This is a transcript for dialogue with Uncle Roe. |
CCDirCaravan | Where do the caravans set up? | Happy 10 | When they're in town, you can find the caravan trader out front of the town. | 1 |
Happy 50 | They say it's a good way to catch a visitor's eye. | 2 | ||
CCDirExit | That's all I need to know. | Happy 50 | Enjoy! | 3 |
CCDirFood | Where can I get some food? | Happy 25 | You'll want to talk with Joe Porter, over in Dot's Diner. | 4 |
Happy 50 | I don't know who Dot was, but I'm sure Porter's food does her memory proud! | 5 | ||
CCDirections | Can I get some directions around town? | Happy 50 | Glad to help, glad to help! | 6 |
CCFirstMeeting1A | Business. My business. So mind your own. | Surprise 50 | Understood, understood. A man doesn't get to be my age without learning when not to pry. | 7 |
Happy 25 | Long as your business doesn't hurt ours, you're welcome to stay. Otherwise... Well, there's no need to get into unpleasantness, is there? | 8 | ||
I'm all business. What types have you got to offer? | Happy 50 | Damn near all of 'em, depending on which caravan's in town! Guns, armor, food, junk, pretty much everyone swings by the old circle, eventually. | 9 | |
Happy 10 | Everyone but Slavers, that is. It's a hassle to transport their wares, as they say. Just as well, eh? Anything else I can do to welcome you to town? {Not entirely unsympathetic to the slavers} | 10 | ||
CCFirstMeeting1B | Pleasure's hard to come by out here. What's on tap? | Happy 50 | Most of the caravans that come through, their fondest desire is to spend a few days off the road and to get a full stomach. | 11 |
Happy 10 | We've got good food in the diner, and we try to keep it nice and peaceful here. When that's an option, of course. {Frustrated that it's not always an option.} | 12 | ||
CCFirstMeeting1C | My business and pleasure are the same. And you're not going to like either. | Anger 35 | In that case, perhaps you ought to leave town, stranger. | 13 |
Anger 25 | That'd save Dom the cost of ammo, and it'd save you the cost of being dead. Now, good day. {Projecting a tough facade.} | 14 | ||
Neither. Just wandering through, Roe. | Happy 50 | In that case, I'm sure you'll find it was providence that brought you here! | 15 | |
Happy 50 | Why, have a talk with any trader in town, and I'm sure you'll find just the thing you didn't even realize you needed! | 16 | ||
CCTownHistory1 | What can you tell me about Canterbury Commons? | Happy 50 | Hah! Damn near everything, I suspect! I founded the place myself, and I'm the reason this place stays fat and happy. {Bursting with pride} | 17 |
CCTownHistory2A | Why do the traders come here? | Happy 50 | Because I asked them to, I suspect. I grew up in these trade caravans; known most of them my whole life. | 18 |
Happy 25 | I founded this place with my sister Daisy, back in the day. Perfect stop along the caravan circuit. | 19 | ||
CCTownHistory2C | How organized are the traders? | Happy 25 | They're just small caravans that make rounds through the Wastes, hawking their wares from Paradise Falls to Rivet City. | 20 |
Happy 10 | They won't trade with anyone who's hit their friends, but that's about as organized as they get. | 21 | ||
How organized are the traders? | Happy 25 | Quite organized, now. Thanks to your guidance, of course! They still travel independently, but I keep track of their investments and such. | 22 | |
Happy 50 | They make more profits, and supplies get to those that need them most, so everyone wins. Such is the magic of economics! | 23 | ||
CCTownHistory2D | I think I get the picture. | Happy 25 | Anytime, my friend. I could talk about my little Canterbury 'till doomsday. | 24 |
Happy 50 | Course that came and went already, didn't it? {Jovial and joking} | 25 | ||
CCTrade | Anything to trade around here? | Happy 50 | You can usually find one of the trade caravans at the entrance to town. They come through every day or two. | 26 |
Happy 25 | Other than them, Porter's always got food for sale down at the diner. | 27 | ||
CCTradeArmor1 | Let's talk about armor. | Fear 15 | I'm afraid I haven't heard from Crow for a while, now. I'm afraid he may have fallen victim to foul play. | 28 |
Let's talk about armor. | Happy 25 | Our man Crow handles most armor and clothing out on the trail. | 29 | |
Happy 50 | He grew up a tribal, but he traded in his loincloth for much snappier apparel long ago. | 30 | ||
Let's talk about armor. | Happy 25 | What sort of clothing and armor would you like to see from Crow? | 31 | |
CCTradeArmorInvest1 CCTradeInvest1 |
He should expand his inventory. | Neutral 50 | It takes a fair amount of capital to expand into higher quality material, you know. | 32 |
Neutral 50 | Improving Crow's wardrobe would require a one-time investment of, say, 200 caps. | 33 | ||
