

亞倫·金博爾总统(英文名:President Aaron Kimball)是2281新加州共和国的现任总统。作为一名忠诚的公民和退役的功勋将军(新加州共和国陆军),金博尔利用他的军旅生涯和战争英雄身份在新加州共和国的政治阶梯上爬到了顶端。在2273年间,他成为中樞市的代表。后来,在同一年,金博尔罢免了现任总统温德尔·彼得森,成为新加州共和国的总统,并在2278年连任。金博尔在政治问题上的强硬立场确保了他的地位,尽管他失败了,比如对莫哈韋廢土的长达七年吞并的莫哈韦战役[2]



出生在22322233年,[1] 亞倫·金博爾是一名被授勋的战争英雄和新加州共和國軍隊的退休将军。他对2269年中的内华达山脉部落和2270中的牛头城周围的莫哈韦地区发动了迅速而严厉的军事行动,从而使他声名鹊起。[Non-game 1]这是为了报复在2253年中对NCR公民展开的袭击。他的行为为他赢得了"莫哈韦英雄"的称号,并从坦蒂总统的的继任者那里获得了自由。[3][4]

作为一名忠诚的公民和退役的功勋将军(新加州共和国陆军),金博尔利用他的军旅生涯和战争英雄身份在新加州共和国的政治阶梯上爬到了顶端。在2273年中,他成为中樞市的代表。后来,在同一年,金博尔罢免了现任的温德尔·彼得森,成为新加州共和国的总统,并在2278年连任。金博尔在政治问题上的强硬立场确保了他的地位,尽管他失败了,比如对莫哈韋廢土的长达七年吞并的莫哈韦战役[Non-game 2]

2273年间,金博尔从军队退役,开始从政。由于他的英雄地位和对部落的强硬态度,他获得了广泛的民众支持。他竞选国会议员席位很成功。上任不到两个月,温德尔·彼得森被投票罢免,金博尔当选,成为新加州共和国的第五任总统。[Non-game 1][5]他上任后的第一件事就是在2274年命令占领胡佛大坝,这一行动导致了新维加斯条约的建立,将清洁的水和大坝95%的电力输送到新加州和NCR城市,使他在公民中的声望飙升。[Non-game 1][6][7][8]

事实证明,金博尔的受欢迎程度持久不衰,反动的暗流更是助长了这种势头。甚至推翻了旨在限制个人拥有的牛头数量和土地面积的法律,允许畜牧业协会共和党农民委员会变得更加强大,实质上创造了所谓的婆罗门男爵农业大亨,也没有玷污他的声誉。[Non-game 3]然而,真正让他蒙羞的是,在长达7年的时间里,政府未能吞并莫哈韦,耗尽了资源、资源和生命,使它成为金博尔总统长期以来的政治尴尬。到了2281年,金博尔的政治生涯取决于对莫哈韦和新維加斯的迅速吞并。作为NCR介入内华达州的象征,金博尔对共和国进一步向东扩张至关重要。他的死可能会激怒共和国,巩固NCR对莫哈韦的占领和金博尔作为烈士的遗产。[9][Non-game 4][Non-game 5][Non-game 6]









FO76 ui icon quest



  • 如果信使站在军团一边,凯撒亲自命令他们在金博尔总统来胡佛大坝发表演讲时暗杀他。取决于信使的努力是否成功,金博尔要么按照凯撒的意图死去,要么逃跑,激怒了凯撒。
  • 如果信使站在NCR一边,他们就会和格兰特游骑兵一起为金博尔总统的演讲提供安全保障。金博尔要么按计划完成演讲并离开,要么在可能的暗杀行动发生时匆忙赶往他的私人垂直飛行機,以缩短演讲时间,这取决于演讲的完成情况。
  • 如果信使站在豪斯先生一边,豪斯就派他们去胡佛大坝,在金博尔总统访问期间保护他。豪斯认为,如果金博尔死了,他将成为NCR参议院鹰派分子的殉道者。然而,如果他活了下来,而新民主联盟输掉了竞选,他将被指责为代价高昂和耻辱的失败。在获得胡佛大坝的胜利后,豪斯得意地指出,他和信使现在对金博尔没什么好害怕的了- "他会忙着被赶下台。"[16]
  • 如果信使在访问期间未能保护金博尔总统,金博尔将被凯撒的特工暗杀。














