

一线生机营地(英文名:Camp Forlorn Hope),有时也被缩写为"希望",[1][2]是一个地点莫哈韋廢土辐射:新维加斯



探照灯营地沦陷,军团占领了NCR在尼尔森新建的前哨时,一线生机营地突然发现自己处于前线,无法有效地保护他们所监管的河岸,也无法从尼尔森赶走由死海领导的军团驻军。[Non-game 1]








  • 兵营
  • 指挥中心
  • 监狱
  • 医疗中心
  • 食堂
  • 军需官的帐篷
  • 棚屋
  • 仓库



另见: Camp Forlorn Hope command center, Camp Forlorn Hope mess hall
  • 九封一线生机营地的信散落在营地各处。



  • 当你站在墓地时,你会听到幽灵般的声音。在清泉镇公墓苦泉镇难民营旁边的墓地也能听到这种声音。
  • 在梅伊斯军需官所在的帐篷后面发现的弹药箱将永远是微聚变电池能量电池而不是传统弹药。这种弹药可以被拿走而不被认为是偷窃。
  • 如果勞爾·特哈達是现任同伴,当他到达营地时,他可能会说,"哎呀。这些士兵和我的感受一样,老大。"
  • 从尼尔森来的一队军团士兵穿过两个营地之间的无人区,可能会周期性地袭击一线生机营地。队伍的规模各不相同。这是由玩家角色在开始任务重建希望后访问无人区触发的。在一线生机营地的士兵通常能够击退攻击,特别是如果阿尔法小队也存在,但营地内的一些命名角色可能会在攻击中死亡。
  • 与许多其他的NCR营地和社区不同,一线生机营地在世界地图上没有声誉标记,但是完成任务仍然可以获得NCR的声誉。辐射:新维加斯官方游戏指南错误地指出它确实有声誉标记。
  • 整个营地都采用了调色板去饱和效果,颜色变得柔和,更加深褐色。
  • 在一线生机营地和尼尔森之间是一个小战场,到处都是垂死的NCR士兵。在他们的尸体附近会放置地雷,军团士兵在信使或其他NCR士兵走得太近而无法帮助他们时设置的陷阱。无论信使是否能够在地雷伤害他们并杀死士兵之前迅速拆除地雷,他们要么太弱,要么太受伤,实际上无法被拯救。试图与他们交谈只会让他们要求信使执行安乐死。仁慈击杀会使战场上其他垂死的士兵和在一线生机营地内的NCR士兵变成敌对状态(尽管垂死的士兵仍然会留在地面上,只是标记为敌对状态)。由于主机内存使用问题,这些被肢解的士兵在以后的补丁中(从死钱开始)被移除。
  • 如果我们是凯撒军团完成,军团部队会评论说,一线生机营地已经倒下。尽管如此,军团实际上并没有接管营地,一般的NCR部队将继续在营地周围生成。
  • 如果一线生机营地地被军团占领,達特瑞少校会说他听说营地被占领了,如果司机内菲作为三个悬赏的一部分被消灭了,他会把阿尔法小队留在麦卡伦。
  • 梅伊斯军需官可以被要求玩最多五场大篷车
  • 一线生机营地的信件可以在营地里找到,也可以在该地区NCR士兵的尸体上找到,包括在为太阳神一号运送补给的士兵被伏击和杀害的地方,或者在无人区被肢解的士兵。
  • 与驻扎在麦卡伦营或太阳神一号的部队相比,营地里的NCR士兵经常抱怨他们的装备。值得注意的是,他们装备的是商队霰弹枪而不是其他NCR士兵拥有的军用步枪或偶尔使用的猎枪
  • 除了雷耶斯技术军士外,没有女兵驻扎在营地,这是因为,根据一线生机指令,所有女兵都被重新分配到麦卡伦营地。然而,在完成三个悬赏杀死司机尼菲部分后,贝琪下士将被重新分配到一线生机。
  • 根据任务重建希望、三个悬赏和我们是凯撒军团中所采取的行动,NCR紧急广播将在第二次胡佛大坝之战中报告一线生机营地的状态。[8]营地要么坚守阵地抵抗军团的进攻尽管损失惨重,[9]在阿尔法小队的协助下击退军团的进攻,即使尼尔森没有被夺回,也会造成最小的损失,[10]在阿尔法小队的帮助下击败军团并将战斗转变为决定性的胜利,如果尼尔森已经被回收,[11]或者在不同程度的成功后被军团击倒。[12][13][14]
  • 在更高的级别或在主线任务中超过某个点,NCR重装步兵将取代营地周围的NCR宪兵。塔上的NCR士兵也将被NCR老练游骑兵所取代。
  • 如果与墓地的巨大苍蝇交战并且没有足够快地将之杀死,营地中的大多数士兵会攻击它们,但是一些命名的角色(如波拉特里少校)会完全逃离营地,并可能被周围地区的其他更危险的生物杀死。
  • 海耶斯中尉,麦基中士,门罗中尉和三名NCR军官驻扎在地图上更孤立的部分(如普瑞姆巨石城),一旦他们各自的任务完成,将重新安置到营地。麦基只有在我的小镇中没有被选为普瑞姆的警长时才会加入营地。
  • 如果当阿尔法小队在完成三个悬赏后到达一线生机营地时,黑桃10将位于食堂,戈罗贝茨中尉斯特林中士将在指挥帐篷,贝琪苦根将在营房。




