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This is a transcript for dialogue with Julie Farkas.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Are you here to drop off medical supplies? Leave them with the rest in the middle of the courtyard. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Emily says you're working with her on bugging the Lucky 38. That information would be invaluable to our research if you can get it done. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, I heard about the bug getting destroyed in the Lucky 38. We'll get in there eventually. It's just a matter of time. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 One of my aides said you got into the Lucky 38. If you see someone by the name of Emily near there, we would like you to work for us. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {Concerned} I've heard a few patients mention the Securitrons are acting strangely and no one has heard from Mr. House in a while. 5
Neutral 50 If House is out of the picture, maybe we'll be able to get our hands on some of his technology. It would help our scientists greatly. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 So the great {Kai-zar} Caesar is dead. Happy news, but I don't know that it'll make things safer. The rest of his goons may be even worse once they take power. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Smoke rising from the east spells trouble. I hope the Legion isn't on the move. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 I sincerely hope the NCR are getting supplies in place to defend against an attack, because it looks like the Legion has plans for the dam again. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 If things don't go well at the dam, all of our efforts here could be for nothing. I hope to God the Legion doesn't win control. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Is there something you need? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Hi, do you need assistance? 12
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Can I help you? 13
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} Yes? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} Do you need something? 15
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} Have you ever considered getting your head checked? 16
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} I'm pretty busy, is there something you need? 17
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} Make it quick, I'm a busy woman. 18
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} We don't specialize in psychiatry in this camp. 19
GREETING Neutral 50 {Good Natured Rascal} Hey, good to see you. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 {Good Natured Rascal} Welcome. 21
GREETING Neutral 50 {Liked} Welcome back, friend. 22
GREETING Neutral 50 {Liked} Great to see you again. 23
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} What do you want? 24
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} Watch yourself around here. We don't tolerate thugs in the camp. 25
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} I'm busy, make it quick. 26
GREETING Neutral 50 {Hated} I hope you don't think I'm going to stitch your sorry ass. 27
GREETING Neutral 50 {Hated} Great, you again? 28
GREETING Neutral 50 {Hated} Don't you have some kittens to drown or something? 29
JulieFarkasJerry I met a kid who's unsatisfied with life in the Great Khans. Will you take him on as a Follower? Neutral 50 We're always looking for new members. Does he have any particular talent? 30
JulieFarkasKhans I'm looking for something that could inspire the Great Khans. Know of anything like that? Surprise 20 The Great Khans? Oh, you mean those raiders that used to clash with the Vegas tribes? 31
Sad 25 Yes, some years back we taught them reading, writing, basic science - we hoped they would use it to make medical supplies, but they turned to drugs. 32
Pained 10 I was never much involved in the cultural side of that project, but Ezekiel was. 33
VEndingFollowers VEndingFollowers Neutral 50 {narrating} With no clear leader to guide efforts in Freeside, the Followers of the Apocalypse lost control of Old Mormon Fort to local thugs and junkies. 34
Neutral 50 {narrating} Eventually, using the Followers' remaining supplies to manufacture drugs, the Old Mormon Fort quickly devolved into little more than a junkie den. 35
VEndingFollowers Neutral 50 {narrating} After the NCR's victory at the dam, the Followers of the Apocalypse were pushed out of Old Mormon Fort during its occupation by NCR forces. 36
Neutral 50 {narrating} NCR further "encouraged" them to leave Outer Vegas entirely, and the Followers had no choice but to comply. 37
VEndingFollowers Neutral 50 {narrating} After the NCR's victory at the dam, in part thanks to Follower medical support, NCR allowed the Followers to care for refugees as they see fit. 38
Neutral 50 {narrating} Old Mormon Fort expanded its services and was able to aid more people, becoming a refuge for the less fortunate citizens of New Vegas. 39
