The Vault 87 terminal entries are a collection of terminal entries found in Vault 87.
Peter Stevens personal journals[]
Terminal is located in the west section of the Reactor Chamber.
Peter Stevens, Technician Class 3
Journal Entry 06A01[]
> Data Corrupted
Journal Entry 06A02[]
Journal Entry:
I don't know what to do. My Jason, my little boy... he's gone.
My wife won't talk anymore. She just sits in this godforsaken sub-level and stares out of the window at the rock wall as if looking across a sunlit meadow or a lazy summertime lake.
Jason was my life. He was my joy, my meaning. Now all this work seems pointless.
This was a mistake. Better we had all died together outside than inside this permanent tomb.
I'm scared.
Journal Entry 06A03[]
> Data Corrupted
Journal Entry 06A04[]
> Data Corrupted
Journal Entry 06A05[]
Journal Entry:
Nothing has meaning to me anymore.
Every time I'm in the outer tunnels I swear I can hear children's laughter.
The Vault doctors say its just my mind compensating for the loss of Jason but I know I'm not crazy. They gave me new pills but pills are for crazy people! I refuse to take these pills!
Why bring up kids in a hellhole like this? Why? This is a pointless existence.
Journal Entry 06A06[]
> Data Corrupted
Journal Entry 06A07[]
Journal Entry:
stuckherefor evereternityend
Engineering section[]
Terminal is located in the most southern room of the Living Quarters section.
Vault 87 Engineering Section Employees Only
Service Issue Entry V87-002[]
Maintenance Code: RL00 Green
Issue: Dormitory Water Dispensers outputting water with a foul aftertaste
Engineer: Daniel Koster
Fix Notes:
The water filtration system (the reclaimer) was adding a bit too much chemical rebalancer solution in the process. This gave rise to a build up of alkalines in the water. I've checked with the Medical section, and the water shouldn't pose any health threat. The taste should return to normal in approximately 4 days.
Service Issue Entry V87-003[]
Maintenance Code: RL04 Red
Issue: Reactor Spikes, Sectional Power Outages
Engineer: Daniel Koster
Fix Notes:
For the last five weeks, we've had periodic interruptions to the power grid. Entire sections will lose power for approximately 1-6 minutes, then return to normal. By installing monitoring meters, I traced the issue to sudden immense power spikes in the main rector. My fear was the reactor was having a major malfunction, but turns out that it's due to a power draw that the experimental section is creating.
Whatever they are using in there is WAY over the limit for acceptable power consumption. I've temporarily remedied the situation by having the backup reactor kick on when needed. I don't like to do this, but I have no choice until I figure out what they're up to.
Service Issue Entry V87-004[]
Maintenance Code: RL01 Yellow
Issue: G.E.C.K. Chamber Radiation Purging Offline
Engineer: Daniel Koster
Fix Notes:
Vault-Tec's crappy handiwork is at it again. I have spent the better part of a month patching and re-patching the radiation purge system that vents excess radiation from the G.E.C.K. chamber. I have no idea why this system keeps failing. I suspect the system is simply inadequate and can't handle the amount of radiation it's purging. Recommend installing a new purging system as soon as I can get one cobbled together from spare parts. Should have it ready in about a month.
Service Issue Entry V87-005[]
Maintenance Code: RL00 Green
Issue: Tapioca Pudding Miscolor
Engineer: Daniel Koster
Fix Notes:
The mess hall food reconstitution system is outputting the Monday night dessert, tapioca pudding, in an odd bright orange color. This was a simple fix. The color matrix was simply misinterpreting instructions from the main brain and outputting incorrectly. I replaced the interface and the pudding now outputs in its proper hue. Wish all my fixes were this easy.
Service Issue Entry V87-006[]
Maintenance Code: RL04 Red
Issue: EEP Chamber Failure
Engineer: Daniel Koster
Fix Notes:
I was summoned into the Overseer's office and met with Dr. Merrick, who heads up the Experimentation section. He informed me that one of his devices, what he called an EEP Chamber was XXXXEDITEDXXXX. It was a strange device, but I managed to XXXXEDITEDXXXX which didn't fix the problem. I then tried to XXXXEDITEDXXXX which seemed to bring the device back online. I'm not sure what this device is for, but XXXXEDITEDXXXX.