  • 游戏中的一线生机泉在地理上接近现实世界中的同名地点在克拉克县,内华达州[Non-game 1]
  • 首席区域设计师Charles Staples负责一线生机营地,与Joshua Sawyer一起构思该地点。Staples随后为营地做了大部分的核心设计工作和对话,这花了很长时间。[Non-game 2]
  • "一线生机"也用于军事俚语,指被选中在战斗行动中担任主要角色的部队,如对防御阵地的攻击或对伤亡风险高的危险阵地的防御。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 第一次去一线生机营地,如果从南方接近,有时军团巡逻队会在营地内生成,导致NCR和军团之间的战斗 - 如果军团巡逻队在战斗中杀死任何任务非玩家角色,他们各自的任务将失败。重新读档并从不同的方向(北或西)接近似乎可以防止军团部队在营地内生成。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在接受任何任务后,无论何时你在外面,一切都出现在紫色的雾霾中,这与探照灯营的绿色雾霾非常相似。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 阿尔法小队的成员,在到达一线生机营地后,可能会继续说话,好像他们还在麦卡伦营地,与惡魔幫战斗。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在这里被杀的士兵可能会有一个以上的狗牌。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在离医疗中心门最近的地方检查完理查德斯医生的病人后,一个炸藥幫和两个大汗帮士兵可能会进入帐篷,根据声望攻击理查德斯医生和玩家。他们呆在帐篷里,在营地的其他地方看不到他们。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在东面和南面的狙击巢中生成的游骑兵可能没有武器。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时候,当你快速旅行时,营地里的每个人都会变得敌对。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 就在信使在重建希望任务中必须找到补给的营地西边,与诺瓦克中相同的夜行者可能会在岩石中生成。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 墓园的一部分(约61800, -7780, 5400),当从西南方向射击(在帐篷附近,大约1300, -8900, 5400)会导致水花被看到和听到。这是因为小溪里的水的碰撞箱位于营地的大部分地方,包括墓地的那一部分,在那里子弹可能会与它碰撞并提供适当的反馈。[已验证]


