No, Not Much is a side quest 在辐射:新维加斯 .
The NCR refugee camp at Bitter Springs is in need of assistance, due to a lack of both manpower and supplies. The Courier can improve the situation for the camp's inhabitants by undertaking a series of tasks.
Side Quest: No, Not Much | |||||
Talk to Captain Gilles at Bitter Springs. | |||||
Talk to Lt. Markland about medical supplies. | |||||
Find supplies in three nearby supply caves. | |||||
Request reinforcements from Camp Golf. | |||||
Request reinforcements from Camp Forlorn Hope. | |||||
Request reinforcements from Camp McCarran. | |||||
Return to Captain Gilles. | |||||
Reward: 300 XP, NCR fame and: Positive Karma or 2 Pork n'Beans, 2 purified water, $20 NCR, NCR fame or $100 NCR, 21 Case, 5.56mm; negative Karma | |||||
Leads to: Flags of Our Foul-Ups Restoring Hope I Put a Spell on You | |||||
Detailed walkthrough[]
Go to Bitter Springs and locate Captain Gilles; she can be found in either the command tent at the very north of the area or in her nearby tent. Asking about the upside-down NCR flag outside will reveal that the refugee camp is in a state of distress and they need all the help they can get. Through a series of questions, Gilles explains the situation in the camp, and what can be done to improve it; Lt. Markland is in need of medical supplies and books to treat the refugees, supply caches need to be collected to aid the camp, and reinforcements must be mustered from NCR camps around the Mojave Wasteland in order to secure Bitter Springs.
Note that the three parts of this quest can be completed in any order. Gilles also mention attacks on the camp by a mysterious sniper, which asking about will trigger Climb Ev'ry Mountain and can be undertaken at the same time.
Healing the sick[]
As part of the subquest Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues, find Markland in the nearby medical tent at the top of the ramp leading from the refugee tents. Asking what he needs help with has him explain his need for medical supplies, doctoring tools above all. On the other hand, Markland will admit that as a field medic, he is unable to deal with the psychological problems of the refugees without access to specialized textbooks.
To succeed here, the player character will need to provide three doctor's bags as well as locate a pair of medical textbooks that deal with mental healthcare. These can be purchased for a low caps sum from Blake at the Crimson Caravan Company compound east of Freeside. Alternatively, if one has Arcade Gannon as an active companion, he can teach Markland instead, bypassing needing the books entirely.
Supplying the hungry[]
To get adequate supplies for the people of Bitter Springs, Gilles needs the player character to raid the hidden caches belonging to the former occupants. There are a total of three Great Khan supply caches near the camp that need to be retrieved from the three caves they are stored in. One cave contains giant ants and is irradiated, causing the supply cache there to be irradiated as well. The mysterious sniper, a Great Khan named Oscar Velasco is found in another one of the caves and possesses a key that unlocks a gate; it can be obtained by passing a Speech check of 50 or taking it by stealing or killing him, the first and third option of which will advance Climb E'vry Mountain to informing Gilles about the resolved sniper situation.
When talking to Gilles again, there are separate options for giving the regular supply caches and discussing the irradiated one. With it, one has the option to pass a Science check of 25 to tell her how to cleanse the supplies for safe use, gaining Karma, or to lie to her, losing Karma. Failing the Science check results in her not accepting the supplies, while lying to her automatically fails the quest, awards 300 XP and results in the command tent later becoming irradiated and killing her.
Defending the defenseless[]
When one first arrives at the camp, Bitter Springs is in dire need of reinforcements to bolster the middling number of defenders already there. To that end, Gilles elaborates that she's already sent out several requests for additional troops to other major NCR bases but has not had any luck so far. She asks the player character to pay a visit to the command structures at Camp Golf, Camp McCarran, and Camp Forlorn Hope to see if they can spare any men, and if not, to find out what can be done so that they can.
The camps can be visited in any order, each with their own dedicated problems and side quests to resolve them. Alternatively, having a reputation of Liked or better with the NCR unlocks the option to convince the commanding officer at each camp to lend troops to Bitter Springs without the need to help them out with their own affairs. Successfully requesting reinforcements from all three camps will complete this part of the quest. If this isn't possible, then for each camp, a specific side quest must be completed:
- At Camp Golf, speak to Sergeant McCredie. He can normally be found in the command tent in the camp grounds below the main building. With a low NCR reputation, he will be reluctant to send out his troops as he considers them to be "wash-outs" unfit for regular service. This requires completing Flags of Our Foul-Ups and arranging the Misfits into a proper military squad, after which he will agree to the request.
