A toy rocketship is a junk item in Fallout 4.
A small toy rocketship, made of aluminum and with a plastic shell. Its color is red, with yellow triangles on the bottom.
The toy rocketship can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting:
Materials: | Requirements: | Produces: | ||
Toy rocketship (1) | Aluminum (1) Plastic (2) |
Closest map marker | Quantity | Description |
Commonwealth Bank | 2 | |
Trinity Church | 2 | |
Revere Beach station | 2 | |
Warwick homestead | 2 | One is next to a few other toys on the floor inside the south end of the central building. The other is outdoors, strapped to a toy alien underneath a metal walkway near a vat by the abandoned part of the facility. Both are marked as owned. |
Old North Church | 1 | Inside the Boxing gym unmarked location to the northwest. |
Suffolk County Charter School | 1 | In a trash heap on the roof of the school. Only accessible via the jet pack power armor modification. |
Old Gullet sinkhole | 1 | On the second floor of the house across from the boarded-up restaurant with a hanging waffle sign. |
Parsons Creamery | 1 | Next to a mattress and other toys on the second level of the creamery. |
Corvega assembly plant | 1 | On a wall shelf on the second floor of the dilapidated Radroach-infested house west of the assembly plant. |
West Everett Estates | 1 | On a dresser in the yellow house closest to the water tower. |
Natick Banks | 1 | In front of a dresser on the second floor of the house west of the Red Rocket filling station. |
Quincy ruins | 1 | On a dresser on the top floor of the gun shop. |
Gunners plaza | 1 | On a dresser on the second floor of the flooded two-story house south of the plaza. |
Federal supply cache 84NE | 1 | On top of a console tower inside the bunker at the south end. |
Andrew station | 1 | Next to a toy car and ammo box on the floor of a raider shack built into one of the caved-in tunnels in the first section of the subway sub-level. |
ArcJet Systems | 1 | Being "ridden" by a toy alien atop a filing cabinet. |
Nakano residence | 1 | On a bookshelf in Kasumi's bedroom. |
National Park HQ | 1 | Behind the counter of a Red Rocket filling station down the road to the southwest. |
Far Harbor | 1 | On a shelf outside The Last Plank where Small Bertha and Tony sleep. Marked as owned. |
Radiant crest shrine | 1 | On a dresser in the nursery of the home west of the statue in the cul-de-sac southeast of the shrine. |
Southwest Harbor | 1 | On a bottom shelf in the Red Rocket filling station ENE of the harbor. |
National Park visitor's center | 1 | On a wall shelf in the gift shop. |
Harbor Grand Hotel | 1 | "Crashed" in a small crater at the beginning of the road leading up to the old pond house. |
Waves Crest Orphanage | 1 | In the nursery on the second floor of the house to the southwest. |
Children of Atom shrine | 1 | On a table next to two nuclear waste barrels on the west side of the facility. |
Northwood Ridge Quarry | 1 | Sitting next to a toy alien on a couch in a two-story house WNW of the quarry. |
Safari Adventure | 1 | On a counter at the concession stand to the left of the park's main entrance. |
Nuka-Town USA | 1 | On a counter in the boarded-up gift shop by The Parlor. It is accessible via the back alley on the right side when exiting Cola-cars arena for the first time. |
Vault-Tec: Among the Stars | 2 | |
Dry Rock Gulch | 2 | One is at the top of the tallest mountain in the park, reachable by using the mine cart roller coaster and a jet pack. The other is in a trash mound outside the park's east entrance. |
Poseidon Energy's sublevels
The toy rocketship at Dry Rock Gulch