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Tumblers Today is a skill book in Fallout 3.


主页面: Tumblers Today

Tumblers Today is a book containing information about the art of locksmithing or rather information of the latest in mechanical locks found in safes, footlockers, and doors. The information inside was intended for commercial purposes, but can be applied to picking locks as much as it can be applied to making locks.


Reading this book permanently improves your Lockpick skill by 1, or by 2 with the Comprehension perk.


Closest map markerLocation description
Arlington LibraryMedia Archives: The desk flanked by two sets of microfiche readers in the room with the safe (it's the southern-most room) that is very close to the Children's Wing door. A battle with raiders may knock the book off the desk; check the floor if there is nothing on the desk
Broadcast tower KB5In the drainage chamber, on the floor in front of a locked door
Broadcast tower KB5To the west-northwest, in the ruins of a house occupied by raiders, on a shelf along the wall that is shared with a freezer filled with gore. It's next to the plates on the shelves. Note that a car exploding outside can knock the skill book off the shelf, making it very hard to find
Cratered hamletInside of a bathtub in one of the demolished houses
Drowned Devil's CrossingIn the red truck trailer near the bridge
Falls ChurchSouthernmost office building, on a desk. In the room with the bear trap
Falls Church/Mason Dst MetroIn Franklin Metro Utility, on the lower floor to the right of the turret. It is on top of the average locked mine box
Flooded metroOutside the southern map marker (West of Arlington Library), in the raider encampment. A copy is located on a raised platform, where the raider that carries missile launcher usually stands
Freedom Street stationOn a table where the scavenger resides. Must be stolen
Germantown Police HQBasement: in the Average locked weapons closet
Jury Street Metro stationAfter completing the unmarked quest Rube's Gold Ribbon inside Gold Ribbon Grocers
L.O.B. EnterprisesEast Wing on CEO's desk. Be careful if using explosives against the robots, as they may cause it to fly into the terrain
Mama Dolce'sAt the Food Distribution section, in the dug-out basement, next to two locked safes (one average, one hard) and three upturned desks
Mason Dixon SalvageOn the floor next to the footlocker in the abandoned shack, the one that doesn't have the broken refrigerator inside
Meresti trainyardIn the Meresti service tunnel, on the table near Robert's bed (the guy who guards the entrance to the Family gang encampment). While it is amongst owned goods, the book itself can be taken without a Karma penalty
MinefieldIn Gibson house, sitting in the office on the desk
Nuka-Cola plantIn the factory floor area, in the closet with the easy locked safe, in the room with the computer that has the shipping manifest
Roosevelt AcademyIn the Arts and Athletics Hall, on a desk near a locked safe of the third floor
Seward Sq. North MetroIn the sewer, which is northeast of the map marker. Near the debris area on the southeastern tunnel - the hidden stash note will lead to it
Sewer waystationTo the southwest of the sewer waystation is Talon Company camp, where the book is in the storeroom on a shelf
Smith Casey's garageIn the open safe behind the counter, located on the immediate right as one enters the garage
Tenpenny TowerSoutheast of the tower, on a bookshelf on the second floor of a wrecked building
Vault 106The science area: after going down both flights of stairs, there is a room to the right with two visible lockers. In the back of this room on the left
Vault 108Entrance floor in a small storage room adjacent to the malfunctioning generator. Behind several yellow metal crates is a metal ladder on top of which is a Nuka-cola Quantum, the book is under the ladder, may need to be knocked free
Wasteland gypsy villageOutside the center enterable shack. In a turned over refrigerator to the left of the door


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The Vault 108 location of Tumblers Today is bugged. The best way to get this book is to place a lot of frag mines (usually 15) on the closest corner of the previous room. With a frag grenade as trigger, the book should be blown to an accessible position (see [1]). Another way to access this book is by wedging an explosive under the stepladder to move it. This last method is an extremely trial-and-error prone process, as the collision box for the stepladder will prevent you from interacting with it in any way, including the 'grab' button, despite being clearly visible and close enough for taking. On the PC version, it is straightforward to gain access to this book by simply disable clipping (tcl) in order to gain access to the book. [已验证]


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