VEndingFollowers Neutral 50 {narrating} After the Legion's victory, the new Caesar learned the Followers had "defamed" the original Caesar's noble origins. 40
Neutral 50 {narrating} The Followers of the Apocalypse were hunted down and exterminated, and Old Mormon Fort was turned into a pile of rubble. 41
VEndingFollowers Neutral 50 {narrating} After the Legion's victory, Caesar, out of a strange respect for his old fellows, allowed the Followers safe passage out of the wasteland. 42
Neutral 50 {narrating} Reluctantly, the Followers accepted the offer and abandoned Old Mormon Fort to the Legion. 43
VEndingFollowers Neutral 50 {narrating} After the Courier ensured New Vegas remain free, the Followers found that independent Vegas was even more unstable and violent than before. 44
Neutral 50 {narrating} Old Mormon Fort became excessively burdened by the influx of patients, struggling to provide even the most basic of services. 45
VFSJulieFarkasKingSuiteGreeting VFSJulieFarkasKingSuiteGreeting Neutral 50 We've actually already met. It is good to see you again. 46
VFSJulieFarkasKingSuiteGreeting Neutral 50 It's a pleasure to meet you. I appreciate what you've done so far in the interest of peace in Freeside. 47
VFSJulieFarkasVoicesObjection VFSJulieFarkasVoicesObjection Neutral 50 Please bear in mind that there may be more to this situation than there seems. The reasons for these attacks are yet unknown. 48
Neutral 50 It may be possible to avoid further bloodshed if you discover the cause at the root of this recent outbreak of violence. 49
VFreeformFreesideFSJulieFarkasTopic000 You need medical supplies? Neutral 50 Rates of injury and illness in Freeside are very high. Supplies don't last long. 50
VFreeformFreesideFSJulieFarkasTopic003 What do you need? Neutral 50 Med-X, Rad-Away, and Fixer are Freeside essentials. I can't pay you for any supplies you bring in, but I could discount the charge for our services. 51
VFreeformFreesideFSJulieFarkasTopic004 You've got yourself a deal. Neutral 50 Just come see me when you've got some supplies to turn in. 52
VFreeformFreesideFSJulieFarkasTopic007 Maybe another time. Sad 20 That's too bad. If you change your mind, let me know. {disappointed, but not surprised.} 53
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic000 I think I found someone who will be able to cover your supplies. Neutral 50 That's phenomenal! Who did you find? 54
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic001 The Garret Twins. Neutral 50 They supply Freeside with drugs and liquor. From my point of view they're just better-organized pushers. 55
Neutral 50 Upgrading their stills would increase their supply of liquor and chems. How does that help Freeside? 56
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic002 You get your chems and can help anyone who gets addicted. Neutral 50 True, we could help addicts, but the cycle of addiction, recover, and relapse would remain. 57
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic003 With a surplus of supplies, you could use your caps and influence to expand. Neutral 50 Good point. We wouldn't be paying anything for their supplies, just a portion of our food waste to make ethanol. 58
Neutral 50 We get food from nearby wasteland farmers in exchange for medical services, so we could put our caps back into helping Freeside. 59
Neutral 50 Tell the Garrets we'll keep their stills running if they provide us with supplies. Thank you for arranging this. You've been a godsend. 60
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic004 I helped with that addiction problem you mentioned. Neutral 50 I saw them. Thank you so much for helping them. This means a lot to the Followers of the Apocalypse. You have our thanks. 61
Neutral 50 If you need some medical supplies, come see me. With Jacob working with us, we should be able to spare a stim or fixer once a day. 62
I helped with that addiction problem you mentioned. Neutral 50 I saw Bill, but found Jacob Dead. His death will be a big loss for Freeside. 63
Neutral 50 Thank you for helping Bill. At least he will help repair things around here. 64
I helped with that addiction problem you mentioned. Neutral 50 I saw Jacob, but found Bill dead... His death will be a big loss for Freeside. 65
Neutral 50 If you need some medical supplies, come see me. With Jacob working with us, we should be able to spare a stim or fixer once a day. 66
I helped with that addiction problem you mentioned. Neutral 50 No you didn't! They're both dead! 67
Neutral 50 I don't know what you're pulling here, but this is not the way to win us over. 68
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic005 You said something about helping addicts? Neutral 50 Yes, Old Bill Ronte and Jacob Hoff. They're not going to kick their habits on their own. 69
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic006 Tell me about Bill Ronte. Neutral 50 Old Bill Ronte is an exceptionally skilled machinist. He could fix the problems we've been having with Freeside's water pump, if he sobered up. 70