服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
金博爾总统的西装 胡佛大坝钥匙


  • 仔细观察金博尔在胡佛大坝的演讲,你会发现他的嘴唇一动不动。
  • 豪斯先生为什么他有兴趣在访问期间保护亚伦·金博尔的生命,这将导致豪斯解释,他只是想让金博尔活着,这样他就可以成为他的国家的替罪羊,在豪斯把NCR赶出新维加斯之后,把责任推给他的国家,而不是成为他吞并该地区这一显然不受欢迎的事业的殉道者。这将防止新维加斯被置于NCR贸易禁运之下,或者更糟的是,对它宣战。
  • 丹尼斯·克罗克许上校各自的办公室里都有金博尔总统的画像。金博尔的肖像损毁版也出现在NCR惩戒所的监狱长办公室里,该监狱已被艾迪炸藥幫接管;"亚伦·金博尔总统"也被换成了"桃子"。
  • 他不能被扒窃,即使使用隐形小子偷偷接近他。
  • 即使在离开NCR军队多年后,金博尔仍然留着短发,明显的"军人"发型,并保持着鹰派的政治立场。
    • 这种发型可以在创建或定制信使时选择,被称为"军士"。
  • 亚伦·金博尔总统在死钱]的第一幕中被伊利亞神父提到。这可以在通过无线电频率743.00Hz ULF窃听伊利亚时听到。[17]