He should expand his inventory. | Happy 25 | Crow's armor is already rather extensive, but I'm sure it could be even more impressive... for a one time investment of 500 caps. | 34 | |
He should expand his inventory. | Happy 25 | At this point, the merchandise of our man Crow is the best in the Wasteland. I fear it's beyond improvement with further investments. | 35 | |
CCTradeArmorInvest2A | Take my advice it can be done with only 100 caps. | Happy 25 | Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! | 36 |
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. | Happy 25 | Excellent! I'll send word to Crow right away. | 37 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. | 38 | |
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. | Happy 25 | Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! | 39 | |
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. | Happy 25 | Isn't it, though? I'll send this right along to Crow. | 40 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. | 41 | |
CCTradeArmorInvest2B | Not worth it. I'll pass. | Sad 5 | If you insist. | 42 |
CCTradeChems1 CCTradeSpec2C |
Let's talk about food and chems. | Fear 15 | I'm afraid the good doctor hasn't reported in for quite a while. Quite unfortunate, really. | 43 |
Let's talk about food and chems. | Happy 25 | Ah, then you'll be wanting Doc Hoff. Or "the good doctor," as he prefers. | 44 | |
Happy 50 | He prescribes everything from a good meal to stimpaks to things that'll make your brain get up and dance. | 45 | ||
Let's talk about food and chems. | Happy 25 | What sort of better living would you like from the good doctor's chemistry? | 46 | |
CCTradeChemsInvest1 CCTradeSpec1 |
He should expand his inventory. | Neutral 50 | The good doctor's lab equipment isn't cheap. It'll cost about 200 caps for him to offer higher quality material. | 47 |
He should expand his inventory further. | Happy 25 | At this point, it would be hard to improve Doc's medicine cabinet without a significant investment. | 48 | |
Happy 45 | Say, 500 caps should suffice for him to offer a whole cornucopia of pharmacopoeia. | 49 | ||
He should expand his inventory. | Sad 5 | As much as it hurts me to say it, there's really only so much that money can buy. The good doctor's supply cannot be improved at this point. | 50 | |
CCTradeChemsInvest2A | Take my advice, it can be done with only 100 caps. | Happy 25 | Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! | 51 |
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. | Happy 25 | Excellent! I'll send word to the good doctor right away. | 52 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. | 53 | |
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. | Happy 25 | Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! | 54 | |
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. | Happy 25 | Isn't it, though? I'll send this right along to him. | 55 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. | 56 | |
CCTradeChemsInvest2B | Not worth it. I'll pass. | Sad 5 | If you insist. | 57 |
CCTradeExit CCArmorExit |
That's enough about the traders. | Happy 50 | All right, you're the boss! | 58 |
CCTradeJunk1 CCTradeSpec2D |
Let's talk about odds and ends. | Fear 15 | No word from Crazy Wolfgang for some time now. With him, it could mean anything, but I don't have a good feeling about it. | 59 |
Do you have any traders that deal with miscellaneous goods? | Happy 25 | That'd be Crazy Wolfgang: he does repairs and general supplies. But he prefers to call himself a "junk dealer." | 60 | |
Disgust 10 | As he says, he's "overjoyed to assist those who have a deep need for his... junk." He's just like that. Says it catches people's attention. {Aware and mildly embarrassed by the innuendo.} | 61 | ||
Let's talk about odds and ends. | Happy 25 | I'm sure Crazy Wolfgang would be just delighted to hear we're discussing his junk. | 62 | |
CCTradeJunkInvest1 CCTradeSpec3A |
Can he offer a wider variety of junk? | Happy 50 | With an investment of about 200 caps, I'm sure he could improve the quality of his materials. Or at least, offer more of them. | 63 |
He should offer even more junk. | Happy 25 | At this point, it would require another pack brahmin to carry his wares. But for 500 caps, I think he could offer more. | 64 | |
He should expand his wares further. | Neutral 25 | At the moment, Wolfgang's practically carrying an entire junkyard with him. | 65 | |
Happy 25 | Anything more, and he'll have trouble with the "traveling" part of being a traveling salesman. | 66 | ||
CCTradeJunkInvest2A | Take my advice it can be done with only 100 caps. | Happy 25 | Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! | 67 |