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic007 Tell me about Jacob. Neutral 50 The Garrets hooked Jacob on chems when he was working for them. Ironic, since he used to homebrew detox chems. He's a natural chemist. 71
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic008 If I wanted to calm things down in Freeside, where would I start? Neutral 50 The big man around here is The King. Not much happens in Freeside that he doesn't know about. 72
Neutral 50 He has the most influence locally, and some of his crew haven't helped the situation by harassing NCR citizens and charging double for water. 73
Neutral 50 Some NCR soldiers have been bringing in supplies, but none of it is going to Freeside locals. I've tried to speak to both sides to no avail. 74
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic009 Yes! I'll join. Neutral 50 Excellent! The Followers' mission will be better served with someone like yourself traveling around the Mojave. 75
Neutral 50 As a representative of the Followers, I present you with your very own Lab Coat. Wear it well, and may it aid our cause. 76
Neutral 50 Also, before I forget, here is a key to a safehouse you can use to rest if you happen to be in the area. I'll just mark it mark it on your map. 77
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic010 Where should I start looking? Neutral 50 In Freeside, the drunks and drug addicts flock in and around the Atomic Wrangler. I'd start there. 78
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic011 Things seem pretty rough here in Freeside. Neutral 50 More than rough, it's a damn mess. Freeside townies are constantly picking fights with NCR civilians. 79
Neutral 50 Thugs and thieves are always looking for a victim, and the local families are just sitting back making caps on the mess. 80
Neutral 50 Freeside is in dire need, but no one has been man enough to step up. The Followers can only do so much to stem the tide. 81
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic012 Is there anything I can do to help? Neutral 50 There is always something needing done. A few souls here in Freeside could be great assets to the community, if they'd kick their addictions. 82
Neutral 50 We need to get a regular supply of medicine organized, but the Crimson Caravan wants too many caps for what we need. 83
Neutral 50 Lastly, tensions between the townies and NCR tourists have been going downhill fast lately. A lot of innocent people will get hurt if things blow up. 84
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic013 I'll see what I can do to help them. Neutral 50 Sobering them up and putting them back to work would go a long way toward helping Freeside. 85
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic014 You said you could spare some supplies? Neutral 50 Sure. Would you like a Stimpak, Fixer, or Rad-Away? 86
You said you could spare some supplies? Neutral 50 Well, now that Jacob is dead, we don't have the extra resources to make a surplus of medical supplies. Sorry, but we cannot spare anything now. 87
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic015 A stimpak. Neutral 50 You'll need to wait another 24 hours for us to get more made. We need everything else we currently have. 88
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic016 Fixer. Neutral 50 You'll need to wait another 24 hours for us to get more made. We need everything else we currently have. 89
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic017 RadAway. Neutral 50 You'll need to wait another 24 hours for us to get more made. We need everything else we currently have. 90
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic018 I'd like to talk about something else. Neutral 50 What do you want to talk about? 91
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic019 The King said you could tell me more about his robotic dog. Neutral 50 Rex? It breaks my heart every time I see him. He's such a good dog. 92
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic020 So you can't heal him? Neutral 50 No, Rex's condition is way beyond anything we can handle. He requires brain surgery, and some sophisticated cybernetics work, too. 93
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic021 The King brought him here for treatment then? Neutral 50 Yes, a few months ago. We had to tell him there was nothing we could do. 94
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic022 So there's no chance he'll ever get better? Neutral 50 I didn't say that. While no one here has that kind of expertise, I do know of one man who might fit the bill. 95
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic023 Is there anyone who could do all that? Neutral 50 There's an old scientist named Dr. Henry who reportedly specializes in this sort of procedure. He'd probably be your best bet. 96
Neutral 50 Last I heard, he was living up in Jacobstown, far to the northwest. 97
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic024 Thank you. You've been very helpful. Neutral 50 No problem. 98
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic025 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 What did you want to talk about? 99
