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Me find village built in side of cliff wall. Chief come. She say name Alaya. She ask if me friendly. Me say yes. She invite me in so we talk more.

I came upon a village built in the side of a cliff wall. The village chief, Alaya, asked if I came as a friend. I answered yes and she invited me in to talk more.

Me find village built in side of cliff wall. Chief come. She say name Alaya. She ask if me friendly. Me say no. She tell me go away until friendly.

I came upon a village built in the side of a cliff wall. The village chief, Alaya, asked if I came as a friend. I answered no and she asked me to leave until I changed my disposition.

Alaya say Twin Mothers tribe have two chiefs. One man. One woman. Both do different things for tribe. If they no agree they work things out.

Alaya says that the Twin Mothers tribe actually has two chiefs, a man and a woman. Each chief has different duties that they perform for the tribe. The woman is the lawmaker and the man the provider.

Alaya say Twin Mothers peaceful. Tribe worship sun, moon, and goddess. Goddess name Diana.

Alaya says that the Twin Mothers are a peaceful tribe. They worship the sun, the moon, and a goddess named Diana.

Alaya say goddess Diana mother of all. She say me talk to shaman if me want know more.

Alaya says that the goddess Diana is the mother of all. I assume that she is referring to some sort of nature goddess. In any case, she recommended that I speak with the tribal shaman if I wanted to know more.

Me ask Alaya why tribe named Twin Mothers. She say everyone have two mothers. One make us baby. Other is world.

I asked Alaya about the Twin Mothers name. She says that the tribe believes that we all have two mothers. The first is our physical mother and the second is the Earth itself. Me ask Alaya about robots in village. She say they servants of goddess. She say they protect tribe from harm.

Eldron say Twin Mothers tribe have two chiefs. One man. One woman. Both do different things for tribe. If they no agree they work things out.

Me ask Eldron about tribe. He say they peaceful and simple. He no say more.

I asked Eldron about the Twin Mothers tribe. He said that they are a peaceful and simple people. He seemed unwilling to say more.

Me ask Eldron why tribe named Twin Mothers. He say everyone have two mothers. One make us baby. Other is world.

I asked Eldron about the Twin Mothers name. He says that the tribe believes that we all have two mothers. The first is our physical mother and the second is the Earth itself.


I asked Alaya about the security robots throughout the village. She didn't know what I was talking about until I called them metal men. She then told me that they are the servants of the goddess and the protectors of the tribe.

Me ask Alaya why robots no work. She say they stop when goddess stop talking to tribe. She say ask shaman if want to know more.

I asked Alaya why the security robots aren't working. She says that they stopped when their goddess stopped talking to the tribe. I asked her to explain but she said to speak with the tribal shaman if I wanted to know more.

Me ask Eldron about robots in village. He say they protect tribe from harm. He say no mess with them.

I asked Eldron about the security robots throughout the village. He said that they are the protectors of the tribe and not to be trifled with.

Me tell Eldron me know robots no work. He upset. Say me know too much.

I told Eldron that I knew that the security robots no longer functioned. He was upset by the fact and said I was too well informed.

Me tell Eldron me try fixt robots. He say he no ask me to do but he happy if me do.I told Eldron that I would try to repair the security robots. He said that he couldn't ask me to do so, but that he would be grateful if I could.

Me tell Eldron robots work. He happy.

I informed Eldron that the security robots function now. He was very happy about this.


Me ask Alaya for work. She say me guest and no have to work. She say to pick place to stay while me in town. Me can pick place near town square.

I asked Alaya if she had any work for me. She said that I'm a guest and don't have to work. Instead she asked me to pick out a place to stay while I'm in town. There are residences available by the town square.


I spoke with Alaya and asked her why she turned down Eldron's proposal. She said that she will not marry without the blessing of her goddess. Apparently the tribal shaman refuses to give it. Alaya did not ask why.

I informed Alaya that Helea, the shaman, gave her blessing. She is now free to marry Eldron. She was excited about the news and asked me to tell Eldron.

