
Traffic Jam is a miscellaneous quest辐射4 .

Quick walkthrough[]

Miscellaneous quest: Traffic Jam
Ask Deb at Bunker Hill for a job.
Travel to the National Guard training yard.
Kill the feral ghouls inside the recruitment office.
Report to Deb.
Reward: 300+ XP
150-300 caps
Leads to: Prep School

Detailed walkthrough[]

碉堡山Deb寻找工作。 她会告诉玩家有些尸鬼堵住了商人来往碉堡山的道路。前往國民警衛隊訓練場 and kill the feral ghouls, then return to Deb to collect the reward.

When the first building is entered, the player character will encounter a few ferals, along with the body of Knight Astlin of the Brotherhood of Steel, which will also start the quest The Lost Patrol. In the second building there will be more ferals, including a glowing one.


除去现金奖励,该任务完成后,六位碉堡山商人 (Deb, Kay, Cricket, Doc Weathers, Lucas Miller, and Trashcan Carla)现金储备永远增加150. This is cumulative with the similar 300-cap increase rewarded for completing Prep School.

Quest stages[]

100 Clear the training yard.Trade in Bunker Hill isn't flowing quite the way it should because there's a "horde" of feral ghouls near the National Guard Training Yard. Deb will pay well if I deal with it.
200 Report back to Deb.I don't know if they were a "horde", but there certainly were a lot of ferals I put down at the National Guard Training Yard. Now I need to see Deb about the reward.
300Quest finishedDeb was true to her word and rewarded me handsomely for dealing with the ferals at National Guard Training Yard.
9000Quest failedFail Quest


  • 只能在上班时间接到任务。晚上找黛柏虽然可以交易,但她不会发任务。
  • 可以跟黛柏讨价还价要求更多报酬。但如果讨价还价后选择已经清理过的选项,本来说好的300个瓶盖会变成175个。
  • Objectives in some other quests, e.g. The Lost Patrol, The Silver Shroud, and Ghoul Problem at County crossing, may send the player character to the National Guard training yard, which consists of an exterior and multiple interior sections. This quest, Traffic Jam, only requires the exterior and the first building section, "National Guard Recruiting Office," to be cleared. The second section, "National Guard Barracks," houses more ghouls including the leader of the feral ghouls, a glowing one, whose demise is required for the other quests. It is not strictly required to clear the recruiting office to complete the objectives in The Lost Patrol and The Silver Shroud, but it is highly likely that the player character will have to kill the ghouls in the Recruiting Office anyway in order to progress to the Barracks.


Has platform::PCPC If one had previously cleared the training yard without getting this quest, it may be unavailable to accept or turn-in, blocking Prep School. (Despite the in-game console showing it at stage 200, which is "Report back to Deb.") [已验证]

  • On PC, one can solve this by manually setting the quest stage to 100 using the command SetStage 00122221 100. The relevant misc quest entries will be added to the Quests panel. If the first step is not working another option is to advance the quest to the next step by using the command SetStage 00122221 200, then the next conversation with Deb will turn the quest in.
  • Another possible workaround is waiting for the cell to reset and getting the quest once ghouls have respawned.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Passing all three speech checks for a higher reward (agreeing on 300 caps for the job) has no effect, if the training yard had been cleared previously. Regardless of whether the cell has reset. Clearing it again for the quest or telling Deb that it has already been cleared will only net 175 caps.[已验证]