

Hydra is a consumable item in Fallout: New Vegas.


Hydra is a drug developed from antivenom. Due to the Legion's disapproval of using modern medicine, some Legionaries attempted to develop a different means to help them heal damaged limbs. To do that, they combined cave fungus, nightstalker blood and the poison from a radscorpion poison gland with antivenom before use. This resulted in the development of Hydra, a curative agent that both anesthetizes and restores crippled limbs over time.

Despite its origins in the Legion, this drug has since seen extensive use throughout the entire Mojave Wasteland, including NCR field hospitals. Excessive use causes dilated eyes, an increased heart rate and blood pressure, excessive sweating and other typical symptoms of drug abuse.[1][2]

The scent of Hydra is so potent, it can be smelled in areas like Camp Forlorn Hope.[3]


Hydra appears as a Supa Yum-brand fruit drink soda bottle with three sealed glass vials of liquid taped around its middle, each one with a thin rubber tube feeding its contents up to the mouth of the bottle.

Like a doctor's bag, Hydra is used to restore health to crippled limbs, making it especially useful in Hardcore mode where stimpaks or sleeping in a rented bed won't heal these injuries. It has the advantage over doctor's bags in that it is weightless and it will continue to slowly heal the crippled wounds over 60 seconds. In a tough fight, where the Courier could receive several successive crippled limbs, a single dose of Hydra can heal them as they are received. Hydra also benefits from the Chemist and Day Tripper perks.

The downside is that Hydra carries a 10% risk of developing an addiction. If this happens, the player character will suffer from -3 Endurance unless more Hydra is used, Fixer is used, or a doctor is seen.


This item can be crafted by the player character.

Creation requirements

Cave fungus (1)
Nightstalker blood (2)
Radscorpion poison gland (1)
Hydra (1)


  • There are two doses on a desk at the Nevada Highway Patrol station.
  • One can be found in the NCR Correctional Facility in the first room on the left in cell block A, on the floor in front of the second bed on the left.
  • Sometimes found on dead Powder Gangers.
  • Two are found at the end of Silver Peak mine.
  • Two can be found in the Great Khan encampment. Unlike some of the other items, they can be taken without penalty as they are not owned.
  • One is found in a bathtub at the bottom of the Devil's Gullet.
  • One can be found under the green bench on the Junction 15 railway station platform.
  • Sometimes found on legionaries.
  • One can be found in the Prospector's Den, around the generator.
  • One can be found near Camp Searchlight trailer park.
  • One can also be found in the Searchlight Elementary School, under the teacher's desk.
  • One can be found at El Dorado Gas & Service, inside the garage.
  • One can be found on a table in the camping area inside the Coyote Mines.
  • One can be found on a table inside Pretty Sarah's room, on the second floor of the Casa Madrid Apartments.
  • The only reliable source present in all versions of the game is from Jack, one of the drug dealers working at the Red Rock drug lab. With a high enough Survival skill to make the drug and a positive reputation with the Great Khans, the Courier can convince Jack or Diane to start making medical supplies through either a Speech or Barter check (66 in both cases). Afterward, he can be taught the Hydra recipe and will begin stocking it for sale.


  • Prior to patch the recipe required five cave fungi. After the patch, the cave fungus drop rate was significantly increased, especially on Legionary scouts, and the requirement was changed to only one cave fungus.
  • Honest Hearts Many caverns in the Zion Canyon have abundant cave fungi.
  • Lonesome Road (add-on) Tunnelers frequently drop two cave fungi upon death, making them a reliable source of cave fungus that does not risk Legion Infamy.

Behind the scenes[]

This chem is named after the Hydra in Greek mythology, which regrew two heads in place of every head which was severed.


  1. The Courier: "What are the symptoms of Hydra use?"
    Alex Richards: "[SUCCEEDED] Excessive use causes dilated eyes, an increased heart rate and blood pressure, massive sweating, you know... the usual."
    (Dr. Alex Richards' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Dilated eyes, increased heart rate... I think you took the drugs."
    Stone: "[SUCCEEDED] What?! Oh shit... how the fuck?! Oh man, I'm in some deep shit now. Look, I can explain everything! Really, just give me a chance to explain!"
    (Stone's dialogue)
  3. Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "I smell Hydra in the air, just a whiff."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)