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mr. New Vegas: "Once again, NCR President Aaron Kimball, dead at 48."
    (Mr. New Vegas' dialogue)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: "Important Dates:
    2253: "President Tibbett is removed from office by a vote of no confidence following her "timid" response to the massacre of 38 NCR citizens at the hands of Mojave raiders. Her replacement, President Wendell Peterson, orders three battalions of NCR infantry into the Mojave."
    2273 "Aaron Kimball retires from the NCR military and runs for office as one of Hub's political representatives (or "governors," as Hub idiosyncratically calls them). Less than two months into his term, Wendell Peterson is voted out of office and Aaron Kimball becomes the NCR's next President."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  3. The Courier: "What's your opinion of President Kimball?"
    Caesar: "A man of potential, held back by the craven political context he inhabits. You realize he was a general? "The Hero of the Mojave," they called him. A title he earned by extirpating lesser tribes that dared attack NCR citizens. His responses were swift and draconian. President Tandi, the "founding mother," coddled hostile tribes... but her successors were less naive, so they gave Kimball free rein. And after a respectable military career, what does he do? Become a politician."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  4. Robert House: "Kimball rose to prominence as the "Hero of the Mojave" when he led a campaign of reprisals against tribals who dared to attack NCR citizens."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Tell me about yourself, Ambassador."
    Dennis Crocker: "I managed President Kimball's first run for a seat on the Council. I suppose that's why I have this ambassadorship."
    (Dennis Crocker's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Why do you care whether Kimball lives or dies?"
    Robert House: "I care because he is a known quantity - not the man so much as the political context he inhabits. Kimball rose to prominence as the "Hero of the Mojave" when he led a campaign of reprisals against tribals who dared to attack NCR citizens. Ordering the occupation of Hoover Dam was his first act of office. As water and electricity flowed to NCR cities, his popularity soared. Conversely, his failure to annex the Mojave these seven years, and the immense costs of occupying a foreign land, have eroded his popular support."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "So why don't you want the NCR President to die?"
    Robert House: "Kimball's entire political career is inextricably bound up with the NCR's occupation of the Mojave. It's his war. If I compel the NCR to retreat, Kimball will be the sacrifice offered to the gods, so decent NCR citizens can get on with their lives. In retrospect, the Mojave and Hoover Dam will seem like one man's misadventure. Kimball will be blamed, not me. Not New Vegas."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "And if Kimball were to be assassinated?"
    Robert House: "Then the Hero of the Mojave would become the Martyr of Hoover Dam. And when, subsequently, I force the NCR to retreat... They lick their wounds, and dream of righteous vengeance against New Vegas. Hello, embargo, farewell, tourist economy. I've calculated and re-calculated these probabilities. Kimball must live."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "How will the NCR react to Kimball's death? Won't it just anger them?"
    Caesar: "It'll frighten them. If I can reach out and kill whomever I choose, then they know the only reason they're alive is I haven't tried yet. You have to understand that Kimball is a symbol. Without him, there would be no NCR occupation of the Mojave. He mustered the troops - as many as his senate would allow -and sent them in. All the right reasons, done all the wrong ways. Any invasion by a democracy is a half-measure. When Kimball dies, the NCR will recoil from the Mojave, and from his legacy. By the time they recover and try to strike back, I'll be invading them."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  10. Hanlon: "It's no secret that we've had better campaigns. Holding this whole length of river isn't easy. We're stretched thin and the Long 15 just keeps getting longer. Slow to get supplies. Slower to get reinforcements. NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase ghosts down in Baja."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  11. Robert House: "Conversely, his failure to annex the Mojave these seven years, and the immense costs of occupying a foreign land, have eroded his popular support."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  12. Hanlon: "Not too long ago, they took Nelson and Searchlight. They've got some camps on the eastern shore of the Colorado, and the monstrosity on the hill across the lake - that's for Caesar. Some folks don't believe he's here yet, but you can tell. He's the eye of the storm. It all roils and spins around him. You don't have to see the man to see the effect he has."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  13. Robert House: "Kimball's entire political career is inextricably bound up with the NCR's occupation of the Mojave. It's his war. If I compell游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 the NCR to retreat, Kimball will be the sacrifice offered to the gods, so decent NCR citizens can get on with their lives. In retrospect, the Mojave and Hoover Dam will seem like one man's misadventure. Kimball will be blamed, not me. Not New Vegas."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "Isn't it natural for someone like Kimball to seek greater power?"
    Caesar: "But he did so by election. What better way to stunt the growth of leaders, not to mention whole cultures? A leader shouldn't have to kowtow to those who serve him. With so much energy wasted on those below, how is he ever to move forward? Had he taken the government by force, used his army to stage a coup, things would be very different. I'll just have to do it for him."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  15. Ulysses: "There's your signal... faint, but there. Just like NCR - voice without fire, without strength, sick. Heard tales of you walking the Mojave. Giving the two-headed bear strength. Giving hollow men like Kimball, like Crocker, half the life Hanlon had. Now... let's test that strength. That... "conviction." Courier.
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  16. Robert House: "No need to worry about the General, by the way. He'll be held responsible, publicly disgraced... 36.5% probability of suicide, by my estimate... Kimball won't be able to save him - he'll be too busy getting thrown out of office."
    (Mr. House's dialogue (Securitron))
  17. Elijah: "Hnh. Going to wipe the slate clean. Kimball, the Republic... Hardin, McNamara, my "brothers." Then I'll head back West."
    (Elijah's dialogue) Note: This line can be overheard on 743.00Hz ULF radio signal in act one of the add-on Dead Money.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: "Important Dates
    2270: "The extirpation of tribals in the area of present-day Bullhead City is complete. "The Pacification of the Mojave," as it comes to be known, makes General Aaron Kimball a national hero."
    2273: "Aaron Kimball retires from the NCR military and runs for office as one of Hub's political representatives (or "governors," as Hub idiosyncratically calls them). Less than two months into his term, Wendell Peterson is voted out of office and Aaron Kimball becomes the NCR's next President."
    2274: "NCR forces move east and occupy Hoover Dam. The NCR reluctantly signs the Treaty of New Vegas recognizing Mr. House and his stewards, the Three Families, as the rightful owners of the Strip. The Strip opens for business."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: "Important Dates
    2253: "President Tibbett is removed from office by a vote of no confidence following her "timid" response to the massacre of 38 NCR citizens at the hands of Mojave raiders. Her replacement, President Wendell Peterson, orders three battalions of NCR infantry into the Mojave."
    2273 "Aaron Kimball retires from the NCR military and runs for office as one of Hub's political representatives (or "governors," as Hub idiosyncratically calls them). Less than two months into his term, Wendell Peterson is voted out of office and Aaron Kimball becomes the NCR's next President."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 456: "Controversy over Economic Development
    The NCR's economy is based on two resources: its great Brahmin herds, and swaths of land that have been restored to arable condition. These provide the nation with meat, leather, and starchy vegetables. During President Tandi's presidency, regulations limited the number of cattle head and the acreage of fields that could be owned by a single person. Despite constant pressure from the Stockmen's Association and Republican Farmer's Committee, such regulations loosened only a little so long as Tandi was in office. Following her death, however, they eroded until President Kimball overturned them completely.
    As a result, the past 12 years have seen the rise of the Brahmin Barons and Agri-Barons: captains of industry who are, by post-apocalyptic standards, spectacularly wealthy. This has given birth to a number of cottage industries, from the rebirth of luxury goods production to "journalism" that reports on the latest purchases, commissions, and "life lessons" of the newly rich and famous."

