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The traitor's notes are three paper notes in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.


All notes can be acquired from raider bosses during the Opposing Gangs random encounter.

  • Disciple note carried by a Disciple boss.
  • Operator note carried by a Operator boss.
  • Pack note carried by a Pack boss.




This is bullshit. We got some total stranger as Overboss, thanks to that asshole, Gage, and Nisha doesn't give a rat's ass about it. The Disciples should be running Nuka-World, not some no-name wastelander. If Nisha can't see that, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I got enough people that'll back me on this. And once I've gutted our new "Overboss"... Nisha's next.


Traitor's note Operator

This is bullshit. We got some total stranger as Overboss, thanks to that asshole, Gage, and Mags and William don't give a rat's ass about it. The Operators should be running Nuka-World, not some no-name wastelander. If they can't see that, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I got enough people that'll back me on this. And once I've put our new "Overboss" in the ground... Mags and William are next.


Traitor's note Pack

This is bullshit. We got some total stranger as Overboss, thanks to that asshole, Gage, and Mason don't give a rat's ass about it. The Pack should be running Nuka-World, not some wasteland breeder. If Mason can't see that, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I got enough people that'll back me on this. And once I've put our new "Overboss" down... Mason's next.