  • 饶恕我们的删减: 一线生机营地删减内容


  1. Ranger Milo: "You're always welcome around the Hope, Courier - least as far as I'm concerned."
    (Ranger Milo's dialogue) Note: This greeting is spoken after the completion of the quest Back in Your Own Backyard.
  2. Milo: "Well, well. If it isn't the courier who wiped out the Legion over at Nelson. Good to see you around the Hope."
    (Ranger Milo's dialogue) Note: This greeting is spoken after the completion of the quest Restoring Hope.
  3. The Courier: "What's your problem?"
    Stone: "My problem? My problem is we're all going to die. We're out of food, we're out of men, and we're out of time. The Legion is right outside waiting to kill us all. Today... tomorrow... it doesn't matter, we're all going to die here. So why don't you just leave me alone."
    (Private Stone's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "I wanted to check on the troopers sent from Camp Forlorn Hope."
    Haggerty: "Yeah, they were here a while ago. Gave them all I could, which wasn't much. But as many problems as we're having here, I know they've got it worse. I've seen soldiers get assigned there. It's like they got told they were gonna die. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. If you're trying to track them down, we put a GPS marker in the supply crate. You can track it with your Pip-Boy. Good luck."
    (Lt. Haggerty's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "What's your take on the NCR's position here?"
    Joseph Polatli: "It's no picnic, I'll tell you that much. My troops are out here every day dying for the NCR, but they've left us out to dry. We have no men or supplies and we're stretched too thin trying to guard the entire river. If the brass back home could get their heads out of their asses long enough to send support, we could turn this all around."
    (Major Polatli's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "What do you need help with?"
    Joseph Polatli: "I'm short staffed and I don't have the time to take care of some issues around the camp. I need someone to talk to a few of the officers and help them resolve some of the problems around here."
    (Major Polatli's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "What do you need help with?"
    Joseph Polatli: "I've got the Legion at Nelson breathing down my neck and not enough men or supplies to get this camp into fighting shape so we can strike back. I need someone to talk to a few of the officers and help them resolve some of the problems around here. If I can get this place in order, then I can focus our efforts on taking back Nelson from the Legion. And the more that gets done around here, the more resources I'll be able to put into assaulting Nelson."
    (Major Polatli's dialogue)
  8. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "There is a confirmed report that the Legion mounted a simultaneous assault at Camp Forlorn Hope."
  9. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "Forlorn Hope has sustained heavy casualties, but the fortification stands. We've successfully defended Forlorn Hope."
  10. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "The troops at Forlorn Hope, assisted by First Recon, have repelled the Legion attack with very few casualties."
  11. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "The troops at Forlorn Hope, assisted by First Recon, have repelled the Legion in what will surely be the most decisive victory in this entire battle."
  12. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "Yes, Forlorn Hope has fallen. Some troops managed to pull back, but the fortification is lost."
  13. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "I'm not getting any more information from Forlorn Hope. The camp appears to have been totally overrun."
  14. NCR Emergency Radio (broadcast): "I'm receiving reports that Forlorn Hope has been totally overrun, and the Legion is killing civilians as far as the township called Novac."


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp. 417-418: "[6.02] Camp Forlorn Hope
    After NCR captured Hoover Dam, it took them a while to fully reinforce the river to the south. The first camp that was established was Camp Forlorn Hope; an improvised mess of tin shacks, salvaged rubble from Boulder City, tents, and lots of sandbags, it is the most pathetic-looking of all NCR's camps, but the one that sees the most action. It only exists at all because of the natural spring there (in fact the camp is named for the spring). Recently, Caesar's Legion captured NCR's logistical/planning forces in the ruins of the small, ruined town of Nelson, a disaster that has disrupted Forlorn's Hopes attempts to patrol the western coast of the river.
    Graveyard of No Hope
    A nickname some in the camp whisper about the collection of graves of the fallen, on a two-tiered promontory behind the shacks, overlooking the Colorado River. Shoot the Bloatflies in the area for sport. Due to the height disadvantage, attack from here only if you plan to be stealthy."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 2:39:28)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'How long was spent designing Camp Forlorn Hope?' Uh, quite a while, that was largely Charlie Staples, our lead area designer. Charlie Staples and I conceived it and then Charlie did, I think... almost all the core design work and dialogues in there. Yeah, that was a lot of work."