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He's a skittish little fucker. Spends half the day pumping his body full of chems and the other half pumping hookers with his willy.Cachino on Troike

Troike is a smuggler staying in the Gomorrah casino in 2281.


Troike employs his contacts to smuggle guns bypassing the Strip's security into the casino for the Omertas.[1] He has corrupt NCR soldiers smuggling weapons into the Strip, packed in crates disguised as food and medical supply shipments and this has resulted in the accumulation of an extensive stockpile of weapons stored in the hotel's basement.[2][3]

Troike is initially reluctant to reveal any information about the Omertas, following an incident where he blacked out after taking chems and woke up next to a deceased sex worker, covered in blood.[4] He mentions that this was unusual, as he never had blacked out from chems previously.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • How Little We Know: Troike is one of the two specialists who are crucial to Big Sal and Nero's plans, and who Cachino tasks the Courier with investigating. He can either be freed from his contract to help Cachino overthrow the bosses, or assisted by finding a missing shipment of weapons to help the Omertas proceed with Operation Racket.
  • For the Republic, Part 2: After convincing Troike to help take down the Omertas, he will eventually suggest using thermite to destroy the Omertas' weapons cache.

Effects of player's actions[]

If the player character passes a 75 Speech check when talking to Troike about using thermite in the gun room, he can be persuaded to plant the thermite himself. The Courier will then have to leave the casino and once they have returned, Cachino will tell them the Omertas caught Troike burning the guns and that he was shot in the head for doing so, and that Troike had mentioned that the Courier was involved.[5]

  • Otherwise, Troike will flee Gomorrah after he gives the thermite, traveling to a marker on the road southeast of Ranger Station Charlie, and will be disabled after the weapons are destroyed and the Courier reports this to Cachino.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Merc grunt outfit Gomorrah utility room key

Notable quotes[]


Troike appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Where do the guns come from?"
    Troike: "I've made lots of contacts over the years. I have some friends back in California that can get their hands on just about anything. Mostly I've been calling in every last favor I have."
    (Troike's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "How are you getting the weapons into the strip?In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar"
    Troike: "I'm pretty proud of myself. It's a stroke of genius, if I can be so modest. The whole arrangement starts with an old buddy of mine in the Republic. He's responsible for packing and shipping supplies to the NCR on the Strip. He marks some containers as food and medical and packs them with guns and other shit. From there it just took a couple greased palms to get someone to let me cherry pick a container or two out of every shipment. Easy as pie."
    (Troike's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Okay, so what can you tell me about the guns the Omertas have?"
    Troike: "They're keeping them in a little utility section down off the basement. I don't know what they're arming themselves for, but I know it isn't for the good of mankind."
    (Troike's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "Tell me what happened with the prostitute."
    Troike: "Oh man, I don't even like to think about it. All that goddamn blood. It was just in the hotel like any other night. I took some chems with the girl I was with, but I never black out. I did this time though. Next thing I knew I woke up and she was lying next to me stabbed dead. There was a knife next to the bed and I was covered in her blood."
    (Troike's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Troike destroyed the guns for me."
    Cachino: "Yeah, poor fucker got himself caught after he melted all the guns. Bastard mentioned your name before they shot him in the head. Now the bosses want to see you."
    (Cachino's dialogue)