{100}{}{You see Proconsul Gregory.}
{101}{}{You see a grim-looking bureaucrat with a narrow face and thick eyebrows.}
{102}{}{You see Proconsul Gregory.}
{103}{}{You see a grim-looking bureaucrat with a narrow face and thick eyebrows.}
{104}{}{For your act of bravery, you have been granted full access to Vault City. Oh... the First Citizen said she wanted to see you.}
{105}{}{An intruder! Guards! Guards!}
{106}{}{Wh-?! A mutant! GUARDS! GUARDS!}
{107}{}{Wh-? A ghoul! GUARDS! GUARDS!}
{108}{}{Good day, Captain.}
{109}{}{Vault City prevails, Captain.}
{110}{}{Good day, Citizen.}
{111}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{112}{}{Lists, lists, lists... how I love lists!}
{113}{}{Compile form 5632 into the list server...}
{114}{}{Make a list of lists 43A through 121B... then enter them into the List Archive...}
{115}{}{It's a beautiful day to be compiling lists.}
{116}{}{Still need to finish these lists before I retire for the evening...}
{117}{}{Come back in the morning. I should be done with these lists by then.}
{118}{}{Filthy mutant...}
{119}{}{I don't know how you became a Citizen. You're nothing but a mutant to me. If only someone would believe me...}
{120}{}{I don't know how you became Captain. You're nothing but a mutant to me. If only someone would believe me...}
{121}{}{I'm sorry... can I help you?}
{122}{}{Hep yew.}
{123}{}{Shamble off}
{124}{}{Who are you?}
{125}{}{Just looking around, thanks.}
{126}{}{Yet ANOTHER Servant that has strayed from his rounds?! I'll put Barkus on report if he keeps letting them wander about... now, you... Shoo! Shoo!}
{127}{}{SHOOT yew? Ok-ay.}
{128}{}{Shamble off}
{129}{}{*Tchh* Those Servants seem to get stupider every day.}
{130}{}{I am Proconsul Gregory. Is the office you were looking for, or...?}
{131}{}{"Proconsul?" What the hell is a "Proconsul?"}
{132}{}{What do you do here?}
{133}{}{Just looking around, thanks.}
{134}{}{I am the ASSISTANT to the First Citizen. I schedule her appointments, administer the Citizenship test to potential applicants, and update all the lists on the Vault City server. No small task, I assure you.}
{135}{}{The Citizenship test?}
{136}{}{Speaking of the Citizenship test, I want to take it again.}
{137}{}{Can I ask you some questions?}
{138}{}{I see. Well, I have to be going.}
{139}{}{Yes, there is the RIGHT way... you can become a Citizen by taking the Citizenship test.}
{140}{}{Yes, I am responsible for administering the Citizenship test to anyone who wishes to become a Citizen of Vault City.}
{141}{}{What is the test, exactly?}
{142}{}{I want to take the test again.}
{143}{}{What's the benefits of being a Citizen?}
{144}{}{Can I ask you some other questions?}
{145}{}{I see. Maybe we'll talk again later.}
{146}{}{Benefits? Why, look around you... Vault City is the safest, richest city in all the wastes. Citizens receive free medical treatment, food and water is plentiful, and there is no crime or disease to speak of.}
{147}{}{What is the test exactly?}
{148}{}{Sounds good. I'd like to take the test again.}
{149}{}{Can I ask you some other questions?}
{150}{}{I see. Maybe we'll talk again later.}
{151}{}{It is a comprehensive exam, divided into several parts...advanced mathematics, spatial relations, deductive reasoning, language comprehension... oh, and there is also a thorough physical examination.}
{152}{}{Wh... advanced math-ma-what? Uh, isn't there some object I can get or someone I can fight to get Citizenship?}
{153}{}{Sounds... complicated. Uh, can I take the test?}
{154}{}{Sounds difficult. I'd like to take the test, if I can.}
{155}{}{Sounds elementary. I'd like to take this Citizenship Test.}
{156}{}{You aren't testing the subject's visual acuity or logic skills? Hmmm. Well, perhaps you would consider revising this test in the future... after I take it.}
{157}{}{I see. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{158}{}{Interesting. Thanks for your time.}
{159}{}{Well, if you finish that task for the First Citizen she will give you your Citizenship, not that you'd deserve it. I suppose she has her reasons.}
{160}{}{No. If you wish to become a Citizen, you must take the test.}
{161}{}{You disapprove of her offering me Citizenship for that?}
{162}{}{I'll give the test a shot then.}
{163}{}{I'll give the test again, then.}
{164}{}{Hmmm. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{165}{}{Thanks for your time. Goodbye.}
{166}{}{You wish to take the test? Excellent, excellent! Nothing pleases me more than testing potential applicants...but I must warn you, the test is several hours long. Do you wish to take it now?}