I asked Eldron if there was anything else that I could help him with. He said that he proposed marriage to Alaya but that she refused. He would like me to find out why. I said I would look into the matter.

I asked Eldron if there was anything else that I could help him with. He said that he proposed marriage to Alaya but that she refused. He would like me to find out why. I told him I don't want to get involved.

I told Eldron that Alaya refused his proposal because the shaman, Helea, refused to give the marriage her blessing. He accepted this in stride.

I told Eldron that I would speak with the shaman Helea about blessing his marriage to Alaya.

I told Eldron that I was able to get the shaman Helea to bless his marriage to Alaya. He was very pleased and asked me to tell Alaya.

I told Eldron that Alaya has accepted his proposal of marriage. Needless to say, he was pleased.


Me ask Eldron for work. He say me guest and he not supposed to mention raiders and giant bugs.

I asked Eldron if he had any work for me. He said that I was a guest and that it would be rude of him to mention the raiders and giant insects that plague the tribe.

Eldron say raiders take food from tribe. Big bugs take food too. Not enough food for tribe.

Eldron said that raiders are taking food from the tribe. He also said that giant insects are ravaging their crops. If this continues there will be a food shortage in the village.

Eldron say raiders make camp to east. Big bugs come from south.Eldron said that the raiders have set up a camp to the east of the village. The giant insects come from the south.

Me ask Eldron if there be more me help with. He say no. He say me no smart enough.

Me tell Eldron raiders dead. He no happy they dead but he happy they no more trouble.

Me tell Eldron raiders dead. He no happy they dead but he happy they no more trouble.

Me tell Eldron raiders no take more food. He happy.

I informed Eldron that the raiders will no longer take food from the tribe. He was happy.

Me tell Eldron big bugs dead. He happy.

I informed Eldron that the giant insects are dead. He was happy.


Me talk to Hellea. She shaman of Twin Mothers. She healer for tribe.

I spoke with Helea, the shaman of the Twin Mothers. She said that she is the healer for the tribe.

Helea say goddess Diana teach her to be shaman. Me think she tell joke but she say no.

Helea told me that the goddess Diana taught her the healing arts.

I thought she was speaking metaphorically but she claims to have met the goddess personally.

Me ask Helea if me buy healing stuff. She say she no need money. She give healing stuff.

I asked Helea if I could buy healing potions from her. She said that she had no use for money. She did, however, give me some healing ointments.

Me ask Helea why tribe named Twin Mothers. She say everyone have two mothers. One make us baby. Other is world.

I asked Helea about the Twin Mothers name. She says that the tribe believes that we all have two mothers.

The first is our physical mother and the second is the Earth itself. Me ask Helea about Daughter name Ruth. She say Daughters steal babies. They make tribes weak by giving back sick babies. They make Daughters strong by keeping good babies.

I asked Helea about the Daughter named Ruth. She said that the Daughters are stealing strong babies from the tribes and replacing them with sick ones. They are trying to weaken the tribes while bolstering their own people.

Me ask Helea about goddess. She say nature stuff.I asked Helea about the goddess of the Twin Mothers. She sounds to me like a typical nature or fertility goddess.

Helea upset about goddess. She say goddess no longer speak to her. She say goddess used to come to temple but she not do now. Temple near village square.

Helea is upset about the tribal goddess. She says that the goddess no longer speaks to her when she calls her. I asked her about this and she claims that the goddess would come to the temple when she called. Alaya and Eldron, the chiefs of the tribe, live in the temple. It is near the village square.

I asked Helea why she would not bless Alaya's marriage to Eldron. She said that they share a defect that makes them nearly sterile. She is afraid that, if they were to have children, this defect could be passed on and endanger the tribe.

I tried to convince Helea to bless Alaya's marriage to Eldron. She refused.I tried to convince Helea to bless Alaya's marriage to Eldron. I was successful and she has given her blessing.


Me meet Daughter of Hecate at Twin Mothers. Her name Ruth.

I meet a Daughter of Hecate at the Twin Mothers. Her name is Ruth.