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. | Happy 25 | Excellent! I'll see to it right away. | 68 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. | 69 | |
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. | Happy 25 | Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! | 70 | |
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. | Happy 25 | Isn't it, though? I'll inform Wolfgang immediately. | 71 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. | 72 | |
CCTradeJunkInvest2B | Not worth it. I'll pass. | Sad 5 | If you insist. | 73 |
CCTradeRepair | Can you repair something for me? | Neutral 50 | We used to have a better mechanic, but that didn't work out so well. I'll see what I can do. | 74 |
Can you repair something for me? | Happy 50 | I can give it a look, sure. | 75 | |
Can you repair something for me? | Happy 50 | I'll see what I can do. | 76 | |
CCTradeSpecExit CCTradeSpec2E |
Enough about that. | Happy 50 | Sure thing. Interested in any of the other traders? | 77 |
CCTradeWeapons1 CCBreakDeal3B |
Let's talk about weapons. | Fear 15 | Lucky Harith kind of dropped off the map. Or, knowing his wares, he may have burnt a whole straight through it. | 78 |
Let's talk about weapons. | Happy 50 | Then you'd be looking for Lucky Harith, adventurer, martial artist, and occasional collector of the most deadly items known to mankind. | 79 | |
Happy 25 | He's a bit of an eccentric, but he deals in more weaponry than you can shake a sharp stick at. In fact, he's probably got a sharp stick, too. | 80 | ||
Let's talk about weapons. | Happy 25 | What sort of death-dealing implements would you like to see from Harith? | 81 | |
CCTradeWeaponsInvest1 CCTradeSpec3B |
He should expand his inventory. | Neutral 50 | Harith's got quite a lot of weapons, but I'm sure he could improve his stock. An investment of 200 caps should see to that nicely. | 82 |
He should expand his inventory further. | Happy 10 | If Harith were a less-reputable man, I'm sure he could use his armory to collect even more weapons. | 83 | |
Happy 50 | But he's a merchant, not a raider, so it's legitimate means only. Like a legitimate investment of 500 caps. | 84 | ||
He should expand his inventory. | Happy 25 | That simply isn't feasible, I'm afraid. Harith's gear already rivals some mercenary armies - anything further would be asking for trouble. | 85 | |
CCTradeWeaponsInvest2A | Take my advice it can be done with only 100 caps. | Happy 25 | Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! | 86 |
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. | Happy 25 | Excellent! Harith will be delighted! He usually is by most things, really. | 87 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. | 88 | |
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. | Happy 25 | Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! | 89 | |
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. | Happy 25 | An investment in weaponry is usually returned in short order, after all. I'll inform Harith. | 90 | |
That's a good investment. | Sad 5 | Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. | 91 | |
CCTradeWeaponsInvest2B | Not worth it. I'll pass. | Sad 5 | If you insist. | 92 |
CCTraderBoss1 CCTraders1 |
Have you thought about organizing the traders into a unified group? | Surprise 10 | I had thought about it, but some of these Wasteland traders... well, they aren't exactly the organizational type. {Trying to be nice in his criticism, as a euphemism for "they're nuts"} | 93 |
Fear 5 | It'd take a pretty savvy businessman to make it worth their while to work together. Frankly, I'm not sure even I'm up to the task! | 94 | ||
Let's talk about the trade caravans. | Happy 50 | Sure thing! Which one would you like to talk about? | 95 | |
CCTraderBoss2A CCShopDeal2A |
Under my organization, they'd see better profits and more bargaining power. | Surprise 50 | My, my! When it comes to sales, I can see even I've got a few things I could learn from you! | 96 |
Happy 25 | Well, in that case, I can act as your representative to the caravans. They'll listen to me, and I'll listen to you. | 97 | ||
Neutral 50 | Just let me know what you suggest in the way of specialties, and I'll let them know to focus on that area. | 98 | ||
Working together would allow specialization in sales, for more reliable profits. | Surprise 25 | Hmm... I think you're right. And the specialization might play to their eccentricities. It could work! | 99 | |
Happy 25 | And I could act as their representative in this matter. Goodness knows, I've known them for years, so I should be able to speak for them. | 100 | ||
Neutral 50 | Just let me know what you suggest in the way of specialties, and I'll let them know to focus on that area. | 101 | ||
