本文介紹的是组织. 關於非玩家角色,參見Chairman



会长帮和他们的上好佳赌场,从豪斯先生的历史数据库中提取出来,体现了拉斯维加斯一种古老的"酷"美学。在賭城于2274年翻修之前,主席是一个避难所后裔的战士部落,名为莫哈韋 靴骑兵[Non-game 1]一个名叫保安機器人联系了靴骑兵,豪斯先生利用它来传达他的提议,让他们部落加入他正在组织的部落劳动力队伍,开始为新維加斯进行翻新和重建工作。[1]会长帮成为第一个被带到賭城的部落。斯旺克承认,"如果没有豪斯先生,我们可能还穿着蜥蜴皮,拿着尖棍在废墟里戳来戳去,剥掉人们的头皮来取乐。"[2]

部落的酋长和主席的首领是班尼,他也是豪斯先生的得力助手,直到铂金芯片被盗。[3] 斯旺克是班尼的副手,在上好佳赌场酒店的前台工作。斯旺克在班尼不在期间负责赌场的日常运营。[4]

会长帮最终听从豪斯先生的命令,尽管在新維加斯建立并运行后,与他的联系主要是偶尔转移瓶盖,以获得赌场利润的"House cut"。[5]

他们部落时代的荣誉传统继续影响着他们如何选择自己的领导人,以及如何与他人和外人互动。部落的其他成员不知道的是,他们的现任首领班尼几个月来一直在策划夺取豪斯先生的科技和赌城本身的控制权,这违反了部落反对表里如一和背信弃义的根深蒂固的价值观。[Non-game 2]








  • 杀死一名会长帮成员不会导致业报的损失。
  • 正如他们的收藏版纸牌所显示的那样,会长帮应该穿着黑色西装搭配红色领带,这是Grimy战前商务装的合适纹理,以及它辐射3中的出现方式。然而,由于一个错误,他们的西装与肮脏的战前商务装的质地相同,因此使他们看起来与黑手党相同。






  1. The Courier: "How did Mr. House introduce himself?"
    Benny: "We were east of Vegas when the first Securitron we ever saw rolled up on us. We junked it in a minute flat. The next day twenty roll up. So we listened. Said we'd been selected. Vegas needed us to defend it. In exchange, we'd get cushy digs, full stomachs, medical treatment. Everything a nomad never gets, in other words. Most of the tribe thought we should say no. I thought it was the best idea ever."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What do you know about Mr. House?"
    Swank: "House is an all-right kind of guy. Sure, he keeps a pretty tight grip on the reins, but Vegas is a wild horse, and you can't just give her her head. Without Mr. House, we'd still be wearing gecko skins, poking around the ruins with pointy sticks and scalping people for giggles."
    (Swank's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Tell me about Benny."
    Mr. House: "Benny has led the Chairmen ever since I recruited his tribe seven years ago. Until his recent misbehavior, I'd planned to make him my protege. Maybe if I'd begun grooming him sooner, none of this would've happened..."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "I thought Benny ran this place."
    Swank: "Benny oversees the business, sure, but I run the Tops day to day. I'm his right-hand guy, you dig?"
    (Swank's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Tell me about Mr. House."
    Benny: "A good cat to swing with. Or was - until he stopped mewing. It was House's big idea to resurrect the Strip. He recruited the Three Families as muscle, showed us how to set up casinos, negotiated with the NCR. None of this in person, mind you. Did all his talking through those Securitrons of his. But lately? The silence is deafening. The robots collect House's share of the take every week and life goes on. Ain't exactly what I'd call leadership."
    (Benny's dialogue)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "Freeside"
    "Las Vegas wasn't heavily damaged during the Great War, but people didn't immediately "settle" into the remnants of the old city. The various Vault tribes that emerged years later, hunted and fought among the ruins, but it was not until the "return" of Mr. House that they ceased (most) of their hostilities. Mr House directed the tribes to use his sizable quantities of pre-war construction materials to build the crude (but effective) outer walls that separate The Strip and Freeside from the rest of New Vegas. While Mr. House valued the area around Fremont Street, he ultimately viewed it as secondary in importance to the Strip itself and he had a second, inner wall that separated the two areas. When NCR prospectors (and eventually the army) arrived in the region, people typically went straight for The Strip, leaving Freeside (as it had become known by locals) as an informal stopping point. Eventually Mr. House recognized that he could use Freeside as a filter for undesirables, and pulled his favored tribes and all Securitrons into the Strip, leaving Freeside to fend for itself."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide