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中国发生了什么事?没有确定的报告。中国也許是虛構的。Moira Brown terminal entries, Fallout 3
Chinese flag




Chinese Propaganda Poster

另一张宣传画, 注意右边士兵手上的高斯步枪.

中華人民共和國美國在二十一世紀的主要敵人, 在美國與蘇聯締結了和平關係後, 中國成了最後一個有能力與美國競爭的國家, 在某些領域的發展中, 中國甚至要勝於美國. 例如, 中國試圖鑽取最後的太平洋石油資源[1], 但在美國的破壞下功敗垂成. 另外, 中國開發出了獨特的黑鬼潛行裝甲, 而美國隨後仿造出了功能相仿但相對不穩定的隱身小子


二十一世紀七十年代, 中國依然是社會主義國家[2]繼續實行一黨制. 統治黨是中國共產黨. 中國在Great War之前的國家領導人是Xin, 軍委主席則是程主席. 中國駐華盛頓的大使是Xiu-Ling.[3]

中國政府似乎為了贏取戰爭而不惜一切代價, 深入敵後的士兵在牙里都會有毒藥, 以便在他們被俘虜時自殺, 像Jiang特工在成功完成滲透任務後就會被殺掉.



早在中美戰爭之前, 兩國關係就因為爭搶僅剩的太平洋石油資源而變得十分緊張. 美國間諜破壞了中國的油井和相關技術, 使美國能夠控制大部分的太平洋石油資源. 最終, 兩國間的緊張關係促使中國入侵阿拉斯加, 使2059年建立的安克雷奇前線陣地變成了真正的戰場.

中美戰爭 (2066-2077)

中國在核戰中的表現只有粗略的資料可供了解. 中國在Great War使用了多少核武器或者是否只有中國對美國使用了核武器都是未知數.

  • 2066: 中國軍隊在精衛將軍的帶領下成功的入侵阿拉斯加, 控制了當地的石油資源.
  • 2073: 中國開始具進攻性的使用生化武器.[4]
  • 2074: 揚子江戰役期間[5], 美國在中國戰場上投入了大量的T-45D動力裝甲單位, 但是戰線的推進仍然十分緩慢, 加劇了部隊對美國國內資源的消耗.
  • 2076: T-51B動力裝甲開發完成, 初次投入戰鬥的T-51B部隊成功的撕開了中國軍隊的防線, 同時, 中國通過吞併周遭小國建立起的補給線開始崩潰.
  • 2077: 核交換最終開始, 浩劫後中國的情況不得而知.


參見: Great War


在中美戰爭期間,中國突擊隊員滲入美國本土,目的是暗中監視美國的戰爭動員並伺機破壞。他們將目標集中於華盛頓哥倫比亞特區,以Mama Dolce's工廠和L.O.B. Enterprises做為偽裝潛伏起來,並得到了一些中國特種兵小隊的支援。同時有大量的中制武器隱蔽地運到美國的首都城市,很可能是為了裝備共產主義的同情者和中國的潛伏特工,最終發起一次將會嚴重破壞美國的戰爭能力的暴亂。一名名叫Wan Yang的特工滲入到眺望角地區,目標是破壞在美國水域沉沒的SSN-37-1A型潛艇。資料片的支線任務The Velvet Curtain直接此內容為目標。


Shortly before the Great War started, a Chinese infiltration and sabotage team discovered the Hoover Dam secret genetics laboratory - Classified Sub-Level 1C and tried to destroy Hoover Dam, so the genetic work could never be used against them. Some of the Chinese stealth soldiers made it into Sub-Level 1C, while others were planting bombs in the main generator rooms - Scum Pits. One of the bombs went off prematurely and alerted all of Hoover Dam, including the guards in S1C. Things become cloudy in the reports due to the chaos that ensued, but suffice it to say that the Chinese were defeated, the generators were heavily damaged, and S1C was compromised. A couple of Chinese stealth soldiers and four scientists were trapped in S1C after the hatch was sealed. The Prisoner could find the soldiers there and use the materials from their stealth armor to make his own armor.[6]


Chinese "Black Ghosts" (Hei Gui) managed to steal some Limit-115 samples also, but they were killed in Denver in a crowded public area, breaking the vials with the virus, unleashing the New Plague on Denver.



Main article: Shi

始族人據說是核潛艇始皇帝號艇員的後代 始皇帝號在大戰之後被衝上舊金山海岸, 潛艇上的倖存者們決定重建戰後世界. 通過利用潛艇上的主控電腦, 始族人建造了始皇帝—一台能夠預測未來的超級計算機. 同時, 始族人也注重科技的發展, 並最終將舊金山廢墟變成了廢土上的科研中心.

The submarine was planned to play a bigger role in the game - armed with conventional missiles and hidden in the San Francisco Bay it could destroy the PMV Valdez heading to the Poseidon oil rig that was used as the headquarters of the Enclave.


2277, 在華盛頓仍能找到中國殘軍的活動:


眺望角中, 玩家能找到一艘編號為SSN-37-1A的中國潛艇. 該潛艇的任務是"巡視敵方水域".

另外, 眺望角中還出現了兩位中國間諜, 被派往Turtledove Detention Camp執行特殊任務, 這兩位間諜分別是楊姓特工和江(蔣?)姓特工.


Chinese activity is very low in the Commonwealth during the year 2287 but there is a Chinese submarine still in function, but severely damaged, called the Yangtze-31. It is run by Captain Zao, a former Chinese Navy captain who has now become a ghoul. The rest of the crew have now become Feral ghouls.

The Yangtze-31 is also referenced on Diamond City Radio once the quest Here There Be Monsters has been completed, further highlighting the remaining Chinese presence. It is assumed by the Sole Survivor and confirmed by the Yangtze captain that the Yangtze was what launched the nukes into the Commonwealth in 2077.

Chinese officer swords can be found in the Commonwealth.


Van Buren's background indicated additional infiltration of the United States by hostile Chinese forces. There is also the matter of the vast quantity of Chinese weapons available in the Capital Wasteland.

It is possible that one of the apartments in The Pitt used to occupy Chinese Spies. This can be proved true by picklocking the safe, where the "Hat Of The People" can be found.

During the Point Outlook add-on quest "The Velvet Curtain", the 'Extraction Details' screen alludes that at least one Chinese satellite is still in operation, the one used to confirm the destruction of the aforementioned submarine.


  • MEC Gauss MiniGun


  1. according to non-canon Sierra Depot GNN Transcript
  2. the only explicit mention of China being communist in any of the original Fallout games is in dialogue with the Enclave of United States President Dick Richardson, who called the Chinese "damn Reds"; it is also referred to as communist in the Fallout Bible timeline, in Horrigan dialogue files and the Van Buren tech demo; Fallout 3 is more explicit in its portrayal of China as a communist nation, for example, during the "Tranquility Lane" quest, where the player is to activate the "Communist Invasion Simulation" and Liberty Prime's pre-recorded anti-Chinese speeches input by Pre-war American scientists.
  3. Broken Steel Presidential Metro PA system
  4. according to non-canon Sierra Depot GNN Transcript. A Chinese deep sea oil rig was damaged with some sabotage, but neither country went to war over this.
  5. referred to by President Dick Richardson
  6. Hei Gui armor as possible part of equipment is confirmed by one of Van Buren screenshots also