Oh, I'm sure a charismatic fellow like you can get them to follow your lead. | Surprise 50 | Madam, you flatter me! I'm but a humble man of this small community. {Flustered and flattered} | 102 | |
Happy 50 | But, since it's a trader community, I suppose I can call in a few favors with the caravans. I suppose I am rather persuasive in that way. | 103 | ||
Neutral 50 | So, you just let me know what you'd like to see from the caravans, and I'll let them know what to focus on. | 104 | ||
That's a real shame. I have all these caps, and nowhere to spend them... | Surprise 50 | That... That certainly is quite a lot of caps. It really would be a shame for those to go to waste, wouldn't it? {Palpable greed} | 105 | |
Happy 50 | I suppose I can call in a few favors with the caravans, talk with them about their inventory. Must keep the customers happy, right? {Palpable greed} | 106 | ||
Neutral 50 | So, you just let me know what you'd like to see from the caravans, and I'll let them know what to focus on. | 107 | ||
Couldn't they make more money if they worked together? | Fear 5 | Maybe, but if they were more closely organized, the costs of organization might outweigh the benefits. | 108 | |
Neutral 50 | The economics of this sort of trading operation can be rather more complex than your standard store in a settlement, sadly. | 109 | ||
CCTraderBoss2C CCBreakDeal2C |
I suppose you're right. Best to let them stay independent. | Happy 25 | I agree wholeheartedly. I'd hate to unduly burden a dedicated entrepreneur. | 110 |
GREETING | GREETING | Happy 50 | Are you all right? You aren't hurt, are you? I'd like to apologize for the rude welcome. Those two have been a bit of a, um, problem lately. | 111 |
Disgust 40 | Name's Roe. Uncle Roe, to most. Welcome to Canterbury Commons... for what that's worth. { } | 112 | ||
GREETING | Surprise 50 | Whew! You wouldn't believe how much trouble those two have caused in this town. We've been looking for someone to get rid of them for a long time. | 113 | |
Happy 50 | But you just walked in and cleaned up the town, easy as you please! We're in your debt, that's for sure. | 114 | ||
Happy 25 | I'm mayor of Canterbury Commons, think of me as your own Uncle Roe. And take this, as our thanks for cleaning up the town. {Warm and hearty} | 115 | ||
GREETING | Surprise 50 | Whew! You wouldn't believe how much trouble those two have caused in this town. We've been looking for someone to get rid of them for a long time. | 116 | |
Happy 50 | But you just walked in, downed one, and drove off the other, easy as you please! That'll be the last we see of them, you can be sure of that! | 117 | ||
Happy 25 | I'm mayor of Canterbury Commons, think of me as your own Uncle Roe. And take this, as our thanks for cleaning up the town. {Warm and hearty} | 118 | ||
GREETING | Happy 50 | Change your mind yet? You willing to help us deal with the AntAgonizer and Mechanist? {like a slick car sales man} | 119 | |
GREETING | Happy 50 | Ah, new in town? Welcome to Canterbury Commons, home of traders, home of caravaners, and most of all, home of excellent bargains! {A little like a ringleader of a circus} | 120 | |
Happy 25 | I'm Ernest Roe, but feel free to think of me as your jolly old Uncle Roe. What brings you to my fine, little town? Here for business, or pleasure? | 121 | ||
GREETING | Happy 50 | With all of that fighting, I never got to give you the official welcome to the town, did I? {A little like a ringleader of a circus} | 122 | |
Happy 75 | Welcome to Canterbury Commons, home of traders, caravaners, and most of all, of excellent bargains! Here for business or pleasure? | 123 | ||
GREETING | Happy 25 | What can old Uncle Roe do for you, today? | 124 | |
MS02AboutAntAgonizer | What can you tell me about the AntAgonizer? | Neutral 50 | One day there was a crazy woman leading a bunch of ants into town. She said humanity was dead and the ants would inherit the Earth. Stuff like that. | 125 |
Happy 25 | Well, that gave Dom plenty of time to line up a shot or two on the ants. She ran away, but every once in a while, she'd stage an "attack" again. {"attack" said jokingly, like it's a silly show} | 126 | ||
Happy 65 | She wasn't much of a threat, then. In fact, she was sort of entertaining, at first. Gave everyone in town something to talk about. | 127 | ||
Anger 35 | But when the Mechanist started fighting her, things got bad. Ants are easy to shoot, but add robots with lasers, and it got real nasty. | 128 | ||
MS02AboutMechanist | What can you tell me about the Mechanist? | Neutral 50 | The Mechanist used to be our town mechanic. Scott Wollinksi, quiet guy, but plenty fierce with a wrench and some solder. | 129 |
Disgust 50 | Guy used to take care of a robot that protected the town... until it got torn up in one of the AntAgonizer's lame little attacks. {A little sympathetic to the Mechanist's loss.} | 130 | ||
