The lone vulture is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.
The note can be found at the Aquarium of the Atlantic, on a window ledge near Mother Charlotte in the VIP section of the Triton Restaurant.
A vulture has come to my city. He does not kill, but shepherds prey to their death. For what feast would there be in a quick and easy demise? No... For him, the feast is their struggle. Dessert is when the last glimmer of hope leaves their eyes.
He has yet to find his place. It's different here in the city, where a semblance of order keeps the ignorant populace at peace. Yet he has come here, and thus with a reason. Searching, yearning... for a nest to call his own.
Mother welcomes you, my child. This world would call you a monster. I would call you my own. I would give you a calling. Do you hear me, child? In destruction there is creation! Direct your impulses; channel them toward a higher pursuit! I can see the shape of it now... A venue for others like you, others with hunger. A place for them to be free!
In this, you shall never be alone again.
Mother welcomes you home, sweet Veracio.