

伊索尔德教母(英文名:Mother Isolde)是2287年中联邦附近,原子神彈坑原子神教教派的领袖。


伊索尔德教母是和平派的精神领袖[RPG 1][1]居住在原子神彈坑内的原子神教徒。这个聚落是發光海地区唯一有人类存在的地方。伊索尔德曾经有一个女儿叫Dawn,她在教中和奥格登兄弟一起长大。[RPG 2]

不迟于2286年,Last Son of Atom加入了伊索尔德的集群,声称曾在核彈鎮为克伦威尔效力。他在那里住了一段时间,直到伊索尔德以异端为由将他流放。她的几个追随者和他一起离开了,形成了他的教派的基础。[RPG 1]伊索尔德为允许这个陌生人影响她的村庄而感到内疚。她认为他是一个异端和假先知,以唤醒原子神和打开通往其他宇宙的大门的承诺引导教徒们误入歧途。[RPG 3] [RPG 4]

道恩修女也跟着最后的教徒离开了,在这段时间里,她似乎和他走得很近。[RPG 2]然而,她只是跟随这个异教徒,代表她的教母暗中监视他。为了完成这一使命,她一直跟在他身边,即使他因为过度使用药物而变得不稳定。[RPG 5]最终,残酷的军阀抓住了她,把她变成了一个巨人,被称为大發光種。2286年,道恩在发光海中徘徊,吞噬了其他發光種,并且变得越来越大。[RPG 6]

最后的教徒能够在发光海中发现一个古老的废墟,他称之为原子之城[Non-game 1][RPG 7]伊索尔德谴责了这场毁灭,认为它与她的神无关。[RPG 8]

最近,伊索尔德教母允许布莱恩·维吉尔,一个躲避學院的超级变种人,在附近的一个山洞里避难。她证实他"寻求原子神庇护",但他的出现被她的一些追随者视为对原子神的侮辱。她派遣Brother Hoberman去评估维吉尔的威胁。在她的建议下,侦察员决定不去干涉他,但仍在等待未来的命令。[2]



FO76 ui icon quest



  • 有进一步的对话选项,了解更多关于为什么她和其他追随者在发光海,他们如何在放射線中生存,以及关于原子神教的一般情况。
  • Far Harbor (add-on) 如果玩家通过完成Visions in the Fog加入了原子核会的原子神教徒,当玩家遇到伊索尔德时,会出现一个新的对话选项。如果玩家声称自己是教会的一员,伊索尔德会谨慎地给予他们探索弹坑的特权,但仍然会怀疑他们。当提到匕港鎮时,伊索尔德提到了神圣的,它笼罩着小島。她认为这种放射性现象是原子神的面纱,[3]这是原子核会常用的术语。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Child of Atom rags 伽瑪槍 伽瑪子弹 (各不相同)
Note from Brother Hoberman


  • "原子神伸出手,触动了这个世界,把他的光芒带给了我们。直到今天,它仍在提醒着他的诺言。通过分裂的无限世界。"
  • "原子神诞生了这个世界,以及所有的世界。在这个世界上,他给了我们无限重生的承诺。我们所有人都是数不清的宇宙,等待着"组织"将他们全部创造出来。我们把原子神的话和他的天赋,传播给整个联邦。他们看到原子神发光的真相。"


伊索尔德出现在辐射4 辐射:避难所OnlineWinter of Atom


  • 她的名字暗指ISOLDE(同位素分离器在线装置的首字母缩写)是欧洲核子研究中心核物理和粒子物理实验综合体内的实验基础设施。
  • 在威尔士、德国和爱尔兰的人群中也有这个名字,在日耳曼语境中可能意味着"被凝视的她"。
  • 她的名字也让人想起了Ysolda, 贝塞斯达之前的游戏《上古卷轴5:天际》中的一个著名NPC。