Service Issue Entry V87-007[]
Maintenance Code: RL04 Red
Engineer: Daniel Koster
Fix Notes:
This is the only place I could think of hiding this message. In the event that anyone reads this, please try and get word back to Vault-Tec HQ that something very wrong is going on in the Experimentation section... something they keep referring to as the EEP. My wife, Mercia was "diagnosed" by the Medical section as having some sort of disease they wouldn't identify. She's dead now, and those sons-of-bitches won't even tell me why. From talking to people, I've discovered that many are dead or missing. Checking this with the Medical Records section gets me nowhere. This is getting out of hand. It's time to deal with this my way. They took my wife from me, now I'll take their lives away if I don't get some answers. I've hidden some extra "help" in my safe. Accessing this message will unlock it. If I don't come back, grab that stuff and save yourself.
Medical records[]
Terminal is located in the most western room in the Living Quarters.
Medical Records Section Personnel Only
Unlock Medical Safe[]
> Safe Unlocked
All Employees Must Read![]
To All Medical Records Staff
Any Vault member marked as deceased by the special EEP section will be tagged and coded in the computer as an unexplained or undefined death. This comes directly from the Overseer of this Vault, who will be personally inspecting your reports to make sure they are accurate. Please refrain from sending inquiries or clarification requests to this office or the EEP Chief Physician. Please print out and give any next of kin Form DV-900L if they have questions.
Deceased Listing[]
Vault 87 Deceased Individuals
Total Deceased: 93
Natural Deaths: 04 (Codes N001-N012)
Accidental Deaths: 02 (Codes A001-A008)
Unexplained/Undefined: 87 (Code UD000)
1. Donald Scott (Code UD000)
2. Jason Stevens (Code UD000)
3. Adela Children (Code UD000)
4. Grant Levelle (Code UD000)
5. Marianne Hanseu (Code A003)
6. Tallulah Bloise (Code UD000)
7. Lyle Field (Code UD000)
8. Kristy Eva (Code UD000)
9. Laraine Kifer (Code UD000)
10. Paulina Day (Code N012)
11. Hortensia Williamson (Code UD000)
12. Breanna Ramsey (Code UD000)
13. Ebony Coates (Code UD000)
14. Jacqui Haverrman (Code UD000)
15. Ruby Milliron (Code UD000)
16. Ludovic Hindman (Code UD000)
17. Blake Porter (Code UD000)
18. Maurice Fitzgerald (Code UD000)
19. Evette Errett (Code UD000)
20. Denton Butterfill (Code UD000)
21. Carol Beck (Code UD000)
22. Truman West (Code A007)
23. Ormerod Biery (Code UD000)
24. Bryan Hallauer (Code UD000)
25. Greig Burris (Code UD000)
26. Lewella Yonkie (Code UD000)
27. Tanika Monroe (Code UD000)
28. Wilton Isemann (Code UD000)
29. Hilda Brandenburg (Code UD000)
30. Angelia Martin (Code UD000)
31. Doron Baird (Code UD000)
32. Quentin Reade (Code UD000)
33. Mercia Koster (Code N009)
34. Roxie Blaine (Code UD000)
35. Maxine Weinstein (Code UD000)
36. Cindra Goldvogel (Code UD000)
37. Allen Loewentsein (Code UD000)
38. Carolyn Blunt (Code UD000)
39. Mallory Filby (Code UD000)
40. Becca Houston (Code UD000)
41. Lorinda Bennett (Code UD000)
42. Burgundy Elder (Code UD000)
43. Wiley Geddinge (Code UD000)
44. Oscar Ward (Code UD000)
45. Ursula Fuller (Code UD000)
46. Godiva Rodacker (Code UD000)
47. Avila Morgan (Code UD000)
48. Nick Magor (Code UD000)
49. Normand Keppel (Code UD000)
50. Ilene Pheleps (Code UD000)
