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Well then, you should know some folks see them as a potential problem. It would be extremely useful if we had a map of their safe houses through the north - New Reno, Klamath, wherever. I'd be willing to pay, oh say, $500 for something like that. You think you could get that for me?

Vortis is a slaver living in the bazaar of NCR Town in 2241. He exploits a legal loophole, since the bazaar is technically not NCR territory. Because the New California Republic has outlawed slavery, Vortis holds the slaves in pens just outside of the city (at the gates) for their owners. He is surrounded by aides, most of whom are seemingly "huge, but not too bright."


A slaver best described as ancient, Vortis is a scrawny creature with three teeth left, clothes and fingers stained with ink, glasses at the end of his nose, and a faded Slaver's Guild tattoo on his forehead.[1] However, it is not his physique that's important, but his intellect. He knows the NCR laws well, better than most of its citizens, and used that knowledge to establish a business for slave owners: Since the Republic has outlawed slavery in its territories, he set up a holding center outside its capital's gates (i.e. outside its territory, technically), where slave owners can store their slaves whenever they visit the capital. He defends it as a legitimate business to whomever dares object, even citing that he allegedly has licences to operate it.[2]

He doesn't particularly care about the Republic, as while they make his business, they are also the hosts of his biggest problem: New California Republic Rangers, an abolitionist militia that seeks to eradicate slavers and slavery.[3][4] Information on where these Ranger operate would greatly benefit his business.[5]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.




Vortis appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. Vortis' character description: "{100}{}{You see a scrawny old guy with a pen stuck behind his ear and spectacles balanced on the end of his nose.}"
    Vortis: "{101}{}{It's Vortis, the owner of this slave pen.}"
    Vortis: "{102}{}{He's got about three teeth. His fingers and shirt are stained with blue ink. There's a really faded slaver's tattoo on his forehead.}"
  2. The Chosen One: "{113}{}{What's this place do?}"
    Vortis: "{106}{}{This place is my place and I, Vortis, run an honest and legitimate busines no matter what anybody in NCR tells you. Since NCR doesn't allow slaves inside the gates, I mind them for folks who've got business inside.}"
    The Chosen One: "{113}{}{What's this place do?}"
    Vortis: "{107}{}{What are you, dense? This is a slave pen. I got licenses for it.}"
  3. The Chosen One: "{120}{}{What can you tell me about this town?}"
    Vortis: "{135}{}{New California Republic - nothing but temperance types and merchants. Got a bug about slavers and slavery, but what the hell, it makes my business.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{110}{}{I'm looking for work.}"
    Vortis: "{124}{}{Work? Well...there might be something. You ever hear of the New California Rangers?}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{No.}"
    Vortis: "{150}{}{Let me tell you, then. These Rangers have got it in their heads to wipe out slavery and slavers - by force. They've been creating a lot of trouble for hard working folks.}"
    The Chosen One: "{155}{}{So what you want me to do?}"
    Vortis: "{152}{}{Jeez, I got to spell this out for you? They raid slavers, drive off the stock, and smuggle 'em down south to NCR lands where slavery's illegal. So you interested?}"
  5. The Chosen One: "{110}{}{I'm looking for work.}"
    Vortis: "{124}{}{Work? Well...there might be something. You ever hear of the New California Rangers?}"
    The Chosen One: "{125}{}{Yes.}"
    Vortis: "{147}{}{Well then, you should know some folks see them as a potential problem. It would be extremely useful if we had a map of their safe houses through the north - New Reno, Klamath, wherever. I'd be willing to pay, oh say, $500 for something like that. You think you could get that for me?}"