
- If you enter the Regulator HQ with Fawkes, the Regulators will flee, but not turn hostile. After a few minutes, they will calm down (PS3/360).
- Fast travel to the Scrapyard then walk due NE to the shack. This usually prevents enemies from attacking the Regulators, but several Yao Guai may still attack. This attack can be prevented with the Animal Friend perk.
- On the original Fallout 3 it was almost 100% when fast travelling you would encounter 2 giant rad scorpions, however on GOTY edition it is most likely to be a sentry bot and an albino rad scorpion.
- 如果你出門剛好有怪,賞金獵人們會逃跑,索諾拉會跑出去幾天。這時你沿著西南方向找她,她在一輛燒毀的汽車或岩石堆旁,她仍會收購你的指頭。
- A good tactic to use when losing Sonora is fast travelling to the scrapyard and walking to the HQ, you will usually see a deathclaw or radscorpion killing the brahamin, sometimes they will chase Sonora, catch up kill the enemy and after a while Sonora will stop fleeing. (you don't have to be quick, she cannot die)
- 解放軍機動指揮總部設置在一個毀壞的拖車裡,在地圖上沒有他的標記,地圖上最近的地點是賞金獵人總部賞金獵人總部大門東邊,可以看見一個卡車和拖車在高架橋上,要過去的話從總部東部高架橋的路基處向上爬即可。詳細介紹及戰利品請參照該頁面。
- 有時你在外面沒有看見野怪,他們或許會在屋內刷出來,然後殺光屋裡的賞金獵人,儘管索諾拉不怕這些會和你繼續交易手指,然後其他人會在下次你到這裡時完好的刷出來。(PS3/360).
- 當你的角色從惡道德變成好道德時,賞金獵人仍然會持有角色的通緝令,我曾經幾次到那裡,但是賞金獵人沒攻擊我,直到有一次,我的隊友把總部里所有賞金獵人都屠了,不知道誰把隊友給惹了。
- 偶然會發生在一場戰鬥後,你的隊友會發瘋去對周圍的雙頭牛和旅行商人實施大清洗。
- As mentioned above all other regulators inside will have a bounty notice with your name on it. This is the case even if your character has never been bad.
- 如果你傳到總部,然後去旁邊的兵工廠觀看英克雷和流浪者的戰鬥,然後返回小屋。你總會發現索諾拉無法交談了,即便你把兵工廠的所有壞蛋殺了。最好的解決方法是過幾天再回來。(Patched PC version).
- 十有八九的情況下,當你快速旅行到這裡時,就會產生隨機的敵人去攻擊雙頭牛,然後後攻擊你,如果索諾拉在屋子外面,這些攻擊行為會導致她逃向小屋北方的一個岩石堆,隨後屋內其他成員也會出逃
- 要點
- Do not enter the HQ while you are in combat as this will cause all the Regulators to flee, making Sonora Cruz almost impossible to find.
- Be aware that if Sonora Cruz does flee, this leaves her open to surrounding enemies, most notably, the Enclave encampment not far from the Regulator HQ.
- Her Regulator Duster will not protect her from Giant Radscorpions or Enclave Soldiers. If she wanders off, reverse pick-pocketing better armor onto her is advised.
- Once all threats are suppressed she may still be "fleeing", but talking to her will stand her up again allowing you to push her all the way back to the HQ, should you decide to take the time to do so.
- If you can't find her, be sure to thoroughly search in ALL directions from the HQ. She has been found to have ran as far off as tenpenny tower.
- 注意周圍的妖怪、死亡爪和巨型變種蠍,他們會衝進來殺死屋子周圍的雙頭牛,有時他們直接就會在屋子旁邊刷出來。同時哨衛機器人也有可能出現在附近,他們能輕易地殺死屋子內的所有人。
- Even if Sonora Cruz flees from the HQ, if you are lucky enough to find her, she will still accept Fingers and give you your caps.
- 要點