    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  4. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 457: "Civic Militarism
    Under Kimball's regime rhetoric promoting the patriotism and heroism of the NCR's armed forces has been constant, but the actual reputation of the military has worsened somewhat. While it is still regarded as an honorable profession, economic conditions driving citizens who might previously have eked by to enlist have tarnished the military's luster. To make matters worse, the NCR's expedition to the Mojave has failed to annex New Vegas, and soldiers struggle with the difficult climate and being so far from home for extended periods of service."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  5. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458: "Controversy over the Vegas Frontier
    The NCR spread east into Nevada in large numbers just five years ago on a "humanitarian mission" to "bring the light of civilization to the savage wastes of the Mojave." Hoover Dam was the symbol of the expedition-reports from the Followers of the Apocalypse had confirmed that it was still intact as early as 2170-and its occupation by NCR troops in 2274 was a celebrated event. Even more exciting was the restarting of the dam's hydroelectric plant eleven months later, which dramatically improved the access of many NCR citizens to electricity and water.
    Since then, most of the news has been bad. Skirmishes with local tribes and the first battle for Hoover Dam have cost the lives of more than 400 of the NCR's soldiers and civilians. Until the oft-promised annexation of New Vegas becomes a reality, the government continues to spend much of its budget on "safeguarding the region" while in return receiving not one Cap in tax revenue. The expedition has proved to be an enduring, low-intensity political embarrassment for President Kimball.
    Among NCR citizens, the most common political attitude is impatience. They want Vegas annexed; they want it over with. Most expect that this will finally occur once Caesar's Legion has been "beat for good." Opposition to the Vegas occupation amounts to a vocal minority, and of these, most oppose it as a waste of lives and tax caps. The more radical opinion that the expedition amounts to the imperialist subjugation of an unwilling territory is seen as unpatriotic: the kind of pap spouted by the good-for-nothing agitators like those Followers of the Apocalypse."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  6. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 457: "Equality
    By law, the NCR prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religious belief (so long as said religion does not advocate violence). Legal protection of Ghouls and other mutants was added in 2205, though enforcement of these rights has been spotty. For the most part, the NCR's practices live up to its ideals, but there has been some retrenchment since the death of President Tandi. Aaron Kimball's popularity was amplified by a reactionary undercurrent, especially among males, calling out a need for a "strong man" to lead the NCR forward. In the years since Kimball took office, male military officers have been promoted disproportionately to females, and discourse arguing the differences between males and females has reappeared."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)