“I'm not feeling very well. Someone cracked my head with a big pipe. I went to the medic but my head still hurts. Sure hope someone catches the jerk that hit me.”
The water guard is the man in charge of rationing Vault 13's water supplies in Fallout.
The guard distributes water rations to the inhabitants of Vault 13 every morning at 8:00. He is posted at the door for the remainder of the day to ensure that no one takes more than their alloted share. Of course, not all appreciate his work. After 30 days pass since the Vault Dweller's departure, a Vault 13 dweller attacks the guard to get more water.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
Interactions | ||
This character starts quests. |
- Find the Water Thief: Once X days pass, the water guard will offer this quest.
Tell me about[]
Water guard's Tell-me-abouts | |
Query | Response |
Ration, Rations, Water | I hand out water rations in the morning. You shouldn't need them, now that you are going to be Outside. |
Medic, Healing | The medic is on the first floor, in the medlab. Go there if you are hurt. |
Supplies | We only have a few supplies left. You can take some if you need them for your mission, but please don't take too much. |
Library | The library is on the west wing of the third floor. That's where the research computers are located. |
Overseer | A good man doing a difficult job. |
Chip, Waterchip | The chip controls the level of purity in the underground water supply. It is a critical piece of equipment that cannot be repaired. |
Vault | This is where we live. You should understand that. |
Apparel | Weapon | Other items |
Vault 13 jumpsuit | Vault 13 flask x3 |
The water guard appears only in Fallout.