Ruth say she no longer Daughter. She quite cause she lose faith. She say she saw goddess Diana.

Ruth told me that she is no longer a Daughter. She lost her faith when she saw the goddess Diana.

Ruth say she do evil, but she no tell me what. She say to ask shaman, Helea. She tell her all.

Ruth said that she has done some evil things, but she would not tell me exactly what. She said to ask the shaman, Helea. Apparently she confessed to her.

Me tell Ruth me speak with Helea about her. She answer questions now.I told Ruth that I spoke with Helea about her. She was a lot more open and willing to answer questions.

Me ask Ruth about Hecate. She say Hecate die and go to paradise. She become goddess and come back.

I asked Ruth about Hecate. She said that Hecate died, went to paradise, and then became a goddess. She returned to earth to pass on 'gifts' to her people.Me ask Ruth why Hecate weaken tribes. She say Hecate make her people strong cause they chosen. Hecate not care about other tribes.

I asked Ruth why Hecate is weakening the tribes. She said that Hecate is making her people strong to better their chance of survival. Unfortunately she is doing this at the expense of the other tribes.

Me ask Ruth where me find Hecate. She say Hecate live in city named Ouroboros. She mark on map.

Me ask Ruth where me find Hecate. She say Hecate live in city named Ouroboros. She mark on map.


Me meet computer machine name Zax-29.

I met an artificial intelligence by the name of Zax-29.

Me ask Zax-29 who boss of Twin Mothers. He say goddess Diana boss.

I asked Zax-29 who was in control of the Twin Mothers area. He said the goddess Diana assumed control.

Me ask Zax-29 who is goddess Diana. He say he no know. He say he no think she goddess though.

I asked Zax-29 who exactly the goddess Diana is. He said he doesn't know, but he has doubts that she's a trued deity.

Me ask Zax-29 where me find Diana. H say she in high security place name Nursery. He no know where Nursery is. It secret for security.

I asked Zax-29 where I could find Diana. He says that she is in a high security installation known as the Nursery. He doesn't know the Nursery's location for security reasons.

Me ask Zax-29 how me find Nursery. He say me may be able to guess from other sources.I asked Zax-29 how I could locate the Nursery. He suggested that it may be possible to extrapolate its location from other sources.

Me ask Zax-29 how he get orders. He say there is satellite dish in Twin Mothers area.

I asked Zax-29 how he gets his orders. He said that there is a satellite dish somewhere in the Twin Mothers area.

Me ask Zax-29 what going on in Twin Mothers area. He say they experiment. He say... stuff.

I asked Zax-29 what is going on in the Twin Mothers area. He said that they are a behavioral experiment that was started before the war. Someone felt that a society that was not dependent upon technology would have a better chance of surviving the war and not reverting to savagery.

Me ask Zax-29 why robots in village no work. He say goddess Diana control them but she no talk now.

I asked Zax-29 why the robots in the village no longer work. He said that they are under the control of the goddess Diana and that communication has been lost with her.

Me ask Zax-29 if he fix robots. He say he could so me tell him to do.I asked Zax-29 if he could activate the security robots. He said that he could so I told him to do so.

Me ask Zax-29 if he fix robots. He say he could if me tell him do so. Me think about it.

I asked Zax-29 if he could activate the security robots. He said that he could if I told him to do so. I'm thinking about it.


Me talk to Burk at raider camp.

Me find out he boss.

I spoke with Burk at the raider camp. He says that he is the leader of the raiders.

Me talk to Burk at raider camp. He say it true that he be boss.

I spoke with Burk at the raider camp. He confirmed that he is the leader of the raiders.

Me ask Burk if he take food from natives. He say natives give food so he no have to take. He agree to stop.

I asked Burk if he was taking food from the natives. He said no, the natives offered him food and he accepted. He agreed to stop, however.

I tried to convince him to change his mind but he refused.

Me ask nice, but he still say no.

Me ask Burk why he here. He no say.

I asked Burk why he was here. He said it was none of my concern.

Me ask Burk why he here. He say there may be vault here.

