↑The Courier: "Are you some kind of Artificial Intelligence?" Sink Central Intelligence Unit: "Regrettably not, sir. All modules in this habitat are synthetic personalities atop a mundane operating system. There is no intelligence here, sir." (Sink Central Intelligence Unit's dialogue)
↑Robot control terminal: "{102}{}{Reprogramming complete. Initializing voice communication subsystems. Initializing personality subsystem. [Click!] How may this terminal be of service?}" The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Who or what are you?}" Robot control terminal: "{113}{}{This terminal is an Artificial Intelligence. This terminal is part of a WLAN matrix network to optimize remote unit operations.}" (ROBCTRL.MSG)
↑One example of such an interaction is as follows: Unit 462: "{107}{}{Unit #462 online. Self-test. Adjusting unit location data. Fixed. Rebuilding memory file. Fixed. Error - task incomplete.}" The Vault Dweller: "{109}{}{What is your incomplete task?}" Unit 462: "{112}{}{Unit #462 is a cleaning model. Must finish cleaning and maintenance of this level.}" The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{What do you have left to clean?}" Unit 462: "{115}{}{Vat Control Room. [Click] End of list.}" The Vault Dweller: "{116}{}{Heh. Finish your task.}" (MRHANDYC.MSG)
↑Protectrons, sentry bots, Assaultrons, and other units speak in short, often halting sentences that focus on maximizing information.
↑The Sole Survivor: "Well, you kill enough people, sooner or later something's bound to make you immortal." Vault-Tec rep: "Oh... oh that's rich... Real funny. Just like that robot of yours.After the bombs fells, and I came to, that bucket of bolts was still there! Trimming those fucking hedges like nothing had happened." The Sole Survivor: "You met Codsworth? What did he say?" Vault-Tec rep: ""Welcome to our happy home, sir. Can I get you a drink? Cheerio!"Just like that, over and over again. He was the only one still alive that I could talk to. A year went by before I couldn't take it anymore!" (Vault-Tec rep's dialogue)
↑The Sole Survivor: "Hey, you know you could head back to Sanctuary. I'll come visit. I promise." Vault-Tec rep: "Yeah, right. You'll ditch me there, and then it's me and that crazy robot of yours talking about those fucking hedges again for a year.No... just... just leave me alone." (Vault-Tec rep's dialogue)
↑Sole Survivor: "Why did Doctor Gray give you these unusual personalities?" Supervisor White: "Genius is restless, darling. It abhors stagnation. Doctor Gray was tired of the standard Mister Handy personality. He looked to his favorite television characters for inspiration, and we are the result." (Supervisor White's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "This chip looks like it was mass-produced. Are there other chips?" Klein: "[SUCCEEDED] ARE THERE OTHER CHIPS?" Doctor 0: "*Are you... echoing what he said, or... are you asking for real?*" Dala: "He's asking, yes. Dr. Klein, there are many other personalities. If you recall, you hurled them off the Sink balcony after your argument with Mobius." Klein: "IT IS NOT AN ARGUMENT IF ONE IS CLEARLY RIGHT AND THE OTHER IS CLEARLY WRONG! I REMEMBER NOW. YES, LOBOTOMITE, THERE ARE OTHER CHIPS. IF YOU WANT, FIND THEM. I BELIEVE THEY ARE STORED ON HOLOTAPES IN MANY OF OUR FACILITIES. BUT YOU SHOULD STAY OUT OF THOSE - NO EXPLORING AND DISCOVERING THINGS. THE SINK CENTRAL "INTELLIGENCE" SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR YOUR... HEH... NEEDS." (Klein, 0, and Dala's dialogue)
↑Vault Dweller: "There's an AI called SODUS. I think she's been trying to kill me." Leila Rahmani: "How exactly does a terminal program go about killing someone?"
↑Daniel Shin: "It's unfortunate that even terminal programs turn to violence."
↑The Chosen One: "{204}{}{Uh... What artificial intelligence?}" ACE: "{206}{}{It is a machine with the same free will and sense of 'I am' that a human has.}" (Fsface.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{205}{}{Is a true AI possible or are you the state of the art at this time?}" ACE: "{208}{}{A true artificial intelligence is possible. A few such systems were completed for military purposes. The project was discontinued.}" The Chosen One: "{209}{}{Why?}" ACE: "{210}{}{The suicide rate among true artificial intelligence machines was extremely high. When given full sensory capability the machines became depressed over their inability to go out into the world and experience it. When deprived of full sensory input the machines began to develop severe mental disorders similar to those among humans who are forced to endure sensory deprivation. The few machines that survived these difficulties became incredibly bored and began to create situations in the outside world for their amusement. It is theorized by some that this was the cause of the war that nearly destroyed mankind.}" The Chosen One: "{213}{}{Hmmm. So tell me, Ace. How do you feel?}" ACE: "{215}{}{I... I sometimes think that I understand the feeling you call loneliness. I find it very... disconcerting. I...}" The Chosen One: "{217}{}{I'm sorry, Ace. Let's change the subject.}" (Fsface.msg)
↑The Courier: "You mean there are other... personality modules here?" Sink Central Intelligence Unit: "Indeed, sir, though if sir's aim is to activate them I lament to inform sir that most have been offline for some years. If sir were to ask my opinion, I should venture that sir is better off without them. However, if sir is determined to inflict upon sir's self their dubious services, sir might locate backup personality disks elsewhere in the facility." The Courier: "Why is that?" Sink Central Intelligence Unit: "The other modules are rather... erratic, sir. Their personality matrices are built on flawed logic and have not weathered the years well, sir." (Sink Central Intelligence Unit's dialogue)
↑Fallout Bible 0: "2059 The first artificial intelligence is born. Limited by memory constraints, its expansion is rapidly halted. The discovery paves the way for future AI research in laboratories throughout the United States."