51. Xenia Read (Code UD000)
52. Keshia Herrold (Code UD000)
53. Sheenagh Tanner (Code UD000)
54. Margery Brooks (Code UD000)
55. Donnie Blair (Code UD000)
56. Ella Archibald (Code UD000)
57. Elwyn Cable (Code UD000)
58. Elise Finck (Code UD000)
59. Kory Iseman (Code UD000)
60. Faith Howe (Code UD000)
61. Lynne Munson (Code UD000)
62. Spike Tilton (Code UD000)
63. Bennett Faust (Code N010)
64. Lessie Basmanoff (Code UD000)
65. Kendall Lucy (Code UD000)
66. Kurtis Rega (Code UD000)
67. Celeste Joyce (Code UD000)
68. Matthew Fry (Code UD000)
69. Laurelle Crawford (Code UD000)
70. Lenny Warner (Code UD000)
71. Lyndon Shaffer (Code UD000)
72. Griffin Heyman (Code UD000)
73. Janelle Woodward (Code UD000)
74. Darla Moberly (Code UD000)
75. Ellis Barrett (Code UD000)
76. Eve Greenawalt (Code N012)
77. Diane Law (Code UD000)
78. Opal Holtzer (Code UD000)
79. Mamie Style (Code UD000)
80. Kathie Welty (Code UD000)
81. Hervey Craig (Code UD000)
82. Kristie Noton (Code UD000)
83. Marion Ann (Code UD000)
84. Margaretta Pearson (Code UD000)
85. Zoey Garland (Code UD000)
86. Kennard Alice (Code UD000)
87. Timotha Shafer (Code UD000)
88. Trinity Dunlap (Code UD000)
89. Wyatt Todd (Code UD000)
90. Mortimer Moulton (Code UD000)
91. Dudley Myers (Code UD000)
92. Deryck Lowe (Code UD000)
93. Kelli Bowman (Code UD000)
Death Code Definitions[]
To All Medical Records Staff
The following are the new revised Death Code definitions. Please update all files to include these codes for faster handling. Note that criminal deaths/suicides are NEVER listed in these files as such. They must be listed under a code A008 in Accidental Deaths as per Vault-Tec mandate.
Natural Deaths
N001 - Microbial Agents
N002 - Radioactive Agents
N003 - Toxic Agents
N004 - Allergic Reactions
N005 - Heart Disease/Ischemic
N006 - Cerebro-Vascular Disease
N007 - Bronchitis/Emphysema/Asthma
N008 - Liver Disease/Cirrhosis
N009 - Cancer Type I Categories
N010 - Cancer Type II Categories
N011 - Unexpected Organ Failure
N012 - Age
Accidental Deaths
A001 - Massive Radiation Overexposure
A002 - Massive Toxin Overexposure
A003 - Electrical Shock
A004 - Crushing/Heavy Object
A005 - Elevator Mishap
A006 - Drowning
A007 - Mistaken Weapons Discharge
A008 - Instant Death Syndrome
UD000 - Undefined/Unexplained (See Supervisor)
Medical wing maintenance terminal[]
Terminal is located top right on the Test Lab's local map.
Vault 87 Medical Wing Maintenance Access Emergency Use Only
Iso Room 01 Door Emergency Release[]
> Explosive Bolts Deployed -- Door Released
Iso Room 02 Door Emergency Release[]
> Explosive Bolts Deployed -- Door Released
Iso Room 03 Door Emergency Release[]
> Explosive Bolts Deployed -- Door Released
Iso Room 04 Door Emergency Release[]
> Explosive Bolts Deployed -- Door Released
Iso Room 05 Door Emergency Release[]
> Explosive Bolts Deployed -- Door Released
Test chamber 01[]
FEV Test Chamber 01 Authorized Personal Only!
Chamber Status Check[]
> ERROR - Chamber Offline Code 0987YU
FEV Reserves[]
> FEV Tanks Depleted
Test chamber 02[]
FEV Test Chamber 02 Authorized Personal Only!
Chamber Status Check[]
> ERROR - Chamber Offline Code 0987YU
FEV Reserves[]
> FEV Tanks Depleted
Test chamber 03[]
FEV Test Chamber 03 Authorized Personal Only!
Chamber Status Check[]
> ERROR - Chamber Offline Code 0987YU
FEV Reserves[]
> FEV Tanks Depleted
Test chamber 04[]
FEV Test Chamber 04 Authorized Personal Only!
