需要图片 (from in the simulation in the sky)
核子百科 来
帮助 它。
缺少数据 (missing: where is the infobox image from?)
填写 来帮助
核子百科 .
Chinese bombers were vehicles utilized by the People's Republic of China during the Resource Wars .
Background [ ]
During the Battle of Anchorage , several Chinese bombers can be seen circling the battlefield overhead, dropping their payload on coordinates delivered from the local listening post . Others are seen circling over the U.S. Army outpost. The Lone Wanderer cannot interact with the aircraft in any way.
Appearances [ ]
Chinese bombers appear in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage .
Behind the scenes [ ]
以下内容基於非正典的幕后信息 .
The Chinese bomber resembles the Soviet Kalinin K-7 experimental heavy bomber of the early 1930s.
關於非正典的幕后信息 的内容到此作結。
Gallery [ ]
陸上 汽车和摩托车 阿帕拉契亚巴士 - Bicycle - City Liner - 联邦巴士 - Cop car - Coupe - Corvega Blitz - Cherry Bomb - Atomic V-8 - Dirt bike - Flying car - Death car - Deuce coupe - Fusion Flea Supreme - Highwayman - Limousine - Motorcycle - Nuka-Cola truck - Off-road vehicle - Pick-R-Up - Pickup truck - Station Wagon - Tank truck - Transport truck - Truck - Van - Shuttle bus - Zip 建筑及多用途车辆 Appalachian fire truck - Appalachian tractor - Combine - Commonwealth tractor - Police car - Dragline - Dump truck - Excavator - Forklift - Front loader - Golf cart - Highway patrol car - Haul truck - Megaloader - Searchlight fire truck - Skid loader - Street cleaner - Train loader 军用车辆 Armored personnel carrier - Chimera - Tank 铁路运输 Appalachian monorail - Appalachian train - Commonwealth monorail - Commonwealth train - District of Columbia monorail - Handcar - Metro car - LVB monorail - Morgantown monorail - Nuka-Express - Personnel carrier - Subway train 登陆船 EXC-97 bucket-wheel excavator (Rockhound ) - Mobile base crawler