Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Wyatt Johnson was a guard for the Responders prior to 2102.


While at Morgantown Airport, Wyatt's mother Brenda was infected by the Scorched Plague and later died, something which he blamed himself for. As a result, he volunteered for guarding the Scorched quarantine research zone at the airport, believing it to be his punishment. While carrying out his role Wyatt became close to Olivia P. Henderson, the other quarantine area guard, who treated him like a son.[1] They lived together in the crashed airplane in the quarantine zone before the airport fell to the Scorched.[2] A note found on a casket in the airport cemetery is likely from Wyatt to his mother.

Wyatt was a subject of continuous psychological evaluations with Doctor Madison, and refused to cooperate when interviewed. Madison concluded that he was showing signs of psychosis, critical detachment, PTSD, and seperation anxiety, but also could not tell if Wyatt was simply being a "smartass kid." Wyatt later stole Madison's recording of his psych eval and hid it in a safe.


Wyatt Johnson is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