{167}{}{Well, anyone may take the test. I think in your case, however, it would be a waste of time... for both of us. Someone of your caliber is simply not Citizen material.}
{169}{}{Not now. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{170}{}{Maybe some other time.}
{171}{}{I'd like to take the test anyway.}
{172}{}{Just give me the damn test.}
{173}{}{Forget it then. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{174}{}{Whatever. I'm outta here.}
{175}{}{Very well.}
{176}{}{Hmmm. Well, that is your right, though I doubt it will matter.}
{177}{}{Here are forms 5028, 6112, and the Pip Boy answer console. Please be sure to fill in each circle COMPLETELY. Now, if you would take a seat over here...}
{178}{}{All right.}
{179}{}{Finished already? Are you certain you don't want to double-check your answers?}
{180}{}{All right, time's up. Let's see your form.}
{181}{}{Already did. Here.}
{182}{}{Wait! Just a minute more... oh, forget it. Here.}
{183}{}{Hmmm... no, no... that's wrong... that's not right, either... a divide by zero error here... hmmm... needed to carry the two... oh my, your vocabulary is sadly lacking as well, I see.}
{184}{}{Let's see... I see you missed spotting the sub-derivative equation...and you missed the essential meaning of paragraph seven, both parts... and the pyramid in this diagram can be crossed eight times, not three.}
{185}{}{Well, the answers you DID manage to put down seem fine... it's the timeliness in which you took the test... and the glaring grammatical errors and...}
{187}{}{Well, I regret to inform you I cannot grant you Citizenship at this time.}
{188}{}{Frankly, you don't seem to have the intelligence necessary to grasp higher mathematics. }
{189}{}{If I may say so, your grasp of spatial relations borders on imperceptive.}
{190}{}{If I may say so, you don't seem to test well. Perhaps you'll have better luck next time.}
{191}{}{Maybe some other time then.}
{192}{}{Well, let's take a look... first, let's see if... oh, very good, I see you got that one, how about... why yes, you carried the two, very clever, very clever... but why did you... oh, you applied the derivative to #5... brilliant!}
{193}{}{Of COURSE it was brilliant.}
{194}{}{Why... you've passed! Congratulations.}
{195}{}{Great. So I'm a Citizen?}
{196}{}{Well, we still have to perform the physical examination. Fortunately, I have all the equipment right here. You might want to take off your boots.}
{198}{}{You... you have a sixth toe! You're a mutant! How dare you even TRY to become one of us... you... you abomination! Get out! Out! And never come back!}
{199}{}{Here comes the part when I lose my patience and kill every Citizen in Vault City for the fun of it. Starting with you.}
{200}{}{I'm leaving, I'm leaving!}
{201}{}{Your blood pressure looks good, no communicable diseases that I can find... congratulations, Citizen. Welcome to Vault City.}
{202}{}{Thanks. It's good to be here.}
{203}{}{You again. Can I help you?}
{204}{}{I suppose... what is it you would like to know?}
{205}{}{What is it you do here again?}
{206}{}{Can I take the Citizenship test?}
{207}{}{Can I take the Citizenship test again?}
{208}{}{What can you tell me about Gecko?}
{209}{}{Never mind. Maybe we'll talk again later.}
{210}{}{Well, if you finish that task for the First Citizen she will give you your Citizenship, not that you'd deserve it. I suppose she has her reasons.}
{211}{}{Is there another way to become a Citizen?}
{212}{}{You disapprove of her offering me Citizenship for that?}
{213}{}{Can I ask you some other questions?}
{214}{}{Hmm. Goodbye.}
{215}{}{It is not my place to question the First Citizen's actions.}
{216}{}{Is there another way to become a Citizen?}
{217}{}{Can I ask you some other questions?}
{218}{}{Never mind then.}
{219}{}{Gecko? It's a filthy shantytown to the north, inhabited by those creatures, those... "ghouls." They're responsible for poisoning our groundwater, you know! It's an obvious act of terrorism against Vault City!}
{220}{}{How are they poisoning the water?}
{221}{}{Hmmm. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{222}{}{Thank you, goodbye.}
{223}{}{Their shantytown is built around the remains of an old atomic power plant... a plant they SOMEHOW started up again and that is now leaking radiation! Those creatures need to be driven out and that plant shut down!}
{224}{}{Hmmm. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{225}{}{Thanks for the information. Goodbye.}
{226}{}{You have passed the Citizenship test and become a Citizen of Vault City.}