- At Camp McCarran, speak with Captain Curtis on the ground floor of the building or, if Curtis is dead, talk to Colonel Hsu in his office, also on the ground floor. Having a low NCR reputation requires completing I Put a Spell on You, or any unmarked quests given by Hsu such as Silus Treatment or Bounty Killer, which allows the deployment of reinforcements.
- At Camp Forlorn Hope, speak to Major Polatli. He is usually found in the command center in the northeast of the camp. A low NCR reputation requires completing Restoring Hope and improving the situation at the camp enough to enable Polatli to send support to Bitter Springs.
Return to Captain Gilles[]
Once all three tasks are complete, reporting back to Gilles at Bitter Springs completes the quest. The quest reward varies depending on the reply given to Gilles' thanks:
- Large amount of NCR fame and positive Karma.
- 2 Pork n' Beans, 2 purified water, $20 NCR, and a small amount of NCR fame.
- $100 NCR, 21 case, 5.56mm, and negative Karma.
- On PC, returning two of the three caches to Gilles will complete this part of No, Not Much.
- Once the quest is completed, the NCR flag will return right-side up instead of upside down, as Bitter Springs is no longer in distress.
- Finding Velasco before having spoken to Gilles allows for reporting him to her when she initially gives the Climb Ev'ry Mountain quest.
- Sometimes a gecko can spawn in the middle of Bitter Springs and kill Gilles, causing the quest to fail. To avoid this, kill it quickly.
- The quest will fail if the player has completed We Are Legion by killing Major Polatli.
- "No, Not Much" is a popular song published in 1955, and written by Robert Allen and Al Stillman. The Four Lads recorded and released it in 1956.
- If you get the troops sent to the camp, Captain Gilles does not acknowledge that you have succeeded, but it does close out that section of the quest. [已验证]
- James Hsu will never accept sending reinforcements even if you do all of the quests given by him. [已验证]
- If you found the supply stashes "before" you talk to Captain Gilles to activate the quest, even though she will take the stashes, it will still say that you need to find them, thus never be able to turn the quest in. [已验证]
- Captain Gilles can disappear randomly, and you won't be able to finish the quest in that case. [已验证]
- Possible bug resulting in the quest becoming impossible to complete. Prior to visiting Bitter Springs, if you gather all three supply caches and present them to Captain Gilles, the objective to locate supplies for Bitter Springs does not become completed. [已验证]
- NOTE: Give the game some time, complete another quest or two if having this issue and then come back to the quest. Do EVERYTHING for this quest before you try and get reinforcements from Camp McCarran. When all other objectives are complete return to McCarran and you will receive the help you need. Then return to Bitter Springs to turn in the quest.
- NOTE: If you are liked (not just accepted) by the NCR, Colonel Hsu will appreciate your help, and send troops.
- NOTE: Try changing your armor, for example, wearing NCR Ranger combat armor will cause your NCR status to be Neutral, simply change to un-affiliated armor and if you have done a sufficient amount of NCR quests you will be Liked, and then speak with him again.
- NOTE: (This just occurred in my game) - Get your reputation with the NCR to be Idolized, then Colonel Hsu will be happy to oblige to whatever the player's requests may be for the situation.
Possible bug regarding reinforcements from Camp McCarran. If you complete the quest for Hsu and allow the monorail to blow up, he will refuse to send reinforcements to Bitter Springs. [已验证]
- Flags of Our Foul-Ups" until you change into an NCR face wrap, then sergeant would open dialogue with the player. [已验证]
- NCR face wrap armor console command: "player.additem 000ee690 1"; equipping this item resolves issue.
- Flags of Our Foul-Ups. (Patch 1.2). No problem completing this quest after having already completed
Can not complete as had done " - prid 00133044 and then moveto player - this will move Gilles to your position allowing you to finish the quest. [已验证]
- Alternately using the console Id for Captain Gilles and typing "0133044 enable" will bring the captain back on screen and allow you to finish the mission as well.
Captain Gilles can disappear for absolutely no reason between handing in each part of the mission, making it literally impossible to complete the quest. It is recommended that you save often in multiple slots while doing this quest, in case she vanishes. You can fix this by using the console command - When helping Dr. Richards with his patients, attempting to diagnose the patients by pressing (A) on them, did nothing at all. (This is caused by activating the "We Are Legion" quest, using console commands to reset it will fix this bug). [已验证]
- Having more than one radioactive supply cache in the inventory, by using console commands for example, may bug the quest, by not showing the proper dialogue options with Captain Gilles to cleanse the supplies for safe use. It's still possible to give her the caches without cleansing, however. The bug can be fixed by removing the excess items from the inventory using console commands.