  1. Not only are NPCs at the Crater of Atom non-hostile, but they seem to be scripted to remain so even when attacked
  2. Note from Brother Hoberman
  3. "Far Harbor? Few know of the land shrouded beneath Atom's veil, let alone claim to have worshiped within its sacred fog." (Isolde's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 "他没有听过伊索尔德的信息,但绝对相信她的智慧。她只告诉他,他们的社区处于危险之中,他们需要警察的帮助。
    He met the Last Son of Atom once and found him a creepy, self-obsessed narcissist. Several of the Children in his community joined the Last Son’s sect and left.
    He is scared for his friends and family. They are a peaceful sect, but few in the Commonwealth trust the Church due to the Last Son’s heinous actions." (Winter of Atom, p. 200)
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Brother Ogden approaches the PCs after hearing Sister Dawn is dead. He asks for details of their encounter and expresses deep sadness about her passing. Some things that may come up during the conversation:
    He and Dawn were childhood friends. He is upset and confused about why she left the settlement without telling him.
    Dawn moved into the same shack as the Last Son of Atom when he lived at the crater. They grew close before Mother Isolde exiled him. Ogden worries she may have left to join the Last Son’s cult. Dawn moved into the same shack as the Last Son of Atom when he lived at the crater. They grew close before Mother Isolde exiled him. Ogden worries she may have left to join the Last Son’s cult" (Winter of Atom, p. 211)
  3. Winter of Atom p.193: "Isolde considers him a heretic and false prophet, leading the Children astray with promises of awakening Atom and opening gateways to other universes."
  4. "“He left in search of ruins of an old-world military base— Whately Research Facility. What resides within is no gift of Atom’s.” Isolde reveals that she knows the Last Son’s location but does not elaborate on how she received the information. The facility is hidden underground beneath a buried church 12-hours trek west of the crater. The Last Son claimed that he would awaken Atom and open gateways to other universes once he found the facility. He promised those who followed him they would find paradise there—and their enemies would know hell." -Winter of Atom, p. 214
  5. "Mother Isolde assures me Atom will guide me and keep me safe on my mission, but I am still afraid. I remember the Last Son when he stayed here. So kind to us and helping with our struggles, so eager to please. He would smile and speak gently to offer me help, and I would have to play along and listen to his blasphemous ideas. It was worse after he started taking the chems. I watched him once. Berry Mentats, Ultra Jet, and X-Cell, all in one go. I was sure the mix would kill him, but it just made him more confident of his heresy. He was ranting and raving about how the chems would protect his mind from Atom’s Glow so he could lead his flock to paradise. He’d whisper at night of dreams about a child and an obelisk buried beneath the earth. I will do as she asks and follow the false prophet. I will discover the truth behind his lies so that all will know he is no Son of Atom and no Child of this Church. And when my mission is complete, I know Atom will reward me with his Glow as he rewards all his faithful."(Sister Dawn’s Journal, Winter of Atom, p. 211)
  6. "The Last Son captured Sister Dawn, Mother Isolde’s daughter. He experimented extensively on her using the device. Over time, Sister Dawn mutated into a thirty-foot tall, super-irradiated glowing one. Now, Dawn stalks the Glowing Sea, devouring other glowing ones and growing larger with every macabre meal." (Winter of Atom, p. 197)
  7. "The Last Son raises his hands with a peaceful gesture and addresses you in a calm, slightly strained voice. “Welcome to the City of Atom, my persistent friends. I am certain you have many questions. Before you ask them, hear my offer. It is not too late for you to know Atom’s Glow.”" -Winter of Atom, p.230
  8. Winter of Atom, p. 214: "“He left in search of ruins of an old-world military base— Whately Research Facility. What resides within is no gift of Atom’s.” Isolde reveals that she knows the Last Son’s location but does not elaborate on how she received the information. The facility is hidden underground beneath a buried church 12-hours trek west of the crater. The Last Son claimed that he would awaken Atom and open gateways to other universes once he found the facility. He promised those who followed him they would find paradise there—and their enemies would know hell."


  1. modiphius.net; Fallout Friday: The Winter War: "The Winter of Atom’s main quest line is going to give players of this expansion for the Fallout tabletop RPG a unique challenge fighting a maniacal sect of the Church of Atom, with a radical megalomaniac leader at its helm. In this third chapter of the book—the middle part of the campaign—the Last Son of Atom’s followers unleash an all-out war on the Commonwealth, while the Last Son seeks out his real objective buried somewhere deep in the Glowing Sea. They say war never changes, but since when did a fighting force like this use a gargantuan mutated centipede as a siege weapon?"