Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hello all,

This has been long overdue. As of right now, I am no longer an administrator at Nukapedia.

Attending university over a thousand miles away from home has meant that 1.) I cannot be up to date with the Fallout series (since I am a console-only gamer and my system is at home), and 2.) I no longer have the time to properly serve this community and carry out my duties as an administrator.

I have realised that it is simply irresponsible for me to hang on to these rights without actually using them. I check back occasionally to find a game I know next to nothing about, a community I have become unfamiliar with, and even new features that are foreign to me. So while I still might pop every once in a while, I won't be able to do so regularly.

My time here has been fantastic -- I've gotten to know many great people here while playing one of my favourite game series. Heck, I even wrote my college essay about my time here (seriously). In short, I would say that this wiki has had a major impact on my life.

So thank you, Fallout Wiki, for a wonderful half decade. --Skire (talk) 02:57, February 20, 2016 (UTC)
