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This is a transcript for dialogue with generic Caesar legionaries.


ObserveCombat ObserveCombat Neutral 50 {disparaging} They hardly even know how to fight. 1
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 {slight curiosity} Let them fight it out among themselves. 2
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 {disparaging} They hardly even know how to fight. 3
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 {slight curiosity} Let them fight it out among themselves. 4
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 {disparaging} They hardly even know how to fight. 5
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 {slight curiosity} Let them fight it out among themselves. 6


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 By {KAI-zar}Caesar's will. 7
Goodbye. Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 8
Goodbye. Neutral 50 {LATIN}{WAH-lay}Vale. 9
Goodbye. Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 10
Goodbye. Neutral 50 By {KAI-zar}Caesar's will. 11
Goodbye. Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 12
Goodbye. Neutral 50 {LATIN}{WAH-lay}Vale. 13
Goodbye. Neutral 50 By {KAI-zar}Caesar's will. 14
Goodbye. Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 15
Goodbye. Neutral 50 {LATIN}{WAH-lay}Vale. 16
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 {LATIN}{AH-way}Ave, true to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 17
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 18
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 19
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 20
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 21
Hello Neutral 50 {LATIN}{AH-way}Ave, true to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 22
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 23
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 24
Hello Neutral 50 {LATIN}{AH-way}Ave, true to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 25
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 26
Hello Neutral 50 True to {KAI-zar}Caesar. 27