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic026 Seems like you need a steady supply, not just whatever I can grab for you. Neutral 50 So far the Crimson Caravan won't cut us a deal. If you can convince them or some other merchant to work with us, I'll discount supplies to you. 100
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic027 Which merchants might be willing to make a deal? Neutral 50 You might ask around at Mick and Ralph's - or go see the Garrets, though I suspect they're too busy poisoning Freeside to help it out. 101
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic028 I need medical services. Neutral 50 All right. You'll get them at a discounted rate, thanks to all the supplies you've donated. 102
I need medical services. Neutral 50 What seems to be the problem? 103
I need medical services. Neutral 50 Anything else? 104
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic029 A regular shipment of supplies is what you need here. Neutral 50 That would be a godsend, but so far we've had no luck working out a deal with the Crimson Caravan or any other local merchants. 105
Neutral 50 If you could manage to find someone willing to work with us, I'd gladly offer medical supplies at a discount. 106
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic030 I have some medical supplies to drop off. Neutral 50 Great! What do you have? 107
I have some medical supplies to drop off. Neutral 50 Good to hear! Oh, by the way. I got a shipment of magazines from home I'd be willing to sell if you're interested. 108
I have some medical supplies to drop off. Neutral 50 It looks like you took care of our short term supply issues. In thanks, you can have a discount on medical services with me. 109
Neutral 50 Also, I would like to extend an invitation to join the Followers of the Apocalypse. 110
Neutral 50 Your work here in the Old Mormon Fort has been invaluable, and I can't think of a more worthy recruit. Will you join us? 111
I have some medical supplies to drop off. Neutral 50 Good to hear! What do you have to donate? 112
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic031 Med-X Neutral 50 It looks like we've got enough Med-X for the moment, but it always helps to be prepared with a backup supply. How much do you have to donate? 113
Med-X Neutral 50 How much do you have to donate? 114
Med-X Neutral 50 How much do you have to donate? 115
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic032 Rad-Away Neutral 50 We have a good stock of Rad-Away at this point, but every extra bit helps. How much do you have to donate? 116
Rad-Away Neutral 50 How much do you have to donate? 117
Rad-Away Neutral 50 How much do you have to donate? 118
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic033 Fixer Neutral 50 With your help, we now have a small overstock of Fixer, however, it never hurts to have extra. How much do you have to donate? 119
Fixer Neutral 50 How much do you have to donate? 120
Fixer Neutral 50 How much do you have to donate? 121
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic034 I've got a chem problem. Neutral 50 A common enough problem here in Freeside. {not judging the player} 122
I've got a chem problem. Neutral 50 You don't show any signs of physical dependency. Nothing I can do for psychological dependency, I'm afraid. 123
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic035 I'm not interested right now. Neutral 50 That is unfortunate. If you change your mind, please see me right away. 124
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic036 I've been exposed to radiation. Neutral 50 That's easy enough to clear up. 125
I've been exposed to radiation. Neutral 50 Who hasn't? But your rad level is nothing dangerous. 126
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic038 <Pay 50 caps> Neutral 50 This will help you kick the habit. 127
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic039 Never mind. Neutral 50 Anything else? {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 128
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic040 <Pay 100 caps> Neutral 50 Hold still. The Rad-Away burns a little. 129
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic042 One. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 130
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic043 Two. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 131
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic044 Three. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 132
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic045 One. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 133
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic046 Two. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 134
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic047 Three. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 135
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic048 One. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 136
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic049 Two. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 137