Chamber Status Check[]
> ERROR - Chamber Offline Code 0987YU
FEV Reserves[]
> FEV Tanks Depleted
Chief physician's terminal[]
Terminal is located in the Test Labs, near Fawkes's holding cell.
Vault 87 Chief Physician's Terminal Dr. Wayne Merrick
Entry 87-34190[]
The latest subjects in the Evolutionary Experimentation Program (EEP) are showing some promise after only a single exposure to the modified FEV. We are currently testing five subjects, two males and three females. Each one of them is under 24 hour observation as usual. We hope to have a breakthrough in this strain as the continual pressure from Vault-Tec and the military at Mariposa is becoming most bothersome.
Entry 87-34224[]
Incredible results! After only three days, subjects B440, B164 and D624 (all our female specimens) are all exhibiting a unique change. Their bodies are undergoing severe physical changes, losing most of their visible female indicators and transforming to an almost asexual state. They are also seeing increased upper body strength and muscle formation in line with males.
Similarly, subjects C376 and A541 (our male specimens) are losing most of their visible male indicators and taking on the same asexual state as the females. It seems that the FEV wishes to "level the playing field" and start with a clean slate as it works.
Entry 87-34233[]
We've had a minor setback. Subject B440, Mary Kilpatrik, is now deceased. According to my autopsy, she died of a massive loss of brain function and was unable to sustain her basic bodily needs. This is the usual pattern we see in all the FEV Strains we test... the brains of the subjects becoming too damaged to support even the most basic human needs (eating, sleeping, etc.). So far, all other subjects are nominal and continue to exhibit physical changes.
Entry 87-34265[]
At ten days, we are now noticing that the skin of all our remaining test subjects is actually thickening and becoming more resilient. This seems to be the FEV bringing about some new adaptive change. This is the kind of result we were looking for... adaptations that could prove useful in combat situations. I need to remember to congratulate Dr. Filo on his skin engineering; his coded instructions in this strain seem to be exactly what he expected.
Entry 87-34335[]
Once again, I've hit that damn wall. At fourteen days, all of the test subjects began to exhibit severe bouts of rage and anxiety. So much so that they were a danger to my team and to this facility. I had no choice once again but to order them to be destroyed. It pains me every time we do this. The same cycle has been repeated in every strain we test. We always see superior physical adaptations, but the mental changes are their downfall.
Isolation room 05[]
Identify Specimen[]
> Subject D624
Unlock Door[]
> Lock Error - Call for Service
Terminate Specimen[]
> Danger: Do Not Enter Room
Lab technician terminal[]
Terminal is located in the west section of the Test Labs.
EEP Laboratory Technicians Eyes Only
Unlock Storage Room Door[]
> Door Unlocked
Notice #009[]
Attention ALL Lab Technicians
The A Level Storage Room has been restocked with rad suits and other radiation dampeners. We were able to bring these up from deep storage for immediate use. Please only take what is needed (there is no need to hoard the items, there is plenty to go around) and to lock the door after you are finished.
Notice #012[]
Attention ALL Lab Technicians
The radiation expulsion ducts from the G.E.C.K. chamber are once again venting radiation directly into the area due to faulty seals. These seals MUST be properly maintained and checked on a DAILY basis. There is a clipboard with the maintenance checklist that you must initial when the check is complete in the main laboratory. Any lab technician skipping their check will be held accountable for their inaction.
Notice #018[]
Attention ALL Lab Technicians
Doctor Merrick has ordered the latest test subjects in the EEP to be terminated and then disposed of. Please make sure that: bodily remains are placed in the incinerator as soon as the subjects vitals are flat, the entire isolation room is disinfected and any relevant data on the subjects are given to Doctor Merrick. FEV is very unpredictable, and we do not want any contamination to remain when the next strain is introduced to new subjects.
Chamber terminal[]
Terminal is located in the west section of the Test Labs, used to open the door to the irradiated room holding the G.E.C.K..