Sad 25 | I guess he took it personal, because he made a mechanical suit and called himself the Mechanist. Said he would lead a robot army to fight her. {A little sympathetic to the Mechanist's loss.} | 131 | ||
Neutral 50 | Now he doesn't even respond to his name, and his "robot army" is more dangerous to the town than the ants ever were. | 132 | ||
MS02AboutOther | Know anything else that could help me stop them? | Sad 10 | My nephew Derek might know more about them. I swear, it's all I can do to keep him from running into the fight whenever they come out. {trying to be polite but is done talking about it} | 133 |
Anger 50 | He might know more about where you can find them, but don't encourage the poor boy. He's had enough close calls! {sternly trying to protect the boy from getting caught up in trouble} | 134 | ||
MS02AboutSupers Do you know anything about the AntAgonizer or the Mechanist? |
Can I ask you more about the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist? | Happy 10 | If it'll help, I'm glad to. | 135 |
MS02AboutSupersExit | That's enough about them. | Happy 50 | I most heartily agree! | 136 |
MS02Greeting0a | What was all that about? Who were those people? | Happy 50 | The, um... Mechanist and the AntAgonizer. That's just what they call themselves. Ridiculous, I know... {A little embarrassed to say the names "Mechanist" and "AntAgonizer".} | 137 |
Neutral 50 | A while ago, we were attacked by the AntAgonizer - that woman with the ants, obviously. The Mechanist saved the town with his robots. | 138 | ||
Anger 25 | That was all well and good, but I swear their fights are getting bigger, and it's been driving off the merchants. They simply won't leave! | 139 | ||
MS02Greeting0b | You seem to be pretty calm, considering there was just war in your streets. | Anger 25 | That must be the twentieth time I've seen those two go at it. They're our problem citizens: the Mechanist and the AntAgonizer. {like a slick car salesman. A little embarrassed to say the names "Mechanist" and "AntAgonizer".} | 140 |
Neutral 50 | A while ago, we were attacked by the AntAgonizer that woman with the ants, obviously. The Mechanist saved the town with his robots. | 141 | ||
Anger 25 | That was all well and good, but I swear their fights are getting bigger, and it's been driving off the merchants. They simply won't leave! | 142 | ||
MS02Greeting0c | I'm just passing through. Don't bug me with your problems. | Fear 50 | Please, we really do need someone to stop the Mechanist and the AntAgonizer. We can pay! {A little desperate} | 143 |
Fear 65 | They've been using this town as their battlefield, and now some of the merchants are avoiding us! If something isn't done, the town will be ruined! | 144 | ||
MS02Greeting1a | I might be able to help. | Happy 50 | Oh that's terrific! I knew you'd help out. Knew it in my gut, and it's never steered me wrong on a deal, yet! {like a slick car salesman} | 145 |
Neutral 50 | Find where the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist hide, and convince them to stop or otherwise end their hostility, and you'll earn 200 caps. {like a slick car salesman} | 146 | ||
Neutral 50 | You only need to stop one of them, really. Nowadays, I think they only stay in Canterbury to fight each other. | 147 | ||
MS02Greeting1b | How much would a solution be worth to you? | Happy 50 | 200 caps, if you can find where the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist hide, and convince them to stop their rivalry or otherwise stop fighting. {like a slick car salesman "otherwise" is suggesting to kill them} | 148 |
Neutral 50 | You only need to stop one of them, really. Nowadays, I think they only stay in Canterbury to fight each other. So, what do you say? | 149 | ||
MS02Greeting1c | I don't give a damn. I'm interested in finding supplies. | Happy 10 | Well, I suppose that's something. Canterbury Commons is known for its trading supplies. For now, at least. {covering up for his disappointment that the player won't help them} | 150 |
Happy 25 | Enjoy your stay. But if you find yourself low on caps, my offer still stands. | 151 | ||
MS02Greeting2a | Double that, and you've got yourself a deal. | Surprise 50 | Hmm. You drive a hard bargain friend. But seeing how we haven't been able to solve the problem ourselves, fine. You got a deal. But I expect results! | 152 |
Happy 25 | Oh, and please, do try to use some discretion. We already have plenty of would-be heroes starting wars in our streets. We don't need another. | 153 | ||
MS02Greeting2b | I'll do it. | Happy 50 | Great! I'm relieved to know the situation will be quickly resolved. Let me know if I can be of assistance to you. {like a slick car sales man} | 154 |
