Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hello, hello! Welcome to Nukapedian of the Year!

As the holiday season begins, we will have our annual contest to show appreciation for those users who have had a great influence on the wiki. As many of you may remember from previous years, the Nukapedian of the Year is to be the user who has had the greatest positive influence on the wiki in the year 2015. The very idea of "positive influence" is open to interpretation, so its definition may vary between each user.

Here we have the first stage of the contest: nominations.

To nominate someone, post his/her username in a comment indicating a nomination, along with an optional reason, e.g.:

“I nominate __________, (optional:) for ___________.”

In order for your nomination to be approved, it must be seconded by a registered user in the community who has made at least one prior edit. To second a nomination, simply post a reply comment indicating so. Furthermore, anyone nominated must also accept the nomination by commenting and indicating so. If you wish to show support to a candidate who has already been nominated and seconded, you may still do so (although the amount of support in this stage does not affect the contest).

Additional rules:

  1. Each registered user can nominate only once but can second/show support for an unlimited number of users.
  2. Anonymous users may nominate but they may not second.
  3. A user may not nominate himself or herself.
  4. The most recent winner is not available to be nominated this year.

As host, I will not be up for possible nominations, nor will I be nominating or seconding anyone.

Nominations will be open for seven days. After nominations end, the qualified nominees will go to a voting stage, where the community will be able to select their top three. Another two users will be selected by the board to join them in the top five. Besides myself, this board will contain last year's winner, Peace'n Hugs, as well as three other users.

The board will then proceed to determine the final winner as well as runner-up, to be announced on New Year's Day.

That's it from me. Have fun!!! --Skire (talk)