[DANGER] Extreme Radiation Levels [DANGER]
Seal Radiation Chamber[]
> Error - Magnetic Locking System Offline
Emergency Radiation Purge[]
> Error - Venting System Offline
Vault 87 overseer's terminal[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout 3 cut content. |
View Security Dossiers[]
Dr. Wayne Merrick[]
Wayne Merrick
I'm told that Dr. Merrick is one of the brightest minds in the field of accelerated evolution, and apparently Vault-Tec agrees, because they've set up this Vault around him to suit all of his needs in the event that the bombs fall. All of his data and his work have been transferred to this facility from many important sources such as Mariposa Base, West-Tek and Vault-Tec Labs.
I like Dr. Merrick. He's driven without being careless. He knows that in the event of a nuclear war, he may be the only person left in the world that can advance human genetics beyond where they are now. He's meticulous, detail-oriented, and reports everything to me on a regular basis.
Don Foster[]
> Data Corrupted
Daniel Koster[]
Daniel Koster
An excellent Maintenance Chief. Thorough, careful, and honest to a fault. In fact, that's becoming a problem. His security clearance isn't high enough yet to grant him access to all of the information regarding the FEV experiments performed by Dr. Merrick, but we may have to bring him into the fold soon. In the event we need major repairs on A Level, we'll definitely need his skills.
Peter Stevens[]
Peter Stevens
This gentleman continues to impress me. He was just recently promoted to Technician Third Class by Chief Koster for his ingenuity and ability to think quickly in emergencies. Given these talents, I think he'd make an excellent candidate for Koster's eventual successor if the need should ever arise.
UPDATE: It seems Peter has suffered some sort of a nervous breakdown. He keeps claiming that his "son" is missing and his "wife" is in deep depression, although I show no records of him ever being married or having a child. I've recommended that he be taken to the Test Labs for observation and sedation if need be.
Richard Wyneski[]
> Data Corrupted
Drew Mertinelli[]
> Data Corrupted
View Scouting Reports[]
Mission Suspended[]
I'm quite sad to report that due to a direct hit from what I presume to be a nuclear weapon on the entry area of Vault 87, we will be unable to provide the Scouting Reports as outlined in Vault-Tec's Operations Manual. The main door to Vault 87 is damaged beyond repair and we are detecting extremely high levels of lethal radiation outside and in the entry tunnel.
Vault-Tec Instructions[]
Letter from Doctor Stanislaus Braun[]
A Letter to the Overseer from Dr. Stanislaus Braun:
If you are reading this, emergency Vault internment procedures have been initiated and you and your control group have been sealed into your Vault. Congratulations! You are now a vital part of the most ambitious program ever undertaken by Vault-Tec.
If you have not yet read your sealed orders, do so now. They will outline the experimental protocols assigned to your control group. Please remember that deviation from these protocols in any way will jeopardize the success of the program, and may be considered grounds for termination by Vault-Tec Corporation (as outlined in your Employment Agreement).
Your Vault may or may not have been selected to receive a G.E.C.K. module. Please see Attachment A for details.
Doctor Stanislaus Braun
Director, Societal Preservation Program
Vault-Tec Corporation
Attachment A[]
Vault 87 has been chosen as one of the very few select Vaults to receive a genuine G.E.C.K. The device was delivered before final sealing of the Vault and installed into its secure pedestal by our special G.E.C.K. Scramble Team. I'd like to extend my best wishes to you and all of your population. Your survival will ensure the continuation of the human race, and to carry the Vault-Tec name into the future.
Doctor Stanislaus Braun
Director, Societal Preservation Program
Vault-Tec Corporation
Vault-Tec Scientific Entry: The G.E.C.K.[]
The G.E.C.K. is, quite simply, the most advanced piece of technology ever developed by Vault-Tec -- a terra-forming module capability of creating life from complete lifelessness. After riding out the storm of nuclear Armageddon in a Vault-Tec patented vault, residents can then activate the G.E.C.K., and create a new earthen paradise -- craters and dust will give way to rolling grasslands and sparkling clear water. Of course, due to time and monetary constraints, not every vault will be equipped with a G.E.C.K. module.
Open Door to Overseer's Tunnel[]
Door opening...
Close Door to Overseer's Tunnel[]
Door closing...
![]() | End of information based on Fallout 3 cut content |