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic050 Three. Neutral 50 Thanks! Anything else? 138
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic051 That is all for now. Neutral 50 Thanks for the donation. Every bit goes toward helping Freeside. 139
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic053 The Garrets should be sending over supplies shortly. Neutral 50 I'm honestly pleasantly surprised they would help us out, but I can see Garret isn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart. 140
Neutral 50 Well, it looks like you've earned yourself a discount on supplies now that we'll be fully covered. This supply deal will aid our work immensely. 141
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic054 Do you sell medical supplies? Neutral 50 We're pretty short-handed as it is, but I suppose I could spare a few items. 142
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic055 I'd like to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 We don't have a lot right now, but this is what I can offer for sale. 143
I'd like to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 Here is what we have available. 144
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic056 What does it mean to join the Followers of the Apocalypse? Neutral 50 Our aim is to gradually shape a better brighter future for the wasteland. 145
Neutral 50 We seek to heal the planet through efforts not unlike the medicine and education we offer here in the Old Mormon Fort. 146
Neutral 50 All we ask is members and those seeking aid do their best to help those in need when the opportunity arises. 147
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic057 What is this place? Neutral 50 The Old Mormon Fort serves as the regional hub for the Followers of the Apocalypse. I am the administrator for this region. 148
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic058 Sure let me take a look at those magazines. Neutral 50 Take a look. 149
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic059 What do you do here? Neutral 50 The Followers of the Apocalypse aren't just interested in research. We care for our fellow man and do everything we can to help humanity. 150
Neutral 50 Here in Freeside, we provide food and medical services for those in need. We have also organized reconstruction efforts. 151
Neutral 50 With the help of Bill Ronte, we were able to install a water pump just west of here, but the Kings quickly took control of the pump. 152
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic060 Let's talk about Freeside. Neutral 50 What did you want to know? 153
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic061 Who are the Followers of the Apocalypse? Neutral 50 We arose from the Boneyards of Adytum years ago. Since then, we have made it our mission to rebuild the wasteland and reeducate its inhabitants. 154
Neutral 50 We hope to forge a brave new world free of war and poverty by sharing knowledge and resources. Our primary goal is the free exchange of ideas. 155
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic062 I'd like to talk about joining the Followers of the Apocalypse. Neutral 50 Great, did you change your mind? 156
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic064 I think the Followers should support NCR in the coming battle at the dam. Neutral 50 I'm sure you have your reasons, but we are much too busy to waste our time on those selfish bastards. 157
Neutral 50 Even if we wanted to, we don't have the resources to handle such a monumental task right now. 158
Neutral 50 Unless you can handle our supply shortages, the best we can do is scrape by in here in Freeside. 159
I think the Followers should support NCR in the coming battle at the dam. Neutral 50 Why should we support the NCR? Their continual operational incompetence gets their soldiers killed, and they hold a monopoly on water in the mojave. 160
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic065 I think the Followers should support an Independent Vegas through the coming battle at the dam. Neutral 50 I'm sure you have your reasons, but we are much too busy to waste our time on those selfish bastards. 161
Neutral 50 Even if we wanted to, we don't have the resources to handle such a monumental task right now. 162
Neutral 50 Unless you can handle our supply shortages, the best we can do is scrape by in here in Freeside. 163
I think the Followers should support an Independent Vegas through the coming battle at the dam. Neutral 50 Why should we support Vegas? They've locked Freeside out of the city and do nothing to help their neighboring townsfolk. 164
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic066 What's all the fuss about the water pump? Neutral 50 Bill Ronte installed that pump a few years ago, back when he was sober. It was a major improvement for the community. 165
Neutral 50 But lately The Kings have started charging locals to use it - and NCR squatters twice as much. That'll come to no good. 166
