
Prickly pear fruit is a consumable item in Fallout: New Vegas. It is the fruit from a prickly pear cactus.


Unlike barrel cactus fruit, prickly pear fruit doesn't detract from Endurance. Two prickly pears are required to craft a bloatfly slider. Two of them can also be used with an empty soda bottle to make purified water.

Survival skill effect[]

SkillEffectHardcore effect
10+1 Hit Point for 10s-18 Dehydration , -12 Starvation 
20+1 Hit Point for 10s-21 Dehydration , -14 Starvation 
30+1 Hit Point for 10s-24 Dehydration , -16 Starvation 
40+1 Hit Point for 10s-27 Dehydration , -18 Starvation 
50+2 Hit Point for 10s-30 Dehydration , -20 Starvation 
60+2 Hit Point for 10s-33 Dehydration , -22 Starvation 
70+2 Hit Point for 10s-36 Dehydration , -24 Starvation 
80+2 Hit Point for 10s-39 Dehydration , -26 Starvation 
90+2 Hit Point for 10s-42 Dehydration , -28 Starvation 
100+3 Hit Point for 10s-45 Dehydration , -30 Starvation 



  • Two fruit can be found placed atop a grave in Goodsprings Cemetery, along with some coyote tobacco chew.
  • Dried version, one of the items converted from the seed package near the Dionaea Muscipula. Old World Blues (add-on)
  • One can be acquired every three in-game days after the completion of Field Research, once the Biological research station has been upgraded. Old World Blues (add-on)


Prickly pear cactus


  • Carrying prickly pear fruit will provide four times more hydration per weight than water. This bonus rises to 7.5 times (1285 H2O recovery per pound of weight carried) with 100 Survival and the Pack Rat and Camel of the Mojave perks. Without Camel of the Mojave (because of consuming prickly pear instead of water) this rises further to 8.6 times (1285/150).
  • Turning two prickly pear fruits into one bottle of purified water increases the H2O benefit from 90 to 150 at 100 Survival at the expense of 0.86 pounds of weight over simply carrying the fruits by themselves.
  • Randall Clark mentions in a May 5, 2083 terminal entry that he has discovered banana yucca, honey mesquite, and prickly pear are still safe to eat after the war, despite minor mutations.[1][2]

Behind the scenes[]

Prickly pear cactus


  1. Two Skies cave terminal entries; terminal, Year 2083.
  2. Year: 2083