
Resting is used to heal in a safe place without the need to use stimpaks, buffout, healing consumables or healing perks/implants. One is unable to rest if there are enemies nearby, when the area is exposed to radiation, or if the bed is owned by someone else.

Fallout and Fallout 2[]

In Fallout and Fallout 2, the player character can rest to recover their health in almost any place, as long as they're not in combat, using the Pip-Boy 2000 alarm clock function. A handful of places, such as the toxic caves or Vault City Downtown, prohibit resting.

Fallout 3[]

Sleeping in a bed for any length of time will restore full health and heal all limbs, but will not get rid of radiation buildup. One cannot sleep in an owned bed (if the owner dies the bed won't revert to an un-owned state). Many places in the open wasteland have un-owned beds for player characters to use freely, however, most major settlements require the Wanderer to rent a bed, which will give them the Well Rested bonus.

Alternatively, it is possible to wait in a certain location for however long is desired. Unlike sleeping, there is no benefit to this other than advancing the clock. It will not restore any health (unless one has the Solar Powered perk and are standing in the sun) and all the drawbacks still apply. It mainly serves the purpose of moving forward in time to a point where certain events will trigger, such as the open hours of a shop.

Well Rested[]

主页面: Well Rested

Sleeping in a bed one owns or rents (such as in the Megaton house, Tenpenny Tower suite, Kenny's cave, or a rented room) for an hour or more, the player character will become "Well Rested" and gain a 10% bonus to experience gained for 12 hours. The add-on Broken Steel adds the perk Deep Sleep, which gives a bonus from sleeping in any bed (provided the rest of the conditions are met.)

Bed locations[]

  • The article Fallout 3 player character housing provides numerous locations with "free beds."


Sleeping in these will provide you with the "Well Rested" bonus.


The Point Lookout add-on provides an additional Well Rested bed in Kenny's cave, provided one passes a speech check, have the Child at Heart perk, or retrieve Kenny's special teddy bear.

Fallout New Vegas[]

Beds act the same as in Fallout 3, but with some minor differences. In addition to owned beds conferring a Well Rested bonus, having sex with someone or sleeping in specific 'queen' or 'queen-sized' beds in certain locations will also confer the bonus. In Hardcore mode, the healing benefits of a bed only apply to owned beds; other beds in the wasteland will reduce sleep but not restore any health.

Alternatively, with a high Survival skill, the perks Home on the Range and Roughin' It allow the Courier to sleep via interaction with a campfire or in an unowned bed respectively. Also, the Roughin' it! bedroll kit is essentially a portable bed.

Free bed locations[]

Ownable beds[]

Fallout 4[]

Sleeping in a bed for any length of time will restore full health and heal any damaged limbs. The Sole Survivor can sleep up to 24 hours in a bed, up to 5 hours on a mattress, and up to 3 hours in a sleeping bag or tent.

In Survival mode, sleeping at least one hour will save the game. To heal crippled limbs and begin to restore health it is required to sleep for a longer amount of time. For a more detailed explanation of sleep and tiredness, see Survival mode.

Rental beds[]

These beds can be rented from NPCs for 10 caps each night and will grant one with the Well Rested perk bonus.

Free bed locations[]



此部分转换Mattress. 改变它, 请编辑包含在内的页面.


Sleeping bags[]

此部分转换Sleeping bag (Fallout 4). 改变它, 请编辑包含在内的页面.

Sleeping bag (Fallout 4)


此部分转换tent. 改变它, 请编辑包含在内的页面.


Fallout 76[]

In Fallout 76, the player character heals themselves, and can get benefits from sleeping in bed long enough. This time, however, the player character can also become diseased if sleeping on mattresses on the floor.

See also[]

  • Sleep