Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

You should trade your caps for some ammunition. The currency of death.

Vendor bot Chad is a Protectron operating at Camden Park.


Chad is the vendor Protectron who staffs the Responders trading post at Camden Park. He is not enthused by the location,[1] possibly due to the non-standard personalities of the other robots who inhabit the park.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a vendor.
  • Accepts Bottle cap
  • Sells:


Vendor bot Chad appears only in Fallout 76.


  1. Vendor bot Chad: "The Responders set up this trading post. I wish they had put it anywhere else."
    (Vendor bot Chad's dialogue)
  2. Vendor bot Chad: "You should know that the other bots in the park are crazy. That's why I only trade with humans."
    (Vendor bot Chad's dialogue)