Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I have created a bunch of Fallout 76 data dumps, which are available on GitHub. They include an exhaustive list of the game's ref IDs and a compilation of all in-game dialogue. The scripts that were used to create the dumps are also available in that repository.

There are two categories of dumps: tabular dumps, and wiki dumps:

  • Tabular dumps provide you with a simplified overview of the data, and can be used to quickly look up properties (e.g. the weight of an item) without having to scour through the game files. (See this page for tips on browsing CSV files.)
  • Wiki dumps show information as Nukapedia templates and are made to automate some of the more tedious searching work. A prime example is NOTE.wiki (the holotape dump) which allows you to copy and paste transcripts right onto the wiki.

More extensive information on using the dumps is available in the README and on the wiki on GitHub, but if you still have questions, remarks, or issues, you can always contact me using the comments below or on my talk page.