I asked Burk why he was here. He said that there may be a vault here, somewhere in this canyon.

Me tell Burk about Trisha and disk. He no happy with Trisha.

I informed Burk about Trisha and the disk she asked me to deliver. He isn't very happy with Trisha right now. He said he will deal with her later.

Me tell Burk that Sharon want Trisha dead.

I informed Burk that Sharon wants Trisha dead. He said he was pretty tired of their bickering and that he would handle the matter.


Me ask gang member Sharon who boss. She say Burk.

I asked one of the gang members named Sharon who was the boss. She said a man named Burk is in charge.

Me ask Sharon about gang. She say gang name Scorpion's Bite. Gang use bug poison.

I asked Sharon to tell me about her gang. She said they are called Scorpion's Bite because they use scorpion poison on their weapons.

Me ask Sharon about camp site. She say she no nothing. Boss say no wander around. She say natives no come here. They say forbidden.

I asked Sharon about the area where the raiders set up camp. She said she knows nothing about it. They've been told not to wander around. She did mention that the natives say they are forbidden to come here.

Me ask Sharon about raiders take native food. She say go talk to boss.

I asked Sharon about the raiders taking food from the natives. She admitted they are but said to talk with the boss.

Sharon want Trisha dead. Me say me kill for her.Sharon wants Trisha dead. I told her I'd kill her for her.

Sharon want Trisha dead. Me say me no kill her.Sharon wants Trisha dead. I told her I wouldn't kill her.

Sharon say she no trust me to kill Trisha. She say me... moron.

Sharon said she would pay me five hundred caps to kill Trisha and make it look like an accident. I agreed to do it.

Sharon said she would pay me five hundred caps to kill Trisha and make it look like an accident. I said I'd think about it.

I told Sharon that Trisha is dead and I wanted my caps.

She paid up.


Me ask gang member Trisha who boss. She say Burk.

I asked one of the gang members named Trisha who was the boss. She said a man named Burk is in charge.

Me ask Trisha about gang. She say gang name Scorpion's Bite. Gang use bug poison.

I asked Trisha to tell me about her gang. She said they are called Scorpion's Bite because they use scorpion poison on their weapons.

Me ask Trisha about camp site. She say she no nothing. Boss say no wander around. She say natives no come here. They say forbidden.

I asked Trisha about the area where the raiders set up camp. She said she knows nothing about it. They've been told not to wander around. She did mention that the natives say they are forbidden to come here.

Me ask Trisha about raiders take native food. She say go talk to boss.I asked Trisha about the raiders taking food from the natives. She admitted they are but said to talk with the boss.

Me ask Trisha for work. She ask me take disk to Caesar's Legion agent in Dogtown. Dogtown northeast.

I asked Trisha for work. She asked me to deliver a holodisc to an agent of Caesar's Legion. She says there's one in Dogtown. Dogtown is northeast of here.

Trisha say disk worth thousand caps to Legion. Me can ask for caps when deliver it. She also say me have her if me bring proof me deliver.

Trisha said the holodisc is worth a thousand caps to the Legion. I can ask for that much when I deliver it. She also said that I could have her if I brought back proof that I delivered it.

Me ask what on disk. Trisha say lots of information about natives and area. She sell them out to Caesar's Legion.

I asked Trisha what is on the holodisc. She said its detailed information about the Twin Mothers area. It sounds like she is selling the natives out to Caesar's Legion.

Me told Trisha me deliver disk.I told Trisha that I'd deliver the disk.

Me tell Trisha me think about deliver disk.I told Trisha I'd think about delivering the disk.

Me tell Trisha me deliver disk.I told Trisha I'd deliver the disk.

Me give Trisha proof me deliver disk. Me go to tent with her and make fun!

I gave Trisha proof that I delivered the holodisc. We went to a tent afterwards and had some fun.

Me give Trisha proof me deliver disk. She want go to tent for fun but me tell her she no have to.

I gave Trisha proof that I delivered the holodisc. She offered to take me to a tent for payment, but I told her she didn't have to.
