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The Vault 95 terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in Vault 95 in Fallout 4.

Federal wing terminal[]

> Remote Door Control[]

Open Door[]


Opening doors...

Private terminal[]


Vault-Tec Systems
PRIVATE TERMINAL- IF NOT RGUTTIEREZIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY

Your Orders[]


Your orders are as follows:

Ensure all residents do not stray from the Vault-Tec rehabilitation program. It is paramount that it is strictly followed for our research objectives.

You will act as any other resident. Your backstory and identity should already be committed to memory and will not be recounted here. You are to work with the Overseer Elect on any compliance issues, while ensuring ignorance of your special objectives.

After five calendar years, your objective will shift. You will open the hidden storage compartment you were shown during your training. Allow the residents to discover the stash of chems within on their own. Once it has been discovered, you are to to thourouglyIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar document the response of the community.

Observation Journal[]


PRIVATE TERMINAL- IF NOT RGUTTIEREZIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY
**Observation Log**

Entry 10/23/2082[]


Today marks the fifth calendar year since the residents of Vault 95 and I have moved into the Vault. This will be my first entry.

The Vault-Tec rehabilitation program seems to have helped every subject in this Vault deal with the symptoms of withdrawal and cope with a new life in the Vault environment. That is not to say that withdrawal was not a challenging process for some subjects.

Our hypothesis was correct, when there is simply no other alternative an individual can recover.

Today I will sneak out when all are asleep and open the stash of addictive substances that has layIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar hidden for the last five years. Isolation seems to have proved helpful when addictive stimuli are absent; now to see what such stimuli do the theIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar social order we have created over the previous years.


Private terminal[]


Welcome User JScott

Log 1[]


Fuck Vault Tec.

They said they were helping us. The Vault was supposed to be safe. A place where rehabilitation was nothing but inevitable. It may have been the end of the world for most, but for we lost souls, it as a new beginning.

I was grateful for the chance to start over. We all were. We've had our struggles the last five years, but the time we spent here turned us to family. Any one of us would have been happy to play out the rest of our lives in here.

And now this.

Log 2[]


They knew what they were doing. They weren't trying to help us.

I never thought I would see chems again. Why would I? But now here we are, with a whole lifetime's worth of the stuff laid out in front of us like a freaking department store window display. And it was there the whole time!

Some cracked right away. Grabbed what they could and ran off to get high. There was fighting.

I hid. Nothing I could have done to help anyone.

I am still hearing gunshots.

I'm not ready to give up what I had here...

Log 3[]


I thought I was over the stuff. I thought if I ever saw it again, it wouldn't have power over me. I was wrong. It's taking every ounce of my willpower to stay here locked in my room...

Log 4[]


I can't take it anymore. No reason to stay sober. It's just as messed up down here as it is up there. I need something to help me cope.

I don't care about the program anymore. I don't care. I don't. I don't. I really don't.

I'm going to go out and be with withIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar my friends. I hope somebody is left...

Detox facility terminal[]


Vault-Tec Systems


> Remote Door Control[]

Open Door[]


Opening doors...

Clean room terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Initiate Toxin Purge[]


> *ERROR* No Subject Detected

Overseer terminal[]


Vault-Tec Systems
Welcome User JMYERS

Vault 95 Overseer Manifest[]


The Overseer of Vault 95 is an elected individual chosen to run the daily meeting and ensure the other residents adhere to the rules of the Vault-Tec Rehabilitation Program.

This is not to be considered a position of power, but rather a position of support and servitude. Infractions are to be dealt with using positive reinforcement and encouragement.
The residents of Vault 95 are family, and share the same path. The position of Overseer should not prevent a resident from continuing their own personal journey.

An election will be held once a year on October 30th. Residents are encouraged to inform their decision based on awarded merit points as laid out in the program guidlinesIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar.

Meeting Notes[]


Meeting Date: 10/23/2082
Overseer/Facilitator: Jane Myers
Format: Guided Discussion
Discussion Target: The usefulness of continued meetings

*Resident Michael has expressed his desire to reduce the amount of meetings.
**He believes chem dependence is no longer an issue.
*Resident Randall reminded the group that adherence to The Program was a condition of living in the Vault.
*Resident Patricia wondered if Vault Tec even existed any more.
*Resident Randall reminded the group that were are all addicts.
**We may pick up unhealthy habits without the Program.
*I expressed agreement with Randall's sentiments.
*Issue was put to vote. Vote to continue The Program was unanimous.

Unlock Facilities Wing[]


Unlocking Facilities Wing Door...



Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

> Turret Control[]


Standardized Turret Control Firmware v8.13
ADMIN: Turret Defense System

Please exercise caution around turret. Users should always assume that turrets are loaded and capable of live-fire.

Please choose an option:
Turret operation should be limited
[System Diagnostics]



Shutting down

About your Defense System[]


Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.

Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.

Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused to users or passers-by.

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 2 Turrets Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
0% Offline, ERROR, 46.85m
0% Offline, ERROR, 46.24m
