这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 |
保護者(英文名:Protectrons)是一种机器人型号,出现在辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4和辐射76。
羅科工業目录中最广泛和最受欢迎的型号之一。保護者被设计为一种廉价的工作无人机,能够执行从建筑到安全到办公室职责的各种任务。[1] 它至少从2063年开始生产,是一款紧凑型双足工作无人机,带有一对机械手和用于自卫的集成激光器。[2] 大圆顶包含主要光学传感器(通常为三个)和包含机器人合成个性的中央处理单元。为了便于维护,保護者通常由裂变电池供电。[3][4] 由于它不是为战斗而设计的,至少不是作为直接战斗员,因此保护者只有一个薄的合金外壳,旨在保护其内部组件免受环境和在其职责过程中可能遭受的损坏。然而,某些保護者的内部温度可以达到1000度来烹饪食物,使其具有极高的内部耐热性。[5] 头部组件通常由半透明或不透明圆顶与强化玻璃屏蔽。尽管在战前引入了各种硬件修改以提高其有效性。[6][7]由于其可靠性和灵活性,保護者的众多变体在市场上可用。除了标准机身外,罗科还提供带有屏蔽加固头部、应急灯和射钉枪等内部电动工具的建筑无人机。[8] 带有内藏低温枪用于灭火和额外的火灾和碎片保护的消防员型号。[9] 带有内置除颤器的医疗单位和[10]带有泰瑟枪、更强大的伺服电机和装甲头的增强型警察模型。[11] 甚至工厂型号也可以使用各种软件和合成个性进行定制,以提高其性能。这种定制能力使其成为私营和公共部门的热门选择。[12] 其中包括具有集成办公协议和调度软件的 [13]R04 V9 "办公助手"个性[14]、具有远程维护例行下载功能和害虫消灭程序的 [15]RS3 V4.1.6 “实用助手”,[16]以及 RX2 V1.16.4 “避难所助手”,[17]带有所有必要的避难所协议。[18]保护者通常带有一个特殊的吊舱,用于存储、维护和充电,[19]并且标准保护者控制接口v2.40安装在连接到吊舱的终端上,负责控制从属它的保护者。[20]
保護者的引入对美国工人的状况产生了有害的影响。保護者的效率和可靠性使其成为出色的、不知疲倦[21]的劳动者,即使在不受持续战争影响的行业中也能轻松取代蓝领工人。尽管公司会否认引入机器人工人是为了取代人类工人,[22]但现实是,任何引入保護者或其他机器人的公司很快就会出现大规模裁员。[23]在一个特定的例子中,匹兹堡的一家钢厂决定解雇所有工人[24],理由是削减预算和关闭工厂的需要。 当工人开始罢工时,[25]公司只是让新的 保護者车队进入工厂,将罢工工人枪杀到一个不剩。[26][27]
在辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯和辐射4, 這種機器人只比眼球機器人強一點,速度慢,攻擊低,不會有什麼威脅。由于其较弱的武器和较慢的速度,它们不会构成太大的威胁。 它们配备了双手持激光器和一个头部激光器,因此即使其中一件武器失效,保護者仍然可以在战斗中发挥作用。它们在辐射:新维加斯中不像在辐射3中那么常见;它们出现在后者的每个地铁站,而在辐射:新维加斯中,它们大多在几座办公楼和电子防护避难所中巡逻。
工厂保护者旨在用作体力劳动。辐射:新维加斯中夕阳沙士公司总部内的一个终端提到机器人被运往工厂以取代人类工人。[28]在辐射3中,可以在匹堡的the Mill内找到这些保护者的一些样本,尽管它们已经停用。
这些工厂保护者在Pitt steelyard中被发现,并被用作钢厂内人工劳动的替代品。它们是重工业机器人,具有加固的“头部”部分、背部有保护笼和独特的黄色。
保護者Mark系列是大山脉科学家在羅科构建的保護者基础模型的基础上进行的尝试。这些保護者有六个版本,Marks I-VI。标记I与夕阳沙士公司总部中的保护者相当,而其他Mark则根据玩家角色的等级增加耐久度。但是,每个Mark系列的火力都是一样的。
- Ace the Raider
- Antoine
- Auto-Miner D3-B (Deb)
- Auto-Miner DU-K3 (Duke)
- Auto-Miner H4N-K (Hank)
- Auto-Miner J-0ULE (Jewel)
- Auto-Miner J03-L (Joel)
- Auto-Miner L4R-E (Larry)
- Bernie
- Blackwater Auto-Foreman
- Boomer
- BoS Collectron
- Brotherhood vendor
- Buddy
- Button Gwinnet
- Cap'n Kidd
- Census taker
- Cheerful Beekeeper
- Comrade Collectron
- Construction drone foreman
- Convivial Historian
- Dean Dewey
- Deputy Weld
- Doc Stanley
- Sheriff Eagle
- Fasnacht Collectron
- First mate
- Fisto
- Free States vendor
- Gleeful Butcher
- Gold Bot
- Happy Candlemaker
- Sheriff Hawk
- Hurtz
- Jolly Baker
- Joyous Musician
- Jubilant Decorator
- Merry Woodsman
- Mr. Fluffy
- N.I.R.A.
