Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Holy Flame commands that I heal people. Its wisdom is incontrovertible, so I obey. I have already learned much about the world beyond the Cathedral."
"That must be some flame!
— Thorndyke and the Vault Dweller

Thorndyke is a healer for the Children of the Cathedral and is stationed in the southern district of the Hub in 2161.


He is a member of the Children of the Cathedral and acts as a doctor. He is very loyal to Jain and will obey her commands.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
This character is a doctor.



Apparel Weapon Other items
Doctor outfit

Notable quotes[]

  • "The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again."
  • "The Holy Flame commands that I heal people. Its wisdom is incontrovertible, so I obey. I have already learned much about the world beyond the Cathedral."
    "That must be some flame!
    " – Thorndyke and the Vault Dweller
  • "Alas, your injuries may be beyond my ability to cure. It is said that the Holy Flame can guide those who are cursed with idiocy and lead them to redemption; I shall pray for you."
  • "Poor creature. A beast with your low intellect would be a challenge even for the healing powers of the Holy Flame. Get out of here..."
  • "The Holy Flame is a metaphor for the death of the old world and the beginning of the new. It is the power of life and death. What is more worthy of worship than that?"


Thorndyke appears only in Fallout.

Fallout and Fallout 2 merchants and doctors