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic067 Would you rather see Caesar's Legion win and enslave everyone? Neutral 50 No, but there is still a good chance the NCR could hold them off and we're not equipped to fight a war, here. 167
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic068 Who are The Kings? Neutral 50 They've been Freeside's gang for the past five years or so, ever since Mr. House and his Three Families pushed everyone else out of Vegas. 168
Neutral 50 They've done a lot of good for the community - but that seems to be changing. The flood of NCR squatters has been an affront to them. 169
Neutral 50 I guess that explains the situation with the water pump. Usually The King wouldn't let his crew bully folks around like that. 170
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic069 I'm setting plans in motion which will ensure both the Legion and NCR are pushed out of the Mojave. Neutral 50 Wow. Whatever you have planned must be pretty big to give them the boot, but this sounds dangerous. 171
Neutral 50 I refuse to put my people at risk. If the NCR are pushed out, the raiders and other scum will run amok. 172
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic070 They won't have nearly enough doctors without the Followers' support. Neutral 50 But the Followers aren't fighters. We'd get annihilated as front-line medics. 173
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic071 I'm sure I can get help with supply shortages. Neutral 50 Even if that were the case, we still need more incentive to help Vegas. 174
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic072 The Followers would act as support safely away from combat. Neutral 50 In that case, they'll have our support. We cannot afford to let the Legion win. 175
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic074 Part of my plan involves automated security for the region. Neutral 50 That is somewhat reassuring, but we still don't have the resources to care for the entire Mojave by ourselves. 176
Neutral 50 We already experience regular supply shortages. Opening our door to the entire region... I don't see how this could ever work. 177
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic075 <Pay 25 caps> Neutral 50 This will help you kick the habit. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 178
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic076 <Pay 50 caps> Neutral 50 Hold still. The Rad-Away burns a little. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 179
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic077 What do you know about Mick and Ralph? Neutral 50 I know they sell a lot of guns - as if that's what Freeside needs. I hear Mick handles the guns. No idea what Ralph does. 180
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic078 Tell me about the Van Graffs. Neutral 50 Oh, them. They sell energy weapons, which are very popular with better-heeled prospectors looking to explore the wastes. {not happy to hear them mentioned} 181
Neutral 50 Stay clear of them. Brother and sister are both psychopaths, though at least Gloria is rational. Jean-Baptiste likes killing. 182
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic079 What's the Atomic Wrangler? Neutral 50 {shrugging} A den of iniquity. The Garrets do more than their share to keep the locals drunk or high enough to stay lazy. 183
Neutral 50 Their thugs, on the other hand, they keep wired on chems to stay dangerous. What is it with Freeside and brother-sister psychopath teams? 184
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic080 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 All right. What did you want to know? 185
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic081 I don't have the caps. Neutral 50 I'm sorry, but I can't give you meds for nothing. There are too many people who need these supplies. 186
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic082 I need some injuries patched up. Neutral 50 Okay, what level of care do you require? 187
I need some injuries patched up. Neutral 50 You look fine to me. I hope this isn't drug-seeking behavior... though I've never seen anyone get addicted to Stimpaks. 188
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic083 This is a golden opportunity for the Followers to spread knowledge and care throughout the Mojave. Neutral 50 It is indeed our duty to teach and improve the living conditions of our fellow man, but we're talking an insane amount of logistics to make this work. 189
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic084 Do you know anything about NCR soldiers here in Freeside? Neutral 50 Only a little. A friend of mine, Major Elizabeth Kieran, has been handing out supplies to the poor a little west of here. What about it? 190
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic085 Hit me with a stimpak, Doc. Neutral 50 That should only take a few seconds if you've got the caps. 191
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic085DUPLICATE000 The King thinks those troops have been attacking Locals. Neutral 50 I know something's got them riled up, but I've been too busy with other matters to really look into it. 192