- One-Eyed Ike
- Pendleton
- Doc Phosphate
- Primm Slim
- Professor-bot
- Raiders vendor
- Responders vendor
- Robert
- Santatron
- Scavenger Collectron
- Shakes
- Shopping mall vendor
- Steelheart
- Sunny
- Supervisor Chattingham
- Supervisor Danforth
- Supervisor Wellington
- Takahashi
- Tannin
- The Custodian
- The Giddyup Kid
- The Whitespring Station vendor
- Thomas Jefferson
- Ticket taker
- Tin man
- Tour Bot
- Tweed
- Vendor bot Bob
- Vendor bot Chad
- Vendor bot Greg
- Vendor bot Mack
- Vendor bot Phoenix
- Vendor bot Raider
- Vendor bot Resin
- Vendor bot Responder
- Vendor bot Wallace
- Vendortron
- Watoga vendor bot
- ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "The RobCo Protectron was constructed for a multitude of civil service applications, from security to firefighting."
- ↑ The Wastelad video game was first published in 2063 and features malfunctioning Protectrons as enemies
- ↑ The Courier: "The display case is empty. The gun's missing."
Primm Slim: "Have you gone loco, pardner? I can see the gun with my own three photo sensors from where I'm standing right now. [You hear strange sounds coming from Primm Slim. He may be trying to read a corrupted file, but it would take more science knowledge to be sure.]"
(Primm Slim's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Any clue where I can find a Fission Battery?"
Butcher: "When we passed the maintenance room, I spied a deactivated Protectron inside. Just wrench open its access panel, and you'll find it."
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ General's Steak House Protectron's dialogue: "My internal temperature is 1000 degrees. The perfect temperature for broiling steaks."
- ↑ Protectron appearance across the series.
- ↑ Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "The sturdy Protectron model of robot was created before the great war, and served as a security automaton in both the private and business sectors."
- ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "The construction model of Protectron was built to take damage. Some versions also come equipped with an internal nail gun, which they can utilize in combat."
- ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "The firefighter model of Protectron is equipped with an internal cryo gun it can utilize in any combat situation."
- ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "The medic model of Protectron was designed to use its hands as a defibrillator. In combat, it utilizes this ability as a painful shock attack."
- ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "In combat, the police model of Protectron relies on strong melee attacks and a painful electric shock."
- ↑ Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "The sturdy Protectron model of robot was created before the great war, and served as a security automaton in both the private and business sectors."
- ↑ Protectron: "Running default office protocol...ERROR. Loading daily agenda...ERROR." et al"
(Protectron's dialogue (Fallout 3)) Note: OfficeRobotTalk - ↑ Protectron: "Loading Personality: RobCo R04 V9 "Office Helper"..."
(Protectron's dialogue (Fallout 3)) Note: OfficeRobotTalk - ↑ Protectron: "Receiving Sewer Maintenance Routine. Please Hold. Link Terminated."
(Protectron's dialogue (Fallout 3)) Note: UtilityRobotTalk - ↑ Protectron: "Loading Personality: RobCo RS3 V4.1.6 "Utility Helper"..."
(Protectron's dialogue (Fallout 3)) Note: UtilityRobotTalk - ↑ Protectron: "Loading Personality: RobCo RX2 V1.16.4 "Vault Helper"..."
(Protectron's dialogue (Fallout 3)) Note: VaultRobotTalk - ↑ Protectron: "Remote start activated, loading Vault protocols. Please hold."
(Protectron's dialogue (Fallout 3)) Note: VaultRobotTalk - ↑ Protectron pod appearance and placement context.
- ↑ Protectron terminal
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Private Entry #2
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Regarding New Protectrons
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Private Entry #1
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Private Entry #3
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Private Entry #4
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Private Entry #5
- ↑ Supply plant terminal entries; terminal, Private Entry #6
- ↑ Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters terminal entries; Shipping terminal, Check message