Neutral 50 | Oh, and please, do try to use some discretion. We already have plenty of would-be heroes starting wars in the streets. We don't need another. {like a slick car sales man} | 155 | ||
MS02Greeting2c | Maybe later. I've got things to attend to. | Sad 10 | Fine. You're a man who puts his own business before that of others. I can understand that. But, if you change your mind. You let me know. {like a slick car salesman} | 156 |
MS02Job | You still offering that job? | Happy 50 | I sure am. Two hundred caps, if you can find where the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist hide, and get them to end their pointless fighting in town. {like a slick car salesman} | 157 |
Neutral 50 | You only need to stop one of them, really. Nowadays, I think they only stay in Canterbury to fight each other. So, what do you say? | 158 | ||
I took care of the Mechanist. There won't be any more fighting in the streets. | Happy 50 | Excellent! Without him, the AntAgonizer should be on her way, and Canterbury Commons is safe again! Relatively speaking, of course. {like a slick car salesman} | 159 | |
Happy 50 | Now, I do believe this is our agreed upon payment for your fine services rendered. Thank you, once again! | 160 | ||
I took care of the AntAgonizer. There won't be any more fighting in the streets. | Happy 50 | Excellent! Without her, the Mechanist should be on his way, and Canterbury Commons is safe again! Relatively speaking, of course. {like a slick car salesman} | 161 | |
Happy 50 | Now, I do believe this is our agreed upon payment for your fine services rendered. Thank you, once again! | 162 | ||
I took care of both of them. There won't be any more fighting in the streets. | Happy 25 | That's grand! I do believe it's fair to say you've saved Canterbury. And unlike that Mechanist, you did so with significantly less stress all around! | 163 | |
Happy 50 | Now, I do believe this is our agreed upon payment for your fine services rendered. And a little bonus, as a special thank-you! | 164 | ||
SpeechChallengeFailure | SpeechChallengeFailure | Surprise 50 | I'm afraid that won't do, friend. Are you sure you won't take the generous offer I've already made? {like a slick car salesman} | 165 |
CCGuardTalk1 | CCGuardTalk1 | Happy 50 | Good to hear it. I'm not giving up this whole "living" habit, not at my age. Keep it up. | 166 |
CCGuardTalk1 | Happy 50 | Well, you be sure to let us know when we are, all right? | 167 | |
CCMentor2 | CCMentor2 | Happy 50 | Well, have any big plans for the day? {A little desperate to get a response} | 168 |
CCMentor2 | Happy 50 | You never know what the day may hold, eh boy? {A little desperate to get a response} | 169 | |
CCMentor2 | Happy 50 | Well, no worries. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting, eh? But not too exciting, I hope! Ha! {A little desperate to get a response} | 170 | |
CCMentor2 | Happy 50 | Well, there's always tomorrow, isn't there? At least, one hopes, eh? Ha! {A little desperate to get a response} | 171 | |
GOODBYE | I have to go now. | Neutral 50 | Good luck with those two troublemakers. | 172 |
I'll be on my way. | Happy 50 | Be back soon! And bring more caps! | 173 | |
I have to go now. | Neutral 50 | I suppose there's no chance for a nice conversation today, is there. {A little crestfallen} | 174 | |
I have to go now. | Sad 5 | Yes, well... I guess there's always tomorrow. {A little crestfallen} | 175 | |
I have to go now. | Sad 5 | Well... Good talking with you, boy, as always. {A little crestfallen} | 176 | |
HELLO | HELLO | Happy 50 | Whatever you can do to help our town, we'd appreciate it. | 177 |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Town's a lot safer now. Thanks. | 178 | |
HELLO | Neutral 50 | Business is always welcome in Canterbury Commons. Even business with people like you. | 179 | |
HELLO | Anger 50 | We take property crime very seriously around here. I don't want to hear about any more trouble from you. | 180 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Hello, there! {Jovial} | 181 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | How do? {Jovial} | 182 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Morning, sleepyhead! Sleep well, boy? | 183 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Rise and shine! How was your night, my boy? | 184 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Day go well for you, my boy? | 185 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Evening! Get a lot of work done today, boy? | 186 | |
HELLO | Fear 10 | How're you doing, boy? Is everything all right? | 187 | |
HELLO | Happy 50 | Hello, Dom. Everyone behaving themselves? | 188 | |
HELLO | Happy 25 | Dom. Any news I should be worried about? | 189 |