Neutral 50 If you're looking into the matter, talk to Elizabeth. She's in charge of the operations here in Freeside, though she won't open up to you right away. 193
Neutral 50 If Elizabeth holds out on you, tell her that I sent you. She should be a little more forthcoming if you mention my name. 194
Neutral 50 Was there anything else you wanted to talk about? 195
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic086 <Pay 10 caps> Neutral 50 There you go. Anything else? 196
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic087 Nothing, let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Okay, what did you want to talk about? 197
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic088 Heal me up completely. Neutral 50 Stitching up lacerations and treating wounds will take some time. I'm going to need caps to get started. 198
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic089 I've got some wounds I need you to look at. Neutral 50 You look fine to me. I hope this isn't drug-seeking behavior... though I've never seen anyone get addicted to Stimpaks. 199
I've got some wounds I need you to look at. Neutral 50 How have you been using the bathroom with your arms that messed up? Oh, forget I asked... phew. 200
I've got some wounds I need you to look at. Neutral 50 I'm amazed you managed to limp here with your legs like that. 201
I've got some wounds I need you to look at. Neutral 50 I didn't think red, purple, and swollen was your natural eye color. I can fix that right up. 202
I've got some wounds I need you to look at. Neutral 50 Did a super mutant use your torso as a punching bag or something? I'm going to need more gauze... 203
I've got some wounds I need you to look at. Neutral 50 Okay. This shouldn't take long, but I'm going to need some caps to cover supplies. 204
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic091 <Pay 50 caps> Neutral 50 You might want to brace yourself. This might get a bit painful. 205
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic092 <Pay 25 caps> Neutral 50 You might want to brace yourself. This might get a bit painful. 206
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic093 <Pay 75 caps> Neutral 50 A shot of Med-X for the pain, and you shouldn't feel... well some of what I need to do. 207
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic094 <Pay 40 caps> Neutral 50 A shot of Med-X for the pain, and you shouldn't feel... well some of what I need to do. 208
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic096 Just staple it all together. I'll fix my gimpy bits later. Neutral 50 This could take a while. Did you bring caps? 209
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic097 <Pay 50 caps> Neutral 50 A shot of Med-X for the pain, and you shouldn't feel... well some of what I need to do. 210
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic098 <Pay 25 caps> Neutral 50 A shot of Med-X for the pain, and you shouldn't feel... well some of what I need to do. 211
VFreeformFreesideVFSJulieFarkasTopic099 You would establish a foothold in the region and be one step closer to rebuilding the Mojave. Neutral 50 I think I see now what you intend to set in motion. 212
Neutral 50 If this plan will bring us one step closer to revitalizing the region, you can count on our support. 213
Neutral 50 So long as you can keep us supplied, we will stay in the Mojave to provide care and education for those in need. 214
VMS45VFSJulieFarkasTopic000 Who is Ezekiel? Happy 10 He's a member of the Followers like myself, but his particular field is pre-War history and tribal culture. 215
Surprise 30 I do recall him being fascinated by the Khans, he kept going on about parallels to some ancient historical empire or another. 216
VMS45VFSJulieFarkasTopic001 Where can I find this Ezekiel? Happy 20 He rarely stops in here these days - you'd do best to look for him out in the wastes east of New Vegas. He's always looking for new tribes to study. 217
VMS45VFSJulieFarkasTopic002 On second thought, never mind. Neutral 50 Was there something else you needed? 218
VMS47VFSJulieFarkasTopic000 Well, he's a poet. Kind of. Neutral 50 Hmm. Well, I suppose we could always use another junior archivist in the library. All right, tell him we'll accept him as a probationary initiate. 219
VMS47VFSJulieFarkasTopic001 He's obviously a bright, sensitive soul, and he loves literature. Neutral 50 Excellent! Ezekiel's been after me to find him a new assistant for ages. Tell the boy we'll take him. 220
VMS47VFSJulieFarkasTopic002 None whatsoever. Neutral 50 Ah. Well... I suppose we could always find him a place. Maybe doing inventory on the Pre-War Unexploded Munitions Collection back West. 221
Neutral 50 All right, tell the boy to report here, he can leave on the next caravan. 222


JulieFarkasAddiction JulieFarkasAddiction Neutral 50 This should have you cleaned up in no time. 223
JulieFarkasHeal JulieFarkasHeal Neutral 50 This should help with the pain. 224
JulieFarkasRads JulieFarkasRads Neutral 50 This should flush those rads out quickly. 225
VFSJulieFarkasHealPlayer VFSJulieFarkasHealPlayer Neutral 50 This will help with the pain. 226