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {LATIN}{AH-way}Ave. 28
GREETING Neutral 50 Move along. 29
GREETING Neutral 50 {Companion Reaction - Arcade}{pretending surprise}Imagine, a Follower brave enough to leave Freeside. 30
GREETING Neutral 50 {Companion Reaction - Rex}The dog is part-machine... but its brain is flesh. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 {Companion Reaction - Raul}{disgusted by ghoul's appearance}What a revolting sight. {incredulous}To call that a friend? 32
GREETING Neutral 50 {Companion Reaction - ED-E}That machine looks like a floating eye. I don't like it. 33
GREETING Neutral 50 {Companion Reaction - Lily}How does one get that blue monster to obey? 34
GREETING Neutral 50 {Legion victory}{proud} All that {KAI-zar}Caesar promised has come true. 35
GREETING Neutral 50 {Legion victory}{Ah-WAY, Ah-ME-cus} Ave, amicus. 36
GREETING Neutral 50 Look to Bitter Springs to see what happens to disloyal slaves. 37
GREETING Neutral 50 {Player killed President Kimball} Kimball's assassin is always welcome here. 38
GREETING Neutral 50 {Silus freed}The {Ken-TOO-ree-on} Centurion Silus will be punished for letting himself be captured. Coward. 39
GREETING Neutral 50 {Battle for Hoover Dam soon to begin}{Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS} Legatus Lanius is come. The battle for the dam will soon begin! 40
GREETING Neutral 50 {Late game begins}{Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS} Legatus Lanius draws near. The Profligates' days are numbered. 41
GREETING Neutral 50 {Elite Rangers have arrived}{trying not to sound worried} The black-armored Rangers are said to be fearsome in battle. 42
GREETING Neutral 50 {Elite rangers on the way} There have been sightings of Rangers in black armor, the best the Profligates have to offer. 43
GREETING Neutral 50 I wish I could hear the Profligates weeping over the explosion at McCarran! 44
GREETING Neutral 50 The Mark of {KAI-zar}Caesar protects you. 45
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mr. House Unplugged/Killed} The warlord House thought himself beyond {KAI-zar's}Caesar's reach. And now he is dead. 46
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caesar dead} The Legion will survive {KAI-zar's}Caesar's death. It must! 47
GREETING Neutral 50 {Player destroyed Securitron Army} I felt the earth shake when the evil below the Fort was destroyed! 48
GREETING Neutral 50 {Legion dogs killed} Our hounds were bred to kill. They are missed. 49
GREETING Neutral 50 {Nelson and Camp Forlorn Hope both wiped out} It's said that every living thing at Nelson and Forlorn Hope camp was killed. 50
GREETING Neutral 50 {Camp Forlorn Hope wiped out}{cheerful} I hear the Profligates at Forlorn Hope begged for their lives. 51
GREETING Neutral 50 {Nelson wiped out} The Legionaries at Nelson were killed to a man. No survivors. 52
GREETING Neutral 50 {Great Khans signed treaty with NCR} So frightened are the Profligates that they've begun signing treaties with primitive tribes! 53
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Watch yourself, Profligate. 54
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Hold your tongue, wastrel. 55
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Degenerates like you belong on a cross. 56
GREETING Anger 25 {Dislike}{contempt} Wretched Profligate. Try making some trouble. 57
GREETING Anger 25 {Dislike}{contempt} You belong on a cross, degenerate. 58
GREETING Anger 25 {Dislike} I'd rather kill you than talk to you. 59
GREETING Anger 50 {Hated} When the time comes, I'll be the one to kill you. 60
GREETING Anger 50 {Hated}{looking for an excuse to attack} Give me cause, Profligate. 61
GREETING Anger 50 {Hated} Attack me. Give me license to kill you. 62
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} You aren't trusted here, Profligate. 63
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed}{Scornfully} You serve yourself, not the Legion. 64
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} Why is your degneracy tolerated? 65
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} How are we to trust one such as you? 66
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child}{suspicious} Who knows what you'll do next? 67
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} You're a crazed one. I'll not talk to you. 68
GREETING Happy 25 {Somewhat liked} {Most idiots try to defy the Legion}You do well to serve the Legion. 69
GREETING Happy 25 {Somewhat liked}{Most are forced to serve} You're wise to serve the Legion by choice. 70
GREETING Happy 25 {Somewhat liked} You've proved yourself useful, at least. 71
GREETING Happy 50 {Liked} We each serve the Legion, in our way. 72
GREETING Happy 50 {Liked}{LATIN} Good to see you, {ah-ME-cus}amicus. 73
GREETING Happy 50 {Liked}{LATIN} {AH-way, ah-ME-cus}Ave, amicus. 74
GREETING Neutral 50 {Player killed President Kimball}{Officer} I've heard the stories of how you assassinated Kimball. It's all my Legionaries will about. 75
GREETING Neutral 50 {Late game begins}{Officer} {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius will arrive soon enough - and with him comes slaughter. 76
GREETING Neutral 50 {Middle game begins} {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius is known as the Monster of the East - a name he has earned many times over. 77
GREETING Neutral 50 {Elite rangers on the way}{Officer} The Legionaries fret like women over rumors of Rangers in black armor. 78
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caesar cured}{officer} Never once did I believe that {KAI-zar}was near death. I have friends in high places. 79
GREETING Neutral 50 {Rumors of Legion Veterans}{Officer} Soon the Legion's veterans will arrive from Arizona. Each has killed many times his number. 80
GREETING Neutral 50 {Nelson wiped out}{officer} Had I been the commander of our forces at Nelson, the town would still be ours. 81
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown}{Officer} Keep barking and I'll feed you to a dog. 82
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child}{Officer} You can't be trusted... but you're useful. 83
GREETING Happy 50 {Liked}{Officer} You serve the Legion well, {ah-ME-cus}amicus. 84
GREETING Neutral 50 {Elite rangers have arrived}{Veteran} I keep an eye out for Rangers in black armor. I haven't killed one yet. 85
GREETING Neutral 50 {Nelson wiped out}{veteran} Had the Legionaries at Nelson been more {beat}seasoned, we'd still hold the settlement. 86
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown}{Veteran} I know your kind. You die easily enough. 87
GREETING Neutral 50 {Legion Veterans arriving} Have you seen the Legion's veterans, arrived from Arizona? They are fearless! 88
GREETING Neutral 50 {Rumors of Legion Veterans} It's said the Legion's veterans will arrive from Arizona soon. They are a sight to behold. 89
GREETING Neutral 50 {Middle game begins} {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius is on the march. When he arrives, the real slaughter will begin. 90
GREETING Neutral 50 {Late game begins}{Veteran} I have fought beneath {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius many times. He cannot be defeated. 91
GREETING Neutral 50 {Battle for Hoover Dam soon to begin}{Veteran} Finally, the dam will be assaulted. {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius is come. 92
GREETING Neutral 50 {Player killed President Kimball}{Veteran}{recognizing player} Kimball's assassin. Nicely done. 93