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Hello, miss. I am Ton, 2,000 pounds of the Master's toughest fighter. I have also been evolved by the FEV into something that you need to check out. Let's get it on, baby.

Ton Barracus[1] is a member of the Children of the Cathedral in 2161.


According to Ton, his name is derived from the fact he weighs 2000 lbs (precisely one ton) due to the effects of FEV. He is the enforcer of the Cathedral, and often goes on excursions to kill Followers of the Apocalypse and "other gang types," although he was a former member of the Dead Dog gang himself.

A huge ganger in the employ of the cult, Ton is an egotistical character who makes a variety of claims, the most ridiculous of which is that he weighs one ton (thus the name) and that he was evolved by FEV into the Master's most accomplished warrior. Sifting through his lies and fabrications, it's rather evident that he's just a raider (formerly of the Dead Dog gang[2]), who got lucky and survived one of the stages of initiation into the higher echelons of the Cathedral ranks.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

If approached by a female, he will use cheap pick-up lines relating to the effects of how "huge" he is. This can be used to coax information out of him.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Leather armor (not lootable) Ripper
COC badge (red)
Bottle cap x132
Stimpak x2

Notable quotes[]

  • "I do my job. They like it when I do my job. They like it when street trash and Followers stop breathing. It lets the Nightkin do other things. Don't mess with me . . . it ain't healthy."
  • "Hello, miss. I am Ton, 2,000 pounds of the Master's toughest fighter. I have also been evolved by the FEV into something that you need to check out. Let's get it on, baby."
  • "Hello. I've been evolved by the FEV so that anyone that annoys me dies. Stop annoying me, little man."
  • "These people, these zombies, weren't always like this. I could even stand a few of them. Then they got converted. Some of them came out like this. Some of them didn't come out at all. Ton doesn't like it, but these people pay Ton well."


Ton appears only in Fallout.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Ton's claim about his weight and name applies only to the U.S. standard ton. Metric tons are equal to approximately 2,205 lbs (1000 kg).
  • His name seems to be a reference to Thon Taddeo from A Canticle for Liebowitz, especially given that he is standing next to Sister Francis, named for the novel's first protagonist, Brother Francis.


  1. Ton Barracus: "{134}{}{Hello, miss. I am Ton, 2,000 pounds of the Master's toughest fighter. I have also been evolved by the FEV into something that you need to check out. Let's get it on, baby.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{136}{}{That's a little too fast. Let's get to know each other first.}"
    Ton Barracus: "{178}{}{Life is too short for that. Let me show you why you don't want to wait.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{179}{}{But I want someone who knows what's going on.}"
    Ton Barracus: "{214}{}{Well baby, what's going on is that there are a lot of zombies chanting, a lot of people dying and the Children are going to take over everything. And there's you and me and nothing else matters!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{215}{}{But Barracas, darling, surely there's more going on than that . . .}"
    Ton Barracus: "{219}{}{Unfortunately, this is the worst place on earth to experience what Ton does best. Too many zombies cramp my style. I'll let you know when I think about some place more convenient . . .}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue) Note: These lines are spoken if the player character is female.
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{189}{}{Tell me more about your posse.}"
    Ton: "{231}{}{I used to be with the Dead Dog gang. Always hungry, always tired. This place is much better for Ton. Why should I worry about anyone else? Nobody ever worry about me.}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)