Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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This is a transcript for dialogue with generic Boomers.


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Smart move. 1
Assault Assault Neutral 50 Under fire! 2
Assault Neutral 50 Protect the tribe! 3
Assault Neutral 50 Kill the Outsider! 4
Attack Attack Neutral 50 Contact! 5
Attack Neutral 50 Attacking! 6
Attack Neutral 50 Firing! 7
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Duck and cover! 8
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Take cover! 9
DeathResponse DeathResponse Neutral 50 We've got a man down here! 10
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Man down! 11
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Engaging! 12
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Go, go, go! 13
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Time to die, Outsider! 14
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 3, 2, 1, contact! 15
FireExplosive Neutral 50 Fire in the hole! 16
Flee Flee Neutral 50 Back to base! 17
Flee Neutral 50 Cover me! 18
Flee Neutral 50 Pull back! 19
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Get lost. 20
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You'll turn back, if you know what's good for you. 21
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 This area is off limits, Outsider. 22
Murder Murder Neutral 50 You'll pay for that, Outsider! 23
Murder Neutral 50 Man down! 24
Murder Neutral 50 You son of a bitch. 25
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 We kill to survive. 26
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 At least it was a quick death. 27
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 The tribe must be protected. 28
Steal Steal Neutral 50 Open fire! 29
Steal Neutral 50 Stop the Outsider! 30
Steal Neutral 50 I knew you'd try something. 31


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Don't get blown up. 32
Goodbye. Neutral 50 See ya. 33
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Bye. 34
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 You've done us a great service. Thank you for your help. 35
Hello Neutral 50 Watch your step, sister. 36
Hello Neutral 50 If you can't keep that thing under control, I will. 37
Hello Neutral 50 I've never seen a ghoul up close. Not sure I wanted to. 38
Hello Neutral 50 Make my day, mutant. 39
Hello Neutral 50 I can take care of that robot problem for you. Just saying. 40
Hello Neutral 50 Whatever you're selling, we have plenty. 41
Hello Neutral 50 Once a republican, always a republican. 42
Hello Neutral 50 You aren't stealing our medicine, are you, doc? 43
Hello Neutral 50 I can't believe we may see the superfortress built in my lifetime. 44
Hello Neutral 50 Really? So we may see our dream of flight soon? 45
Hello Neutral 50 I'm happy that we managed to raise the bomber in my lifetime. 46
Hello Neutral 50 I'm amazed that an outsider has proven so helpful. 47


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 You're not getting away. 48
AlertIdle Neutral 50 I know you're out there! 49
AlertIdle Neutral 50 {hushed} What was that? 50
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Target sighted! 51
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 There ya are! 52
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Aha! 53
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Nothing out here. 54
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Guess I'm seeing things. 55
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Aw, forget this. 56
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 Show yourself, Outsider. 57
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Come out, come out, wherever you are. 58
CombatToLost Neutral 50 We'll find ya' one way or another. 59
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 I didn't think you had it in you. 60
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 You can run, but you can't hide forever. 61
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 We'll save a shell for you. 62
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 {frustrated} Show yourself. 63
LostIdle Neutral 50 {confident} I can hear you breathing, Outsider. 64
LostIdle Neutral 50 {frustrated} I'll blow this place apart if I have to. 65
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, hostile} I got you now! 66
LostToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, hostile} Let's do this! 67
LostToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, hostile} It's on! 68
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 {giving up search} I guess the outsider left. 69
LostToNormal Neutral 50 {giving up search} I bet the coward ran back to those NCR fools. 70
LostToNormal Neutral 50 {giving up search} Guess they're too scared to fight. 71
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {slight concern} I heard a noise. 72
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {slight concern} Hello? Who's there? 73
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {slight concern} What was that? Hello? 74
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 {starting combat} Fire for effect! 75
StartCombat Neutral 50 {starting combat} Saturate that quadrant! 76
StartCombat Neutral 50 {starting combat} Lock target and fire! 77


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Derisive} Only thing you're good for is target practice. 78
GREETING Neutral 50 {Threatening} Bet you'd blow up real good. 79
GREETING Neutral 50 {threatening} Watch your step, Outsider. 80
GREETING Neutral 50 {Open Threat} I got a shell with your name on it. 81
GREETING Neutral 50 I can spot a Brotherhood spy from a thousand yards. Even the cute ones. 82
GREETING Neutral 50 I've never seen a ghoul up close. Not sure I wanted to. 83
GREETING Neutral 50 That thing is housebroken, right? 84
GREETING Neutral 50 I like you big mutants. You're easy to sight. 85
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you know you have a robot following you? 86
GREETING Neutral 50 Whatever you're selling, we have plenty. 87
GREETING Neutral 50 Keep your distance, soldier. 88
GREETING Neutral 50 {suspicious} A doctor? Who's your supplier? 89
GREETING Neutral 50 Idle thumbs tend to get blown off around here. Get moving. 90
GREETING Neutral 50 Sorry, I've got work to take care of. 91
GREETING Neutral 50 I'd keep moving if I was you. 92
GREETING Neutral 50 {Dismissive} Go back to the Strip where you belong. 93
GREETING Neutral 50 You're nothing like us, Outsider. 94
GREETING Neutral 50 We should have never let you in. 95
GREETING Neutral 50 You're no different than a common Fiend. 96
GREETING Neutral 50 What are you looking at? 97
GREETING Neutral 50 Keep your distance. 98
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm not sure what to make of you, Outsider. 99
GREETING Neutral 50 What do you know about our problems? 100
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. 101
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. Kill any Outsiders lately? 102
GREETING Neutral 50 {Jovial} You can shoot with me anytime, friend. 103
GREETING Neutral 50 Always nice to see you. 104
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wry} Hope the trip into camp wasn't too eventful! 105
GREETING Neutral 50 {friendly} Keep your head down, Outsider. 106
GREETING Neutral 50 I've got my sights on you, Outsider. 107
GREETING Neutral 50 Stand back where I can see you. 108
GREETING Neutral 50 Saw you coming a mile away. 109
GREETING Neutral 50 All those hours training? Glad they finally paid off. 110
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you see it? I hear the suckers burned right through their armor. 111
GREETING Neutral 50 It was wonderful seeing Pearl fly and serve the purpose she was built for. 112
GREETING Neutral 50 It's getting nasty out here. S'times like these I thank god for artillery. 113
GREETING Neutral 50 War's brewing on the horizon, plain as day. 114
GREETING Neutral 50 We've survived out here pretty well so far without any help from the outside. 115
GREETING Neutral 50 You should get out of my face before you get yourself hurt. 116
GREETING Neutral 50 I don't have anything to say to you, outsider. 117
GREETING Neutral 50 I don't know how you survived the bombardment. That's incredible. 118
GREETING Neutral 50 I don't think you should be here. 119
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm happy you came along. You are the answer to our dreams. 120
GREETING Neutral 50 You've earned our trust, now let's see if you can earn our gratitude. 121
GREETING Neutral 50 I can't believe we may see the superfortress built in my lifetime. 122
GREETING Neutral 50 Really? So we may see our dream of flight soon? 123
GREETING Neutral 50 I hear you're going to help us, I hope you're up for the task. 124
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm happy that we managed to raise the bomber in my lifetime. 125
GREETING Neutral 50 Thank you so much for your help. 126
GREETING Neutral 50 I didn't think the day would ever come, but thanks to you our dreams have come true! 127
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm amazed that an outsider has proven so helpful. 128
GREETING Neutral 50 You've given us the ability to touch the sky! Thank you. 129
GREETING Neutral 50 You've done us a great service. Thank you. 130
GREETING Neutral 50 You've done us a great service. Thank you for your help. 131
GREETING Neutral 50 Sorry, no time to talk, Outsider. 132
PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 {irritated} Stow that weapon, Outsider. 133
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 {irritated} Drop that weapon. 134
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 {threatening} You're going to make this easy. 135
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 {threatening} Drop that weapon, Outsider. 136
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {challenging} I see you, Outsider. 137
PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {challenging} You think that firecracker will be enough? 138
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 {Bellow} Grenade! 140